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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. There is only pure order from the very begining 'till the end. Evolution shouldn't be said to be out of randomness. What appears to be randomness is the intended order. That's my spin on the order of life.
  2. You are right Jose. I believe the government is working on this.
  3. Its the left's doug. Its groupthink. What one thinks all think. They are using brain washing techniques that come right out of the Russian textbook on Psychopolitics. The Russians used Pavlov's work on conditioning and brainwashing to control their masses. They said they would be able to conquer America without firing a shot using these techniques to turn women and children against their fathers. If they can dismantle the family structure in america they will have effectively conquered us. Look where we are now. If you can't see that these techniques are being used on us you are positively blind.
  4. Nutrition fact: The pulp from oranges has a special kind of pectin.
  5. That's what Hawking has to say but he did not go far enough: GR predicts its own downfall by predicting singlarities. In other words there are infinities.
  6. Bettina, you saw reality when you were a young child. You saw people for what they were and people don't like that The problem is your solution to get close to people was wrong. Its OK, essential to see the world for what it is. But don't get close to it. There is a nature inside them that wants to make a home in you. And it aint good Bettina. So your empathy virtue isn't bad you just need to know how to deal with people right. Everybody does but few will. "The path to the kingdom is narrow and few are those that find it." Talk to me about it.
  7. This is the problem dad. Not just might not have been; couldn't have been. But how is that? There are no black holes. There is a gravity limit. There are no black holes but there is an extreme of gravity. I say that matter didn't begin as a singularity. that the orginal buildup of energy created matter at a finite density. If there is no gravity then the early universe violates Hawkings No Boundary Proposal. Without gravity the universal cosmology has to be an open one with boundaries. or space and then no-space So Hawking can't have it both ways: To start without gravity and still have his closed universe.
  8. When the laws are made to protect the lawless and the innocent are made to be guilty That's where our courts are at
  9. The Big Bang as a Black Hole is its debunking. After all how can a universal black hole expand? Its gravity would prevent it!!!
  10. Dad? But there is never a time when the spaceship that has been propelledf(accelerated) will not experience weight during that propulsion. Moving through space(due to acceleration) is an absolute. And the relatives only exist in potential to these absolutes.
  11. There is a time when there are no relatives. The distance from the earth to the sun is an absolute. Do you know why? The invariant space-time interval is the proof of an absolute space-time. Silly dad
  12. That is the Big Bang debunked. Its gravity would make it a black hole. No possibility of expansion.
  13. We can all agree on the distance between the sun and earth. For people on the earth the suns distance is an absolute. There is a time when there are no relatives. And you know what time that is? When there is no motion.
  14. If you can't see back to an original point of space. You are not going back far enough.
  15. Nicholas

    The End of Pregnancy

    Kylonicus, you know of the ancient emnity? The war of the sexes? The undeclared war that most men wake up to only after they have lost? The solution to bad mariage isn't divorce. It's a good mariage! But that takes real men.
  16. We see and hear in dreams. Might they not be originating in visual and auditory centers? I know there are 13 visuals!!! Maybe dreams are asociated with one or more of these.
  17. Motion in the universe is absolute. In relativity it is known as "closing velocity." There is no problem calculating the absolute motion at any given point of the Earth around the Sun now is there? At any given time there is an absolute distance between them now isn't there? You know what no absolute rest means? It means everything in the universe is moving through space.
  18. They have found adult stem cells that have the same potential as embryonic. You know God provides for everything!
  19. The drug companies want a lifelong drug for cancer. Meaning it wont kill it. It will just keep you alive with it. The medical establishment is dependent on the population being sick. And Half of what doctors have been taught is wrong. The other half right. The problem is the doctors don't know which is which!!!
  20. I found I am used to dehydration. I grew up that way. So I developed that way. When I was younger I found I actually felt better dehydrated. You get used to it. Of course this is a sad commentary. Off topic though, the first time I took enough B vitamins I realized just how compromised I was. I must have had what is called subclinical deficiency; not enough to be detected. But enough to be functioning at a minimal level. After starting vitamins at the age of 18 I hardly ever get sick maybe once in 5 years. But before 2 to 3 times a year dehabilitated for about a week each time. A flue for me now is over before one night.
  21. Then it aint a singularity. Space-time goes back all the way to a point. And you can't say otherwise.
  22. The No Boundary Proposal means there doesn't have to be an end to space. It is a seemless whole. Wrong. God has created only one universe. There is no multiverse to place the universe in. Although atheist scientists find they have to!!! The universe is a one time thing. And all the meaning that scientists might project out onto a multiverse really belongs inside us. We are that meaning. For Big Bang proponents the universe was created by a mindless lump. Intellegent design? You have to be intellegent to see it! There is a timeless spaceless place where only spirit can exist. That is the dimension where the universe came from.
  23. Einstein never said "everything is relative." He thought it was a thoroughly bad name and considered calling it invariance theory instead. Relatives only exist in potential to absolutes.
  24. Light is not like matter. It travels at a constant velocity even in gravity. Matter will always slow down coming out of gravity if it is not accelerating. I do not believe escape velocity can be applied to light. It is traveling just as fast anywhere outside a black hole. That's the constancy of the velocity of light. Light emmited at the event horizon of a black hole will be redshifted by gravity. This is known as the Einstein shift. But the Einstein shift to light would be infinite at the event horizon; an infinite redshift or an infinite wavelength of light. In this way GR predicts energyless light. Energyless light? PoppyCock. The predictions of physics at black holes is the downfall of GR. As Hawking put it: GR predicts its own downfall by predicting singularities. But he didn't go far enough. Neither are there singularities nor are there event horizons.
  25. Transdecimal I bring up "his" imaginary clock because he believes in an imaginary time. He talks about it in his book A Brief History Of Time. He says that it goes at a right angle to conventional time and that it is a second curvature that closes the universe. But I say if you are going to talk about a physical concept you ought to be able to measure it. So Imaginary time needs an Imaginary clock to measure it!!! Of course this is a pun. But it makes the point. If Hawking wants us to believe it he ought to be able to show us how to measure it.
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