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Thomas Kirby

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Everything posted by Thomas Kirby

  1. I already told you my solutions. They are good enough.
  2. You are so completely full of shit.
  3. There is not one shred of credible evidence for this theory. The world needs to get its head out.
  4. I will try again: Law enforcement and legislators feed from the sexual predator phenomenon. We think of them as our protectors. We should understand what they do and identify law enforcement and legislators as the offenders they are, and stop them from feeding and being dependent on the sexual predator phenomenon. Nothing else will work.
  5. No one is going to be able to cure AIDS who believes that it is caused by a virus whether the virus is retro or totally modern. Selenium and vitamin C are pretty nearly all that someone needs to "rebuild an immune system that has been ravaged by AIDS." The drugs are poison and the pharmaceutical companies know it.
  6. Reality is this: The people who feed off of the sexual predator phenomenon are the ones who make it happen. The answer to the question is that we stop letting them do it whatever it takes. We don't identify the people who do it as offenders. Too often we identify them as our protectors. We need to identify them as offenders and look for our protection elsewhere.
  7. If the use of violence, police, or military is not the last resort, then no one ever learns what else works. We've also lost sight of the fact that when someone "in authority" just "decides" to skip ahead and use damaging methods to deal with a problem, not only have they done something stupid, they have committed an offense. This offense is a violent type of offense. Most of us have lost the ability to be horrified by this. Either I am unable to lose this horror, or no matter what I do, there is some subtle program to force me to relive this horror over and over again, the way I have had to relive my death over and over again. The latest thing that "authority" did to me to force me to relive the worst fears and pains of my existence was very personal. It was very much on purpose. It was even destructive to their own interests. It is just plain idiotic to disable a person who is needed to keep the product moving. Whether you want to call it resentment, or whatever you want to call it, I somehow have been saddled with the need to attempt to take guns (hand grenades, nuclear weapons, seltzer bottles) from the hands of idiots and killer klowns. If I am going to be powerless without the ability to use violence against them, then I am just going to be powerless. If they wish to continue to waste my time, use up my life energy, and make me feel pain because they know that I won't harm them, well, we've got problems. I might just wait to take out the person who does go mad and firebomb them until just after he does it. Had they left me with wits and energy intact, and I am speaking metaphorically, I might just have been able to catch him before he struck a match. Not my fault, they chose the competency level that they would bring me to. And if they label me as some kind of psychopath then deliberately do everything that they can get away with to make me feel pain and fear, they are just sick, sad, and unsuited for any kind of personal freedom. Yes, I equate this kind of person with the kind of person who "decides" who is a sex offender and what to do about them. They started on me when I was six years old. I was a sex offender in what passes through their minds then, because I was a faggot. Don't apply the "rational person" fallacy here. Either they are incapable of rationality, or they deliberately use irrational premises to base their judgements of people on. In neither case do they have the ability to be right about anything. I can't accept anything as an excuse for such behavior anymore. They use this to damage everyone who isn't somehow just right according to their "standards." Judging by their behavior, the "standards" that these people adhere to are well beneath contempt and even further beneath consideration as any model of a decent human being. What they want to impose upon us, force upon us on pain of death, is a standard that is far lower than what we are capable of if we are not "policed." It leads me to the conclusion that the purpose of ruling us is to degrade us. It isn't a secret. It's a mental blind spot, but it isn't a secret.
  8. "A" keyboard isn't that hard to find. I don't know where I would get one that is the size and shape of the one on the TI 86 graphing calculator.
  9. Yet he isn't smart enough to know that AIDS is a fraud.
  10. Becoming the police isn't going to make it better. The police fix things by breaking things. We actually rate them like an army, according to how many taxpayer dollars they spend destroying lives. The whole solution is contained in learning to build, not destroy. When a mother, a teacher, or a manager at a stupid fast food franchise has no idea how to build a person except to threaten, attempt to control, torture, and ultimately destroy that person out of sheer spite, we are screwed beyond belief. There are many uglier metaphors I will refrain from using because, believe it or not, there are a lot of things that I don't want people to hear coming out of my mouth. Recently I've been a lot more tempted to say them, too. One contention I have to make is that "society" is unable to do anything for "offenders" than torture and destroy them, that society has absolutely no moral or ethical right to attempt to regulate anything. There is a statement that I have to make that may be my final statement in this thread, depending on how I feel in a few days. The greatest defect in the human character is the way in which it deals with social deviants. Far too many of us use real or perceived deviancy as an excuse to torture, maim, and eventually kill the deviant. The excuse is the good of society. The actual reason is for humans to gain an opportunity to exercise their most violent and pathological tendencies against a human target. This defect in the human character is the one that is going to destroy this race, or at least bomb it back into the stone ages again. I'm giving up the effort to light a candle in place of cursing the darkness. Do you realize how many billions of dollars there are in cursing the darkness? Do you realize that all I had to do to have job security was acquire the ability to be a socially acceptable kind of psychopath? I am too old for dreams of being a decent human while earning a living at the same time. If I even wish to pay the rent, I am going to have to become one of them, just as miserable, just as nasty, just as helpful to humanity's downward course into Hell. The psychopaths that I work for have just reduced my next week's wages to zero out of pure spite, just to prove to me that they could do it. They did this to prove to me that there is no point in trying the nice guy approach to anything. If they identify me with that group of people who doesn't think it's right to bomb "towelheads" for the glory of Halliburton, I get to live without air conditioning and cable TV. Believe me, if I am morally honest with myself, I care a hell of a lot more about AC and TV than I care what happens to Iraq. There's just no point in depriving myself of a good income and a good home to try to help society change for the better. It's not going to happen.
  11. The attitude that we can do nothing but pass laws and have the police enforce them is self-defeating. We even lose track of the concept that we can do things about problems ourselves. Without the concept that we can solve problems ourselves, we don't go to work on how to solve problems without government intervention. Government intervention usually consists of some form of violent takeover of another individual's life, so that the solutions we have consist of threatening other people and carrying out those threats. Further, we lose sight of why we should see anything wrong with threatening people. Those who can't learn how to work with people to arrive at better solutions don't deserve in the first place to have their wishes fulfilled. They aren't qualified to judge the behavior of others.
  12. I agree with Metafrizzics, who says "laws my ass." If we depend on laws, we are screwed.
  13. The problem is that there are not too few choices for programmable microcontrollers. There are too many. A 2 mHz Z80 is not only primitive these days, it's a power hog. 10 or so milliamps can power a pretty fast device, in the 25 mHz or better region, that even has a fair amount of memory on chip, really fancy communications capabilities, and costs 20 dollars or less. The thing to do is to look around for prior art. People write all sorts of micro OSes and put them on the net. I've even written a multi-tasker for a PIC 16F84A chip that made it possible to run a few tasks concurrently. There is no big difference between it and the vectored interrupt routines for the old IBM PC. Here is a good place to start. There are some fairly cheap displays out there at places like Electronics Goldmine and All Electronics. The worst is coming up with a keyboard.
  14. That attitude is a huge problem. What is the question that someone is waiting for an answer to?
  15. I don't have time to be very specific right now, but there are hardware and software readily available that can be adapted to this job. People did a lot of work with the 8031 types of microcontroller chips. There is a lot out on the net for it and its descendents. Some of them are pretty fast, low power, can support a lot of memory. In uses like a graphing calculator they would be way faster than a 10 MHz AT. They don't require hugely complex circuit boards, either, and the displays are available.
  16. You do know that a woman's best strategy is to make the man think he's in charge and that everything he does is his idea?
  17. I didn't insult you personally, just most of the population of this planet.
  18. Not only does hysteria disable any sort of real thinking, people defend it as if it were real thinking.
  19. You get into buying so much hardware that if your goal was to own a graphing calculator, you might as well have bought one of those, or a cheap old laptop that could run some graphing calculator programs.
  20. It feeds the system that makes more of them.
  21. We should grow up. I'm tired of trying to work with emotional five-year-olds.
  22. I entirely disbelieve that contention. Too much of the energy of human society is devoted to twisting human lives to force them to do things against their will. These things are often violent, degrading, and destructive of the world as a whole. It may even be that some of the "offenders" are people who resisted until their spirits were mangled beyond recognition, until whatever might have passed for their soul is dead, their volition is in several unrecognizable pieces, and their thought processes are thoroughly screwed. They were made that way by other people. They were tormented to death by other people, then they became the worst nightmares of those people, then they became hunted and further tormented and killed. Then the people who did this to them blamed their victim. The cycle of violence was closed.
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