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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Boloney. We can't measure how fast the Earth orbits/moves through space around the sun? We can measure it moving through space. The reason there is no absolute rest is because everything in the universe is moving through space. That what no absolute rest actually means. Measuring motion through space is a sinch.
  2. What about that moment before anything existed? Where did the Big Bang take place? I say in a spaceless place! That the answer to: Where is the universe at?
  3. A singular mass in a singular space-time would have the problem of its gravity making it a black hole. Space expansion cannot explain the Primorial egg dividing into single seperate particles. It began with matter spread out. It expanded from a point and under the pressure of space expansion mass was created. With mass orginally created seperated the gravity of the universe could be overcome by inflation/expansion. There has to be a finite density that is nonsingular;a Maximum Mass Density. I believe this directly follows the Pauli exclusion principle. There is always some space between particles.
  4. You have to realize that if you run the universe backwards that antimatter making up a galaxy would be evenly mixed with matter at the small space of the begining of the universe. So you can't get antimatter galaxies. As I like to say how does the primordial egg divide? It had to be all matter. You can't seperate the matter and the antimatter right from the very begining.
  5. Right on snail. Einstein dealt with the boundary problem; the space-no space problem; by introducing his gravity as a cosmology. If gravity curves space everywhere then the whole universe can curve back on itself. This is his finite but unbounded universe. Stephen Hawking is the same way.
  6. Oh really? Particle accelerators prove that the Earth is moving near the speed of light through space because those particles accelerated? You're a kook and BTW GR only explains curvilinear motion. Curved space-time only explains changes in direction. Can you see that? Otherwise can you explain to me how gravity accelerates? We know how it changes directions - curvature - but how does it change speed?
  7. The universe is neither large or small It aint expanding into anything!!!
  8. I believe the universe started as Dark Energy rather than light energy. There had to be an original energy buildup and if it was light then any matter coming from it was equal parts positive and negative; equal amounts of matter and antimatter particles. But the original energy breaks all the laws. Once there was none. I believe only matter(without antimatter) was created through an original buildup of dark energy. I could be wrong but nobody has been able to show why there is only matter galaxies in the universe. I know there are hypotheses which are not satisfactory.
  9. What if the shape of space is a hypersphere? Where the universe is actually the surface of a hypersphere? If the universe is unbounded then space doesn't have to end. I know time doesn't. Why doesn't time end? If it did energy would end; no energy without time. So time ending would violate the conservation of energy. Energy can't disappeare. So time continues. As Hawking said: GR predicts its own downfall by predicting singularities. And singularities are ends in time (and space). No singularities!!!
  10. If space-time is getting larger then it was once small. Run expansion backwards and there is a begining at a singularity. No way around it.
  11. Anybody know if the black holes at the center of every galaxy would qualify as a hypernova? I have heard they are immense.
  12. Unkownability of the universe? Or the unknowable God?
  13. Maybe black holes are recyclers. After all when we see them at the center of galaxies they are not black. They are just the opposite. They are ejecting immense amounts of matter and energy out their poles. Black holes eject big time! Maybe they are creative; or re-creative that is.
  14. You talk about the center of the Big Bang? If you found that you could ask where that was. Where was the cosmic egg?
  15. No superverse. No multiverse. Where did the one universe come from? The creator. The universe had a begining in a finite past and has expanded only at a finite rate in otherwords its finite. There is only one universe. I ask a question for you to answer: Where is the universe at?
  16. A singularity could be space-time starting as a point. That is the Big Bang. It could also be infinite density of mass or a bunch of mass as a single dimensionless point. I believe that singularities are violations of physics. With the exception that if you run space-time backwards to a begining it has obviously expanded from a singularity. If the Big Bang was a mass singularity also its gravity would prevent any expansion. It would be a black hole. As Stephen Hawking has said about them: GR predicts its own downfall by predicting singularities. If there are no singularities then what replaces them? Finite or Maximum Mass Density does. In otherwords there will always be space inbetween matter particles. I believe this is the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Mitch -- Light Fallls --
  17. If space is expanding inbetween galaxies then space is stretching or growing inbetween. This is not the same thing as these galaxies moving through space away from each other. There is a difference.
  18. When Einstein was asked about his Relativity he said: when the station comes to the train. It must be explained that the station is not moving through any space-time to get closer to the train. It is the train alone that accelerates(experiences weight). Therefore relative motion exists only in potential to the absolute movement in space-time of something else. This means that there is no reciprocity of effect in SR. Only the object that accelerates in space-time will experience length and time contraction. An object flying by the earth at very near light velocity will not have to wait to see Earth clocks. And they all will be blueshifted. There is no reciprocity there. Why should there be?
  19. Time never stops. Where time slows in gravity light also slows. They go hand in hand. So time for light is distorted only by gravity and not its motion.
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