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Everything posted by SnotGoblin

  1. So he's right huh? Well, the blind dog gets a bone every now and then too. *shurg* Thanks for all your help!
  2. I found this on another board I am a member of. I was curious if what this guys is saying correct. ( He has been known to spout off from time to time)
  3. First post so I guess this should be the place to do it at. Long time interest in science/physics/ and just anything that makes me think and/or wonder. Stumbled upon this place just an hour ago after searching for an article that is referenced in a book I am reading by Graham Hancock. In that time I have read so much my eyes hurt now. So that to me was a sign that I needed to register here and learn a little more. So I guess you'll see me lurking around from time to time.
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