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If there is any live form found in Stardust it will be "Archaea" ...
Getting the 3codons before ATG and the 3codons after the TGA, together makes uniquie indentifyer for every gene.
Can somebody explain me how is it possible to have on one hand "Natural selection", on the othrer hand knowing that every possible gene has it's "unique number" ?
Gene therapy and its connection to evolution
cyber_indian replied to cyber_indian's topic in Trash Can
Chicken. Anyway in that case I ask you not to waste our time on me, BUT let me discuss it the other who care to and don't be on my way. -
Gene therapy and its connection to evolution
cyber_indian replied to cyber_indian's topic in Trash Can
What's the matter you too afraid to try it ? Just pick a gene give me the gene_index and we'll see. Why always it has to be aliens ??? If we go to another planet is resettling, but if it's somebody like us to resettle in our planet - it's "alien" P.S. There is a list of the genomes I have: http://www.cyber-indian.com/gene_index/downloaded.html -
Gene therapy and its connection to evolution
cyber_indian replied to cyber_indian's topic in Trash Can
The whole idea is that genes are made on purpouse and "labled", so later can go exactly where we want them in the genome we want them - using gene_index as a "sticky ends". If genes did evolve (random mutations - came by itself) there is NO WAY they would have so strict unique labeling. About combination just compare 68 billion combinations with 40,000 human genes and different species having great percent of similarities. What's the connection to "gene therapy" ... that now you have mechanism how to put specific gene in specific spot without disturbing other genes and causing genetic diseases ! -
Gene therapy and its connection to evolution
cyber_indian replied to cyber_indian's topic in Trash Can
All I need you is to give me the (3 codons) 9 Nucleotides before ATG and 9 Nucleotides after TAG meaning the gene lpg0932 in genome NC_002942_5 have "AAAAAAAAA" after that is ATG and just after TGA is "ACTTTATGC". It would look like this "AAAAAAAAA ATGAGCATAGT ... TGGCGAAGTTTGA ACTTTATGC". The "AAAAAAAAAACTTTATGC" is the gene_index - you give me that I can give you the whole gene sequence you have picked. Now you have to remember that i have sequenced only the NCBI "Genome" Database and haven't sequenced any stanalone genes so far. Just give it a try. -
Gene therapy and its connection to evolution
cyber_indian replied to cyber_indian's topic in Trash Can
Gene therapy and its connection to evolution
cyber_indian replied to cyber_indian's topic in Trash Can
Everyone the admin "Mokele" thinks can dictate the path of science !!! He thinks that nobody is intrested in what I have to say !!! "Mokele": Am I annoyed you wasted an enormous amount of space with two posts that were raw data? Yes. Raw data sets of large size are *not* simply given out, but are rather talked about in terms of the statistical analyses of them, due to the fact that nobody wants to wade through them all over again. "cyber_indian": This "raw data" has been requested as proof from the other users ... that's why it's called FORUM ... and it's supposed to be OPEN not DICTATED like "Spanish Inquisition" Talking about space and real stuff ... all that programing and analizing 3GB of ddata is waste for the admin Everybody I'm sorry, but the admin cut off the examples I gave and does not allow me even to put a link to my page ether because it's a spam and I'm not allowed to explain myself -
Gene therapy and its connection to evolution
cyber_indian replied to cyber_indian's topic in Trash Can
Gene therapy and its connection to evolution
cyber_indian replied to cyber_indian's topic in Trash Can
Gene therapy and its connection to evolution
cyber_indian replied to cyber_indian's topic in Trash Can
I've Downloaded all genomes form http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ and made my own database and sequence all the genes in all genomes. I'm uploading a zip file with the whole gene_index sequence in my host. it consist of two files - the whole list and list with only the duplications of gene_index. http://www.cyber-indian.com/theory/doc/gene_index_list.zip How I found it - ever since I started thinking about my theory I was shure what direction to dig in and what to find - and if my theory was right I'll find it there - and every time it get's right. -
Hi my name is Ivan Nanev and I'm writhing about what I've discovered proving further my theory and questioning the "evolution theory". I call it "Gene Index" - it's a UNIQUE marker for EVERY gene, meaning that every gene no matter what genome we are talking about is labeled. Meaning that my deploying theory is right and proves that we are not a result of random mutations or matching. The Gene_Index is consisted of the tree codons before the gene (xxx) and the tree codons after the gene (yyy), also called “sticky ends”. If for instance you give me the xxxyyy I can tell you with 100% accuracy the size of the gene, 100% accuracy the if it's going on the positive or the negative DNA strain and statistically 97.9% accurately return you the gene you are talking about and tell you in which genomes is also spotted. Further today or tomorrow I’ll make SQL query page available to the web to explain this fenomenom. I'll be happy to give example to anybody ! More about my theory on: http://www.cyber-indian.com/theory/index.html
One storage will be fit with one unit (consisting of small number of closely working genes), of course you can't fit a whole genome. Because bacteria are small, we don't need to bother how many storage cells we can have. And because we can target the units (with the help of antigen/antibody) we don't bother that they are mixed up together. About "vertebrate gene" what we do is just put the most common gene and later after it's been deployed, the universal mechanism (for appending the genome and molding specie functionality - called natural selection) will fit the gene for specie's best shape and use. Visit my page for more updates: www.cyber-indian.com
You pretty much got it, can be said in your words too. But I prefer it like this: "In order to survive after the Earth is destroyed, we must find other suitable worlds and send out bacteria. These bacteria must be able to create a new biosphere suitable for the ecosystem that must be deployed by them, so our existence can continue in time and space." Those memory bacteria may not exist nowadays because there is not purpose of them anymore, but I don’t mean it can't be done. We also may not have enough understanding of genetics yet. Anyway it's like writing in assembler language - at first it might seems impossible, but once you master the subject it's mostly work than philosophy. And even having metabolic load as an obstacle - we can always go around it. About putting the entire ecosystem all together - what we do is catalogue all species and as you said "there is 17% differences between us and yeast" (as far as I also remember it was in percents close to what you said) we put only gene difference in that "memory pool". P.S. there is a little update: Scenario 1 - memory units: -A blueprint - all the life form's DNA of the previous world ecosystem gathered and reduced it to greatest common factors (example for that is vertebrates - head, body, arms/wings/fins, legs and tail), strategically planned and stored in bacteria as gene module (group of genes working together to fulfill a function) units. -A way to keep gene modules stored and suppressed until transplanted (memory bacteria doesn’t transcode these extra genes – probably condense that extra chromosome). -A transplanting tool – vector (virus). -And a way the transplanting tool to identify only the target specie and specific type of cell (antigen/antibody mechanism). At first bacteria secrets a blank virus (a virus with DNA for its own structure only), by infecting a memory bacterium it multiplies and charging itself with the designated gene modules and antigens (a process called “transduction”). Now because of the antigen/antibody mechanism the virus is targeted to fuse/append (new DNA information) only with a specific specie and tissue. Scenario 2 - prophage: -A blueprint - all the life form's DNA of the previous world ecosystem gathered and reduced it to greatest common factors (example for that is vertebrates - head, body, arms/wings/fins, legs and tail), strategically planned and stored in bacteria as gene module (group of genes working together to fulfill a function) units. -Prophage with attached gene modules in bacterium host. -A triggering factor for the phage (virus). -And a way the phage tool to identify only the target specie and specific type of cell (antigen/antibody mechanism).