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Everything posted by abeefaria

  1. If you think the negative remarks by the demoncats in Congress are laughable, you might like to see the t-shirts offered at Rush's site. You can see them here: eib store I think the shirts are hilarious and plan on buying at least 2, haha.
  2. Rutan's ship's payload was humans only (and fuel). It makes perfect sense that he didn't have to spend as much money as the development of some of NASA's vehicles.
  3. subtitle is: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II This book is great so far. The tycoon is Alfred Loomis who made a bundle in the stock market and had a penchant for doing physics. He built a lab at his house that was better than any physics lab at any US university in the 1930's. From experiments that he and others performed, he attracted many heavy weight scientists to his home. This is about as far as I have gotten. The great thing about this book is that it is only 8 bucks from Amazon as a hardcover. tuxedo park
  4. How about a book forum? I am totally suprised that I haven't seen one here, or am I missing it?
  5. thank you everyone
  6. "I am, therefore I think" (Ayn Rand)
  7. Nuclear winter happens, we saw it a few years ago when the Shoemaker-Levy asteroids hit Jupiter. What I want to know is if we can say for certain, that if a body of a certain size hit the earth, would it cause a nuclear winter over the whole of the planet, such as the one that hit off of Mexico that was suppose to have led to the demise of the dinosaurs. The obvious answer is yes, but do we know the minimum size?
  8. Please don't answer any of the questions if you aren't reasonably sure you are correct. 1) Could man and dinosaurs have co-existed? 2) If the Earth received rain for 40 days and 40 nights, would not most of terrestrial life perish? 3) Can we prove that if the Earth was hit by another object of a large enough size, then the planet would experience a nuclear winter? Can we predict how long the winter would last? 4) Can dinosaur bones be carbon dated? 5) Have any human bones been found in the geological strata that hold the dinosaur bones? 6) Is there a "bible" of evolution and if so, what is the title? 7) Can you add anything to this discussion for the laymen to help argue against creationism? Something that would be very obvious, like "there is no way dinosaurs could have fit on Noah's ark." Thanks much.
  9. I agree with Dave's answer if indeed, L is not part of the exponent.
  10. Greentea, where in the Bible does pi = 3?
  11. If a person has dextrocardia, are their lungs also reversed (two lobes on the right and three on the left)? I have not been able to find an answer to this question in any of my texts.
  12. Personally, if I knew that a bunch of limp wrists would cause problems with the detainment and treatment of terrorists, then I would keep captured enemies in a different country, the ones worth keeping at least. Those not worth keeping would be shot where they were caught or after an initial interrogation. This is war people, and for those of you who can't stomach it, too bad. Let the men who know how to conduct warfare do their jobs. If you want to stand up with the enemy and defend them, then you become the enemy.
  13. I simply set V1 = 27(V2) and got an answer of 1.111, same as albert. That is to say, the cut needs to be made 1.1111 cm below the tip.
  14. Hey all, just dropped in to get fuel to combat creationists and decided to join.
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