Gene therapy and its connection to evolution
By Ivan M. Nanev
What do we do when one day our world comes to an end? How do we preserve our existence? We need to secure our future at least to one more planet. It can be done by terraforming planets from desert to habitable and transfer our ecosystem there. If not done, this should be at least considered as a plan of last resource.
Unfortunately not all planets can be friendly and even we might have to reach other solar systems to reach one. Needed factors for "Live" planet formation:
-Acceptable distance from the sun (even extremophilies have their temperature range).
-Thick nitrogen atmosphere.
-Hydrocarbon abundance
-Oxygen in the crust.
-Volcanic activity.
-Planet counter weight - One or two moons to slow down the planet rotation to acceptable day duration (a long day will cool down the global temperature and a short one will keep on warming up) and correct axis angle (which will lead to poles for ice build up, this ensures that environment can withstand sudden extreme conditions).
Once we got the right factors it's pretty easy to transform and sustain habitable environment, as long as we have together the necessary inorganic factors and organic plan (blueprint bacteria). If we don’t have the right factors it’ll take too much energy for the task to be done or even make it impossible. Transporting the blueprint bacteria can be done by sending comets in space and spread it on its way to probable target planets. Once there process of terraforming and deployment begins. Some planets will fail to become live because of partial missing factors. There are tree stages in planet formation: A freshly formed one, transformation without biological interference – desert one (for instance weathering) and terraformed through biological interference – live one.
Volcanic activity releases/unlocks minerals, gases (like oxygen, sulphur dioxide, later carbon dioxide), ash (rock crushed – this will lead to first soil formation), energy and by releasing chemicals others are mixed. Released oxygen mixed with hydrocarbon converts to water and carbon dioxide. The excess oxygen ends up in the atmosphere. After water formation planet is divided into two sub-environments: water (hydrospheric) and land (atmospheric) with some difference how species function in it. Unlocked minerals dissolve in water and are ready for respiration and other chemical reactions. Some other releases will lead to mineral acid formation which will accelerate weathering and soil formation. Abundant calcite and other buffers in the oceans (which primarily comes from underground rivers - salt leaching, rivers, erosion and black and white smokers) protects marine live from acid toxification. Super volcanoes can contribute to early land vegetation, by spreading vast amount of volcanic ash before the natural soil has formed. Even after the oceans has been created, hydrothermal vents (black and white smokers) keeps on nitrify the marine – It’s important to keep nitrify the environment because of the biomass building up exhausts the mineral availability. In other words volcanoes work as enzymes and planet nitrification. After volcanoes has done their job, bacteria (autotrophic) takes over to convert inorganic minerals to organic nutrition and make sure further availability by recycling it (autotrophic and decomposers).
In order a cell to divide and sustain live it needs nutrition in acceptable non-pathogenic medium - a liquid solution with mild amount of nutrition/minerals. They can be obtained from weathering or volcanic processes. Some species dissolve their nutrients during digestion.
Climate mechanism and its connection with water and biological interference:
Water has many positive properties. It's a very efficient solvent and transporter, which also facilitates many chemical reactions. Its also perfect specific heat and thermal conductivity, meaning it can absorb a lot of energy and distribute it even. If air doesn't have moisture it's a poor conductor of heat and that's why we have so extreme temperature variations in deserts. Also one of the main reasons we're made primarily of water.
Poles ice (energy discharged medium) build up, is crucial because it will act as thermal tanks/buffer for sudden climate changes and part of the marine climate apparatus. They are a source of fresh water, which combined with already existing salt water leads to deep ocean currents (circulation) known as "the conveyor belt" (global climate distribution).
Water has its greatest density at 4°C, meaning that bottom of a lake, sea or ocean is at stable 4°C no matter if it’s freezing or heating up.
In other words water transfer, store and release temperature to stabilize temperature which is one of the main goals in living friendly environment.
Moisture in the soil, atmosphere and oceans levels the global temperature. Water and greenhouse gases hold the temperature down (suppressed by sun radiation) on the ground during the day, while vapors release excess temperature in the cosmos during the night by means of evaporation/convection.
In addition there is the clouds’ negative feedback mechanism that changes the atmospheric albedo. We should mention the biological importance of the coccolithophores the major phytoplankton in oceans who changes the oceanic albedo (calcite which refracts light very efficiently in the water column) and triggers clouds by releasing dimethyl sulfide (DMS).
Coccolithophores (albedo) and photosynthetic bacteria, algae, plankton and plants (carbon dioxide) are the biological feedback for the greenhouse machinery (oceans also buffer excess carbon dioxide).
Weathering is a process of disintegration of rock that turns into soil (nutrition thank for vegetation). There are 4 stages of weathering:
-Thermal expansion - During the day rock’s outer layer heats up and expands, during night it contracts. This stress through contractions causes the rock to break off. In environment that lacks humidity (deserts or planet who hasn’t form stable weather yet), having big temperatures ranges leads to speeded process.
-Acid rain – Mineral acids like sulfuric and carbonic acid easily dissolve rocks (as example product of volcanic gas releases).
-Salt and Ice – Freezing water or heated salt in cracks crystallize leading to expansion and break off.
-Chemical – Adding or subtracting minerals to/from rock or when minerals are broken down into other minerals cause disintegration.
-Oxidation - When oxygen is combined.
-Hydration – Some rocks can absorb water, the result is swelling which leads to break down.
-Hydrolysis – Water combines with rock’s mineral ions.
-Organic – Plants and bacteria release organic acids and thus break the soil down even further.
-Root – As the seed and plant roots grow up through cracks.
Formed soil contains water/vapor, minerals, symbiotic bacteria, decomposing biomass and decomposers (nutrient cycling) – insects and bacteria.
All this biological interference fills up the gaps, so a desert planet can become a live one. We all know live have started from bacteria, but how? What we need is a bacterium which can resist desert environment (extremophilic), find a suitable place and start deploying other bacteria with genetically altered functions that can fill up the environment gaps. Later on finish up deploying the rest of the species from the world they came from. What we need for the deployment is:
-Stored gene modules (group of genes working together to fulfill a function).
-A way to keep gene modules suppressed until transplanted (memory bacteria doesn’t transcode these extra genes – probably condense that extra chromosome).
-A transplanting tool – vector (virus).
-And a way the transplanting tool to identify only the target specie and specific type of cell (antigen/antibody mechanism).
-A blueprint - all the life form's DNA of the previous world ecosystem gathered and reduced it to greatest common factors (example for that is vertebrates – head, body, arms/wings/fins, legs and tail), strategically planned and stored in many memory bacteria.
At first bacteria secrets a blank virus (a virus with DNA for its own structure only), by infecting a memory bacterium it multiplies and charging itself with the designated gene modules and antigens (a process called “transduction”). Now because of the antigen/antibody mechanism the virus is targeted to fuse/append (new DNA information) only with a specific specie and tissue.
The building from a blueprint begins with the most common and most simple specie, and then we start appending the DNA difference to form new and new type species come out (that’s why evolution is a tree alike). In case of more complex species, they have to be deployed by transition/accumulation (also known as evolution, evidence for that is the junk DNA and pseudogenes). Sexual mechanism makes sure the newly acquired genes have been distributed in between that one genus and as one of the mechanisms clearing unwanted mutations (DNA integrity break up).
All species has to find their spot in the ecosystem. That’s why they have to be able to mold their functionality (or the ecosystem would collapse), by means of shuffling/rearranging genes just before cell division of the newborn.
There are tree types of live form:
-Archaea – Deploying.
-Eubacteria – A simplified version (prokaryotes) with only the necessary functions, so it can be more efficient servicing the environment.
-Species – A copy of the previous world.
A great man had a big hunch and vision for how we’ve evolve so far. He was on the right path, but didn't have the knowledge of the today’s science to go deeper with his vision. So based just on observations the theory leaves gaps and confusions - “Natural selection - after a century of obscure and vague preliminary formulations, it was proposed as the main mechanism of evolution” (encyclopedia definition).
It’s known that viruses spread/transfer genes of other living organisms (transduction) - this model can easily explain even how mitochondrion and chloroplast has been transferred into eukaryotes. It can explain how did we get on our planet and evolve or save us from extinction in case of disaster. Unfortunately many people vindicate the “natural selection” model, even if it doesn’t clarify much of how evolution have proceeded and gets protective when somebody tries to introduce a new model.