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    Denver, Colorado
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    Chess, Science, Skiing, Biking,
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  • Biography
    I am a 14 year old with great interest in science, physics particularly, and am currently taking college courses on physics.
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  • Meson

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Meson (3/13)



  1. This is actaully quite interesting. A while ago I posted a thread about how the universe could have an accelerating expansion although this expansion was merely more space being added at arbitrary points. I would argue that asprrung's case would still hold applicable even if the universe expanded as swansont implies.
  2. tell me this, did or did not, the Big Bang have a postion on space? If your answer is yes, then you have just named a "center." Even if the universe is flat it could still have a symmetrical expansion.
  3. As research and collected data have confirmed the Universe is most likely in an expansion phase. When we imagine the expansion fo the Universe we see an origin or center and then an infinite expansion in all 3d (4d/ Space time). My question is: are all sides of the expansion of the universe symmetrical? To rephrase, Considering a 3d circle expansion (sphere) will the radius of the finite or infinite system be the same in all positions or vary?
  4. Well I am mostly asking the question of can you form a quantatative relationship between the structures formed in the non equilibrium, and the heat being enforced on the system?
  5. Thanks, Dr, Syntak, but I still wonder about this: For the process of evolution to proceed in a faster manor, would the process of Muataion anda adaption have to speed up, and if so why and how would this be done?
  6. In thermodynamics, is it possible to fin a quantitative and correlative relationship between amount of heat on a disapative structure, to shape of the geometric figures formed?
  7. By speeding up, I mean to say that as new species are 'formed', the process wil become faster. To rephrase, the process will advance faster and faster as in continues. Thoughts?
  8. This has been a great discussion, and has answerd my question very well. Thank you moderator especaily you asnwerd my question with the most accuracy. But why would evolution speed up if adaption would not?
  9. Thank you all of this feedback has been very helpful. Although could you provide some examples? Thanks again, Physman
  10. Thank you ,those statistics are very helpful. The Ai arguement of singularity is simply that as we creat artificail intelligence that intelligenct form will create an intelligent form and so on as the process drasticly speeds up/.
  11. Is it possible or plausable that as evolution continues that it accelrates or speeds up? So could ti be that as we become more evolved that the process speeds up? This question is very similar to the philosophical theory of Singularity invlolving Artificail Intelligence.
  12. The sphere itself is stationary, relative to you. Although the very outside of the sphere would be moving the fastest and in this case the speed of light, so I believe that you would only see time or length contraction on the outermost surface of the sphere (from your perspective).
  13. I believe that, nothing would appear to happen to the sphere, although there would be a change in objects that may or may not be on the surface of the sphere.
  14. But, you would find that when the spacetwin travels, that he would appear larger or smaller (depending on the frame of reference) to another object with a relative velocity to his.
  15. Yes, but there are also many experiments that work as an examle but could never happen, although they still provide a good example.
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