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Posts posted by abeefaria

  1. I am probably an extreme conservative compared to most of you here.


    homosexual marriage -- absolutely NOT


    ban firearms -- you can have mine, I will give you the bullets first


    socialize medicine -- are you on crack? medicine is not a right, it is a service


    nuke the middle east -- that is an option


    However, I am not a conservative (won't call myself a "liberal" if my life depended on it) on these issues:


    legalizing drugs -- a hesitant yes, i personally would like to enjoy an opium smoke every now and then


    religion does not belong in the science classroom


    right to die for terminally ill patients -- hell yes


    I can't remember the other topics, I am remembering (drinking to) my oldest cat today, I had to euthanize him today :-(

  2. we don't have that many sources of oil anymore, and if we were to simply take the oil from iraq or mexico, the oil price would skyrocket from the increased cost of extracting oil from iraq or mexico (terrorism would skyrocket) not to mention america would have an embargo placed on it in a second. This would make your expensive $3 gas tank would go up to $10-15 a gallon, not to mention a halt on most of the imported resources that come into the US.


    I didn't write anything about the US extracting any oil.

  3. We don't own Iraq or Mexico, but they OWE us!


    The $15 billion could aid in the disaster relief (since only Israel has offered any) which may in a round about way, defray some gas prices in the short run, but if it went into development of our own sources, I think that would (may) lower the price in the long run.

  4. the government can do something about the gas prices = suspend the gas tax, use price caps, release some reserves, take some from iraq, take some from mexico, don't send $15 billion to africa for aids relief, et al


    biking/walking doesn't work for millions of people in the US


    why would we care how much anyone else has to pay for gas? our economy is influenced on the cost we are used to paying and a drastic change in price may devestate some businesses

  5. Anyone here know much about Mathcad, enough to help me set up a table with the erf and erfc functions? I can get the output, but need help figuring out how to make the table the way I want it.

  6. With as much driving as you do, I would say it would be worth it. My friend and I took a ride to northern Michigan and the only radio we listened to was XM satellite and we loved it.


    You just need to go to a car audio shop and they will show you what they offer. The big thing now is the XM satellite and MP3 players. If they need to remove your in-dash system, they have fillers and what not to make your dash look good. Basically, they can do anything you want. You can even get monitors and a dvd player for your vehicle.


    I think you should expect to pay $179 at least for a base line system that will play XM and MP3. Good luck.

  7. I am going to attempt to refrain from getting into politcal debates here as I can get worked up rather easily. I joined this community to learn more about science anyway and that is what I want to stick to.


    I know some of you (maybe all) won't be shedding any tears over this ;)





  8. Frankly I am appalled at the bulk of the responses from individuals whose input I had previously come to respect. Unless you all have some miraculous high level contacts then you' date=' like me, do [b']not [/b]know what happened.

    I will take one item that especially infuriated me. From Mokele "He lived and worked in London for 4 years, and if he couldn't understand the language that's nobody's fault but his own due to sheer laziness."

    You arrogant little asshole. I work in a company where if there are ten people in a room there is a good chance they represent at least six nationalities and speak a dozen languages between them. All will speak english, with varying degrees of fluency. Some of the most fluent will however have major difficulty with any or all of the following - unfamiliar phrases, familiar phrases out of context, colloquial english, regional accents.

    And you really think laziness merits eight bullets?

    Screw your insensitive disrespect.:mad:


    Ophiolite, well screw you and your pc-ness. Limp wrists need to shut up now and let MEN handle these problems. When the problems are over, then you can go and cry about how poor so and so was treated because he didn't know this and that. BTW, are you cheering for the terrorists?

  9. 1. They were plainclothes police. Can you tell the difference between a policeman in civilian clothes' date=' an ordinary member of the public, a mugger, or a terrorist?

    2. If you suspected you were being followed from your home by one or more individuals who were behaving in a suspicious manner would you or would you not be nervous, especially if this occured in a city that had been the recent victim of terrorist violence and which could well be the victim of some different form of terrorism. [Kidnap and behead a few expatriate workers in London and watch the economy grind to a halt as the immigrants - legal and illegal - beat a retreat.']

    3. Now, nervous at the general situation, and concerned by the specific cicrcumstances one of these individuals calls out something in a foreign language that you do not clearly make out, but the tone of which sounds threatening.

    4. Do you -

    a) Run for your life?

    b) Hang around to find out if it is all something quite innocent?

    5. Darwin awards? I suggest we institute an abeefaria award for gross insensitivity and lack of imagination. And the winner is.........


    1) Gee, that's tough, a group of white males holding weapons in public telling me to freeze or somethink like that, um, I'm going to have to go with them being cops, but I won't exlude the possibility of them being terrorists trying to kidnap me in public, in the day and without wearing masks or...

    2) If I was being followed, I would run TO the police, not from them.

    3) 3,4 because the cops in no way resemble terrorists, i would probably do what they say.

    5) I give you the first abeefaria award, congratulations :P Is that being too insensitive to your feelings? I am not concerned with sensitivity, I am concerned about the destruction of all militant muslims who want to kill me and mine.

    Lack of imagination, how in hell does that tie in? My imagination is fertile, but then, I don't care what others think about that, d'oh, I am being insensitive again.

  10. They lack the mechanisms to repair mutations, while normal cells have those mechanisms intact.



    Ok, this is what I wanted to know from you. You would admit then, that some cells will react to a substance while other cells will not (to the same chemical)?

  11. I just want to post one link to show that it may be possible, to use oxygen to fight cancer. I only scanned the article and did not find mention of the science of how oxygen is used to fight cancer. But with your thinking, I assume you would argue that what the oxygen does to one cell, it would do to the other cells?


    If there is ONE thing I have learned from studying science and engineering, it is this: No one knows everything and what was impossible yesterday is possible today. After all, man can't travel faster than the speed of sound.


    oxygen therapy

  12. Where do you get "predicting the future with the Pi code" from?


    I think it would be nonsense to assign letters to the digits and look for messages in earnest, after all, there are more languages than english and pi existed well before any language. I don't think someone could have come up with the numbers based on a message he wanted to secret.

  13. I think a book could be written to answer your questions.


    We have not eradicated everything that could wipe us out. Not only do we evolve, but so do other living things such as bacteria and insects. For this reason, I don't believe that we will ever be able to live disease free. In addition, we still have to worry about pests and diseases that kill crops etc.


    I can't speak for the aliens though :D

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