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dimreepr, Well one of my problems with people blowing themselves up, so that they will have rivers of honey and Satin benches and virgins and such, is that it is all imaginary stuff, and the real, waking world is ignored. You are doing a similar thing, to suggest that real contentment has nothing to do with food and clothing and shelter and comfort and safety and having pretty things to look at, and lovely music to listen to, and good friends to laugh with and good food cooking on the stove to smell, and fine sweet deserts to taste and games to play on the computer, and shows to watch on TV... Your Buddist logic would say you are only content when you have no pleasure at all...which is blatantly, demonstrably false. Regards, TAR um, I happen to be a citizen of the U.S. with one of the strongest militaries in the world, I think I can do a good job of resisting
swansont, Leaders are chosen for their capability and trustworthiness. So capability matters. When standing next to Putin, will Hilary project the power of the U.S. or will Putin see a frumpy grandma who will flinch if he feigns a blow? That is were I am talking about natural power and biology. Not what our society feels about women after they burned their bras in the 70s but how the majority of our foes feel about women. Will she melt, and wish Bill was by her side, or will she stand proud? That is my concern. I saw that picture of her in the situation room during the Bin Laden operation, and she looked petrified. Regards, TAR
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swansont, You know Hilary has called Trump a bully and his aggressive behavior bullying. I am not making anything up. Regards, TAR
OK I have a master that you think is worthless. Try and take it from me and I will probably fight you. Same with someone that wants to take my way of life away. I will resist.
Delta1212, Cars and guns and things that project power have often be associated with manhood. Extensions of the penis, so-to-speak. The shape of a missile is even suggestive of such, the towers that Bin Laden took down was him emasculating us. Men driving powerful cars has been thought to be compensation for lack of power in other ways. I do not agree that signaling power is no longer relevant. It absolutely is. Ones capability is important to a mate. The gorilla that can beat up the rest of the gang gets to pass on his genes. This is important to a male. A female passes on her genes no matter if she can beat up the rest of gang or not. The question is, should the society, and the laws, give power to somebody, and make them the winner, and the other the loser. Should woman's rights include the right to destroy a man's life. I am thinking of the mayor out in California that fired a bunch of police, over sexual harassment. Not natural power unfolding...manufactured power being wielded. There was a study of the playground that showed that girls played cooperative games where there was no winner or loser, and men played team games where leaders were picked and teams choosen and one team would win and the other lose. I theorize that women don't get the testosterone thing, because they do not have it, unless they are on the pill. And my job as a male is to use my testosterone to help my team win. I am not confident that Hilary knows what I am talking about. Regards, TAR And I wonder if women understand that they are still playing the attractive to mate game. Look at the news shows. Intelligent, powerful, women, in short dresses with revealing necklines. This is freedom from sexism?
dimreepr, How old are you? I ask, because I am of the age where I have both the contentment and the stuff, and the one reinforces the other. You can't have the product without the factory, you can't have the weekend without the workweek. I just wonder how you figure you can spread wealth around equally, without having the wealth to spread around in the first place. Hippy communes were tried in the 60s and 70s. Most failed because some people worked harder than others and contributed more to the pot and others slid by not contributing anything. Find different masters indeed. I hope you find one that has money to buy you supper. Regards, TAR um...I already got that...over 45 years ago...I have moved on to getting other things
dimreeper, No idea what the song was advocating, nor what you are talking about with the different masters, nor what tired of being tired of being tired type Buddist word hash you are suggesting will clear this political Islam problem up. Regards, TAR you want us to all get stoned, up the establishment, put flowers in the guns and live in peace and harmony...we tried that in the 60s...got us here https://www.bing.com/search?q=there%27s+something+happening+here&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=600983c57a2c4496980ff447e7382500&ghc=1&qs=AS&pq=there%27s+something+happ&sc=7-22&sp=1&cvid=600983c57a2c4496980ff447e7382500
StingJunky, Hang in there. Remember when you get a crave, that smoking is not an option. Do something else. Regards, TAR
CharonY, I was just naming a person whose intellect and knowledge and reasoning, would be consistent with someone who I would be proud to have as my president. You were the best on the board. Regards, TAR
Dimreeper, Different masters? What are you talking about? Regards, TAR give me a "for instance"
Function, I once stayed up all night with the sister of a girlfriend that wanted to kill herself. I talked her out of it, and saw she is still around, 40 years later, by finding her on facebook. One of my arguments, was that I cared if she killed herself, and wanted her not to. Another argument, was, in condradiction to your thinking, that her sister and mother and father and other family and friends, would be devastated and she should not hurt them in that manner. Plus, there is nothing so bad, no pain, no heartache, no disappointment, that is so bad, as to exchange the situation for death, which is equivalent to having nothing at all. I do not remember my other arguments, nor what we talked about all night, but I am proud that my thinking was clear enough and correct enough that she decided to live. Since, about 10 years ago, I had an insight about suicide, that I think goes to some of what you said about it. That is, I think people kill themselves when they have no control over their lives. And like you said, suicide is a final act of victory, of having complete control over the thing. Problem is, after killing yourself, you are not around to bask in the victory. Sooo... it is sort of stupid, because you have not gained control of anything. Bottom line, there is no reason to kill yourself, because you will be dead, after the act, and that will please no one. So it is not a selfish act, nor a brave act, nor a strong act, nor an altruistic act. It is just a stupid act, with no purpose or value what so ever. You have to hang on to life, because it is the only thing you have. Enjoy it, and make it so others can do the same. Regards, TAR work at gaining a bit more control over your life...it can never be worse, more of a chore, more of a bore, than being dead...logically speaking
dimreeper and Ten oz, I am always for the talk it out, before the punch. Except on one occasion I did punch a guy in the nose...but that was rationalizable (sort of, plus I was drunk). But, when a guy in a mask, has your guy bound on his knees, about to slice his head off, the time for talk has past. It is time for special forces to arrive and kill the SOB. Regards, TAR education has already played a role, but somebody other than me put some strange ideas in the SOBs head How do you arrange to teach other people's children, without first taking over their schools, by force? that is, objectively speaking, why are your ideas better than the "The Marja is a label used by the Shia community, meaning source to follow. The most respected of the Marjas are entitled Allamah. This Persian name for Teacher is also used by some Sunnis to denote a teacher of extraordinary respect. Ulema/Ulama is the title that indicates that the teacher has come to awareness of the consensus, the ijma, of the Umma. Umma is the universal community of all the followers of God as understood by the Muslim community (cf. Sangha, Ecclesia) Mufti is a someone who interprets or expounds Islamic law (Sharia and fiqh) Muhaddith is someone who has profound knowledge of the Haddith, and teaches by Narration, or storytelling. Mullah is often the title of the teachers at the Madrasahs, Islamic schools. Mullah is a teacher in regard of being respected as a vicar and guardian of Qur'an and the Islamic traditions. The Shia believe that an Imam can lead mankind in all aspects of life. The Imam is appointed by God. Muhammad informed that the number of Caliphs after him will be 12. The majority of the Muslim world are awaiting the 12th Imam: The Mahdi, either as a first time appearance or as a reappearance after a long occultation. The Mahdi is the greatest teacher, the Messiah of the Islamic World, and the Maitreya of Buddhism. Mawlawi is a Persian word for teacher meaning Master. Sheikh is sheikh is an Arabic honorific term that literally means Elder. It is a long historic debate in many cultures whether the elder in itself denotes the role and status of a teacher. Ayatollah is a high ranking title given to Shi'a clerics. Mujaddid is someone is sent by God to aid the Umma and revive Islam at the beginning of every century . Marabout is a spiritual teacher of Islam as it is taught in the West Africa and Maghreb, The word comes from the Berber concept of Saint. The "marabout" is known as "Sayyed" (سيد) to the Arabic speaking Maghribians teachers of Islam teach scholars"
Phi, No, when you put it that way, it is OK. I was not allowed to hit girls when I was growing up. My sister could hit me, but not me her. Never thought that was very fair, but throughout my life I have not used my superiority over others, either by intellect or by size and strength, to the other person's disadvantage. 'cause I am a nice guy. However, that does not mean I am not stronger than Hilary. It is sort of a strange contradiction to insist that women will only be equal to men when men let them be equal. So sure, you can make a law that says women must be paid more...but how do you enforce it? From who's hide do you extract the additional money, and by what bullying power do you make the law stick? Regards, TAR Consider Hilary as commander in chief. She will keep ISIS strongmen from trafficking in sex slaves, targeting them with a drone. This a victory for women's rights.
maybe misterogyny Sorry Phi, I didn't mean ya no harm
Phi for All, No, I don't call it bullying and I don't call it juvenile. You are sort of a self-hating male. I think there should be a term we can call you and Hilary for hating men. Regards, TAR What I mean by that, Phi for All, is that there is a tendency in our society to make things even. To make the weak strong, and the strong weak. I get it, that physical strength should not be used to get your way, but it is still a reality of the world. ISIS has tanks, in some cases very good tanks as they were our Abrams, but they still have them.
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Phi for All, There is still a societal understanding of the roles of women vs the roles of men. These stereotypes are dissolving somewhat, but in a lot of cases, the man takes care of the outside of the home and the woman takes care of the inside, the kids, the curtains, the laundry and the meals. Not exclusively anymore, but it seems to lean in this direction in a lot of homes. It is easier seeing Hilary reading a story to her grandchild, than seeing Trump doing it. Not that either would or could, just what we are used to seeing. When Trump shakes a hand he pulls the other toward him in a macho move. Hilary does not have the strength to do this, nor the testosterone to understand the move's value in terms of signaling dominance. Regards, TAR she would call the move bullying
Thread, I did not even know of the word misogyny until this presidential election. I think it is misused, or at least used to place hatred in someone else's heart and mind, that might be mere sexism or less, like mere stereotypes we all possess. I think it natural to be affected, if only subconsciously by a person's outward appearance, their size, their strength, their attractiveness. Like if Woody Allen or Arnold Schwarzenegger was to be sent to face down Putin over Crimea, who would be more affective? Woody Allen might be brighter, but who would you think would garner more respect from Putin? Regards, TAR
Ten Oz, I get the snake pit analogy. I remember using it back when we were searching for Bin Laden. You cut the head off one snake, and another just takes its place. But this thread is about how to defeat political Islam, not how to coexist with it. There is money behind the power that ISIS wields, from certain rich folk in other Arab states and oil and loot . As there is money behind the drug lord's power. You have to cut off the funds, and kill or capture the leaders. But Perhaps I did not carefully think about the thread title. It did not ask how to defeat ISIL. It asked how to defeat political Islam and that is perhaps a battle between civilizations type question we should parse out before attempting an answer. That is, Islam has ALWAYS had both the spiritual and the political side. The Caliph was the head of both operations. We here in America are for separation of church and state, to let each follow their own god as they follow the civil laws of the land. In Islam they have towers from which you are called to prayer 3 times a day. Is this the political Islam we are asked by the thread to find a way to defeat? If so, Sharia law is the evil we are asked to defeat, and by that, the teachings of Muhammed and the verses in the Koran, and the evolution of Islamic religion. And since the Koran is thought to be the literal words of Allah, we are, by the thread title, asked to go against Allah...which is not going to go over well in the hearts and minds of the 1/3 of the population of the planet who follow the religion (along with its political component.) So, are we asking Muslims to take on an American type view of their religion, and follow it only in spirit, only in their hearts and let the political side of things, the waking world, be taken care of in a more democratic way? What exactly is going to be on these DVDs we are smuggling in to the fighters? I read the Koran after 9/11. Twice, once for the gist and once for comprehension. I wanted to know why I was the great Satan and why someone adhering to that book, would find it required to take down my towers with the people in them. On 9/11 I had stood on the banks of the Hudson, at Port Imperial, waiting for my wife to escape the city, looking across the river, at an immense pillar of black smoke rising from where the towers once stood, going up and off toward the NE. At the time, I did not know who or why someone had flown planes full of people into towers full of people, I just knew there was evil in the world, that I had to defeat. It is said that a Muslim must memorize the verses of the Koran, and must travel to Mecca at least once in their lives and circle the stone, reciting the verses. I am not a Muslim. I don't have to do this thing. I look at the operation as sort of a self hypnosis type of thing, and reject its power and meaning that might be felt by an adherent. I do not want to be under this religion's political hold. I do not want to pray 5 times a day facing Mecca and touching my head to the ground. I do not want to stone adulterers and throw gays off of buildings. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam I am. Regards, TAR
So Trump is worth nearly four times as much as Bill and Hillary put together. Except to Ericsson who think Bill is worth 1/2 as much as Trump. Again the question is what value is it, that the speakers are adding to the conference. Name recognition? Expertise? Access? Like a breakfast with a former president might be of great value, I suppose a speech might garner a sum...but equating the speeches of a real estate mogul and bankers and former presidents with that of a senator and secretary of state seems like apples and oranges to me. What could Hilary say in a speech to wall street, worth 100K to the people paying the fare? but thank you Endy0816, you showed me that famous people can get those kinds of fees for appearances. I was not aware. Could be innocent.
Ten Oz, Neither does not fighting them work. If you let the KKK alone it would grow. If you let criminal drug gangs alone they would take over the streets of our cities. If you let the Nazis alone they would take over Europe. If you let ISIS alone they would take over large parts of Iraq and Syria, and portions of a score of other countries. We have learned that regime change is dangerous if you don't stick around to fill the vacuum. But fighting evil does work. We have squelched a number of strongmen and dictators. Regards, TAR
I knew that about Mr. Trump. But did I ever tell you my 90 10 theory. 10 percent of the population are the leaders in industry, school, church, entertainment, military, business, government, the arts and science. These are the most intelligent, the ones with the most power, charisma, charm, trustworthiness and gumption. The other 90 percent are not among the top 10 percent. It only takes about 49 to 51 percent of the vote to win an election for president. The top 10 percent could all vote for the same person, and the other person could win, by getting the votes of the 90 percent.
Trump, not the direct topic of this thread, is not backed by the republican elite. That seems to be his draw, when it comes to independents. He appears to be his own man, not purchasable. Hillary on the other hand, seems to have gone from pauper to riches on the back of public speeches and some books. And there were some future investments she did rather well on. Even Bernie suggests that any speech you get 100 or 200 thousand dollars for, must be a hell of a speech. No evidence of criminality, but the optics are not good. My drift is not for Hilary or against her, or for Trump or against him. I think Trump is a disaster on about 3 different levels, but he has the support of 30 to 40 percent of my compatriots. And Hilary has the support of 40 to 50 percent of my compatriots. I would wish we could choose the better of the candidates rather that choose against the worst. Who ever wins, will be the president of the all of us. Regards, TAR and that goes for those of us that are not Americans, as well, being that the POTUS is arguably the leader of the free world It would probably be best if I kept my misgivings about the both of them to myself. One is probably going to be my President and will represent me to the world, run my government, enforce my laws, and lead my nation. Might be best to wish that the best man or woman win, and give the winner the support they will need to move this nation and the world forward.
swansont, I watch the news, MSNBC fairly progressive, CNN fairly fair, Fox fairly right wing, and hear the facts as spun from the different camps. I still heard the FBI director myself and don't need anyone to translate for me. I heard the AG. I don't need anyone to translate for me. I heard Hilary blame the torching of our embassy on right wing attack movie about the Prophet. It was during a reelection bid on Obama's part, and blaming it on the hate of the right, instead of on terrorists, was politically expedient for Hilary. That is what I call spin. iNow calls it a witchhunt. What is a fact is still a fact. She blamed it, at first on the hatred of the right. Which was not the cause. Spin, or lie, your choice. Regards, TAR
DrmDoc, 50/50 chance? I was thinking more 90 10 for prosecution as I listened to the director talk about Hilary's carelessness with documents, and after his rejection of her "facts." If it was 50/50 why did Hilary and Obama plan a victory appearance that very night. In fact she was onboard airforce 1 that day. That is what leads me to feel that she has friends in high places, because she is friends with two presidents, one active, that the FBI director reports to. Regards, TAR