I not only take the product, but I am also involved in the business. I have felt a difference in my own health and personally seen a difference in other peoples health.
I have met Dr. Christian Drapeau and I have read his book. There are is over 10 years of testing and research and multiple studies published and the product is SCIENTIFICALLY proven to do exactly what it claims.
Christian is a world renowned scientist and the leading expert in adult stem cell research, so I have a little more faith in his work than people who have done some google work... You wouldn't tell a mechanic that he is wrong, just because you don't think its logical. He is trained and educated in auto mechanics, so you trust him correct??? Think about it.
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2 capsules of STEMEnhance release over 3 million stem cells into the blood stream, they have PROOF that this happens every time you take it, so if you take 4 a day, that's over 6 million daily. Also, adult stem cells are much more stable than embryonic stem cells, there is also research proving that.