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  • Baryon

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Baryon (4/13)



  1. Anybody care to look at what Einstein had to say? I see I am in good company. BTW anybody have a better physics than original energy buildup that creates the original matter? I've pointed out why singularities don't work!!!
  2. I guess my info is very old!!!
  3. If your seeing a psychiatrist you otta have your head examined!!!
  4. In my opinion Albert Einstein because he wasn't an atheist. I believe man has his scietific authorities and God has his. To me Einstein was the first of God's scientists.
  5. Do you make the difference between galaxies with space expanding inbetween(space stretching) or galaxies moving through space apart? There is a difference. In one only would there be relativistic effects.
  6. The bible is only a book. I can take it or leave it. I could even throw it in the garbage!
  7. Gravity is a cosmology. If space-time curvature is positive everywhere then we live in closed universe. It curves back on itself as a seemless whole. As Einstein said: finite but unbounded. Hawking is in agreement: The No Boundary Proposal. But there is a problem. Its if Hawking starts the universe out without gravity. He has to because if he includes the gravity it would make the universal singularity a black hole without any possibility of expanding or inflating. Its infinite gravity would prevent it. There was no original mass singularity at the Big Bang. Instead matter was created spread out with a finite density. This is why the Big Bang's gravity was finite; and therefore why inflation could take off. Matter was created seperated by an original energy buildup. A mindlesss lump of matter is not the Creator of the universe.
  8. Its not random. Its pure order from begining to end. The appearant randomness is really the intended order. Better to ask what is the purpose of life? Even better yet what is the meaning of your own life?
  9. There used to be a saying "As safe as a baby in its mother's womb."
  10. He is no authority. I have none. Before you judge me look at what Hawking has said. I can tell you where to find it. He says imaginary time has a physical consequence; in fact a cosmological one. And BTW just because you know what Einstein has said doesn't make you anybody dad.
  11. There is only one time and it is part of one continuum. I say gravity is a continuum.
  12. Wrong severian. Hawking claims Imaginary time is a second curvature that closes the universe. Where is Hawkings imaginary clock to measure that?
  13. Einstein was a creation scientist in a way: "I want to know how God created this world. I want to know his thoughts. The rest are just details."
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