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Everything posted by T-Nemesis

  1. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this thread, I couldn't figure out where it was best suited I have two questions about light. My first question is, is light measured in anything? Sound is measured in decibels, heat in celsius/farenheit, but I've never known a measurement for light. My second question is, theoretically is there a limit to how bright a light can be? Thanks
  2. ^Cool, thanks for the info. Very interesting
  3. ...not clean...must wash...not clean...
  4. Theoretically humans could live forever, if injury is taken out of the equation. No one ever dies of 'old age', they die of medical complications which are a result of old age. If we can cure those complications than we can live for much longer. I read just a month ago that there will be a huge leap in the life expectancy of humans in MEDCs. For now, it's predicted people of 65 will live until 90. And it's also thought that people with a low calorie diet (by low calorie I don't mean malnourish) will live slightly longer.
  5. ^The two will bond to form a supervirus.
  6. But dinosaurs weren't even reptiles/lizards, were they?
  7. ^That could be what Locrian is talking about. Also getting a rod of metal and wiping a magnet (always in the same direction) will magnetise the metal.
  8. But that means putting energy into it which defeats the purpose...
  9. T-Nemesis

    Zombie Dogs

    Only an idiot would volunteer. They should wait until someone is actually killed in an accident or a murder, to try it.
  10. Earths gravity is too insignificant to have a satellite much further out than our Moon already is. Let alone something like Pluto, which is beyond giant planets like Jupiter, which completely overwhelms Earths gravity.
  11. Several theories claim that the universe is expanding, or that at some point it was. My question is (assuming the universe isn't infinite), what could be at the edge of the universe? If I somehow ended up at the boundary of the universe, I presume there would be a sort of barrier where the universe ends, but if the universe is expanding, there must be something outside the barrier for the empty space to even be created? And on that note, what actually defines space itself? Could it be possible there are an infinite number of universes all within one huge multiverse one one plane (dimension), and while one increases in size, another decreases (Big Bang, Big crunch), like a complex honeycomb formation? Sorry if this didn't make sense
  12. Level 4 is something to do with numbers, or to be more exact a date. The clues are 'Binary', 'Millenium', 'Time Changes', 'a ro..chrzz..in..Bry..chhhhhrzz..'
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