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Everything posted by NavajoEverclear
Do you think it's unethical? I think it's unethical to thinks its unethical. That is if you believe in ethics. That life has its own identity just like any other child. Surely the government will give it rights just like everyone else. This child deserves then to be loved and raised as any other child. Clones happen naturally anyway, it's called twins. So if you think its unethical, what are you going to do when it happens? Realize it's a human life, you might get weird things like a woman giving birth to her own clone, weird, but once it happens you'll deal with it and it will be ok. Is there any other option?
Yes just kill him. Why didn't the soldiers that found him kill him on the spot? Ok they had to do DNA testing, but why not then? Seriously would they be punished if they had done so?
umm i don't feel i have anything relevant to add. I don't know whats going on with the governent, i don't know if i do or don't care. I'm so dichotomous too, so my beliefs, politically and otherwise are highly variable. I don't know where to put myself or what to do. With the media being the medium of information flow how are we supposed to know the truth about anything, so how are we supposed to responsibly decide who to place our trust in. I don't trust Bush or Kerry, and i really don't know which one i'd rather see in office. (used to think Kerry was the lesser of two evils, but like i said the line is thin and fuzzy. Not to mention the media will lie about the line so we don't even know what it looks like). I think it's incredibly lame that the candidates are already narrowed down to two. I read some stuff on Ralph Nader, I think he'd be an excellent president. Then i wonder, even if he was elected, would America be ready for a good president? Or would it be such a shock that somehow it would throw us all in chaos. So what we need is a progressive gradualization of presidents, evolving to be less and less sucky, until we actually get a good one. I think all that crap should be thrown out right now. Really there's no reason not to. I know NOTHING about either of the candidates. Ralph should be able to still win. It doesn't even make sense how the bigshots are allowed to do as they do when we all hate them. It doesnt make any sense at all . . . . . . i'm trying to figure a way to conclude this post. and i don't know, so i wont. Are we doomed or not? Will there be a miracle one day that will change it all? Closure is overated. But one things for sure, theres a hella lota work to be done
Too lazy to send you personal message. Tesso, what is your avitar of?
They're forken cartoons. Go outside and meet some REAL girls. Maybe they'll be wearing short skirts too. Happy day. I choose humans over that damn television anyday. . . . except sometimes i dont cause i'm a lazy idiot, but life over machines is my true preference.
Mildly wondering what you think about it. I think it's a great idea, but with a different motive. Very simple, executions should have less grace, not that i've sat in on any recently, but i watch a little T.V. Death takes time. Make it take less. There are several forms of death that take can occur before you even have time to feel pain, some of them aren't even messy. Somebody make a list as one of the posts for this thread. See i don't care if the bad guy suffers, my philosophy is he's on death row because he's a human with bad wiring. There is no purpose anything other than instantaneous elimination of the faulty program. There is no purpose for the suffering, if you believe in God, you should have faith God will give him justice, we shouldn't waste our time on vengence. If you don't believe in God, why do you care? Of coarse there are other mentalities possible besides just those two, but in any of them there is no reason to want suffering. The purpose of death is to protect society from dangerous people. Permenant solution to a problem. In my idea of capital punishment there would be more people assigned to die. Why are you sentenced to life in prison? The purpose is to suffer, which i explained why i think is an infinately unnecissary waste of time. And why the hell do people wait for years before execution? Timmy lived for seven years after he blew up that Oklahoma building thingy. There aren't that many people on death row that there is a need for this wait. Get rid of the formality. Get your stupid witnessess and all that other crap. Kill em all real quick. If i were in charge, everyone on death row today would be dead tomorrow. Obviously a system based exactly on the idea i just discussed would be too rushy, allow to much possibility for error. So it'd be a little more balanced, but you see my point. There are some people who are too dangerous to be allowed to interact with other humans. Treat them like machines and just delete them. That sounds incredibly heartless, but i just explained my reasons. It sucks but it has to be done. Just get it over with.
Will Hypnosis Help Me Remember A Language
NavajoEverclear replied to bloodhound's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
Dude are you fricken serious that you speak all those languages? I want to be like that someday. So why are you worrying about learning Russian if you're already on a roll with all the others. How much effort did they take? -
Natalie Portman is very hot. Or to put it more gracefully--- she is a living work of art. We need a thread, or a whole forum area devoted to beautiful women. But that's not the topic of the post. I was looking at this site (something to do with looking for Edward Scissorhands Posters) and, well you ever see something and you skip over it until you register it, then search forever to refind it? That's what happened ( saw her name) except it wasn't anywhere on the page (i did CTRL+F portman). Nor on the page before that. Kinda random, but this happens to me a lot when i'm reading, is there a name for this word hallucination phenomenon? So then googled images of Natalie. She is really incredible, did you know she's a harvard graduate too? read that in an article a couple of years ago. There was this one nasty picture i hope wasn't really her. She must have a look-a-like, and this i place my faith in, don't anyone try to shake that. Such a lovely woman cant do such dirty things. But she's smart too so if she did, she wouldn't be caught, so it cant be her.------ sorry to ramble about that, just trying to resolve the disturbed feelings. oh well i'm great at forgeting things.
WTF? This is an unexpected development
NavajoEverclear replied to admiral_ju00's topic in The Lounge
There needs to be a new chess game. Not that i've got anywhere near mastering the old one, but i say its time for something with a new edge. Someone invent something really freaking amazing. RIGHT NOW. -
ebagaa this question is disgustingly unanswerable. Purpose is what you make of it. Just like fate. Well thats all the philosophy i have to offer.
constraint is the perfect word for it. There's no reason for the constraint either, its just an old, ill-thought out system, that enough people for some reason think it's worth enough to keep it. Its not worth anything. i've heard people argue that we should be grateful for the opportunity to be educated, which we should be, but we should also use that blessing to the fullest potential. Which means grades should go to hell.
hah gant. That's pretty disturbing actually. I don't think clones would be that big a deal in most cases. They'll have the same rights as other humans so they will be similar to the original, but they'll have their own identity. Actually i think we should start cloning people to discover more about what an individual has the possibility to do, and what ranges of different personalities will result from the same genome exposed to different conditions. I'd like to use it to disproove the bullshit that people are born introverted or extroverted. Maybe there is a gene that promotes tendancy to fall into one path, but i believe with propper parental nourishment is the ultimate factor in which way a person grows. And i refuse to believe that i am doomed to be anti-social, for one thing i'm a lot less introverted than i was when i was younger and i'm convinced its just psychological, and that if parents do a good job of loving the child during the crucial imprinting years--- that everyone will grow up to be healthy, balanced, beautiful and happy. (that is deliberately a stupid statement, but on the otherhand, you see what i mean. and being happy IS a good thing). Also i don't think clones will be to rampant, cause who wants to skip over sex? NOT ME! i'm gonna make my babies the old fashon way provided by evolution. Love making will NEVER go extinct.
Is that kind of life possible? I've thought about that, theoretically evolution could occur anywhere there is enough chemical complexity for a code to begin replicating itself and improving(evolving) on previous generations. There must be other chemicals that are capable of making such complex relationships other than those on earth I like you idea lucid--- so this organism would have about the same density as other earth lifeforms, except that it has blimp powers and uses fins to propell itself/ I don't understand these forms of life don't already exist, isn't their airborn bacteria? wouldn't they evolve for being capable of living higher and higher in the atmosphere, this would be an advantage because if one group of bacteria live on a higher level than the others, there would be less competition for resources, so they'd thrive. I forgot what it's called when bacteria's are engulfed in membranes and start making eukaryotic cells, but that would happen, then you'd have colonies of airborn protists, and then you're set for all the other kingdoms to evolve. ------ I must be making som incorrect assumption somewhere since it is evident that such creatures don't exist, but doesn't it sound logical?
felinlasiv--- where do you live? Cause i need to move there. The system forkin sucks, it is maintained by mentally limited arrogant brutes, and everyone else has to compromise to fit into their stupid rules. Grades are the stupidest things invented---- that is if the goal is to learn. Anyone who denies this is lying to themselves- no other possibility, even stupid people could see how stupid grades are, except that stupid people the tendancy to be very shallow and good at decieving themselves in order to maintain security or something. Excuse me, that last comment was just an ill-tempered rant and off subject. Schools should incorporate the concept of evolution: allow the freedom of each individual to find their own niche (or niches). Their only intervention should be to provide the resources available to help students become as efficient as possible in their development of their chosen skills. I do believe in the need of some structure. But that would be variable in different schools and in all cases the rules would be simple and straightforward, with real reasons. Any schools that hold onto stupid bueracratic systems of governent will be boycotted and eventually go extinct. That is evolution, and its the only way we'll survive. The current system is a damper of evolution--- limit the possiblility for growht by limiting resources for actual learning and distracting pupils with standardized tests. As said in Farenheit 451, the American way is designed to follow our founding principle, with one alteration : All men are not born equal, but made equal.---- something like that. It's a lukewarm, bland existence we're heading in. But i have faith that the next peak of punctuated equilibrium in human evolution (at least in the sense of social organization) is soon at hand.
Alternate Matter Structure/Size
NavajoEverclear replied to NavajoEverclear's topic in Other Sciences
Holy CRAP this was a GREAT thread, why isn't it being replied too? Also, I now have as many posts as Greg. Actually more if you count the ones you don't count from a long time ago when i was just posting on everything to get a higher number. I think you recorded 50 less than i really had, i am most certainly not complaining, i'm amused and honored to have been cheated on. BTW, am i the only who was inflicted with this trick? TO THE POINT: Greg has a personalized title under his name. I want one. Gimme. -
I have to ressurect this thread just cuz i really think the dialouge is hilarious. Of coarse this late at name, many random things are causelessly amusing to me. Hot air balloon! Funny, but you know thats not what i meant. Unless the airballoon can shrink and sink then expand at will and all. Well, if its density was enough could it also sink in earth? so heavy it just falls through the crust? Ok dont respond to those foolish suggestions. Just post some more funny stuff. By the way if some mod things this is not grounds for disscussion, i assure that I intend to conduct a very scientific analyzation of the humourous dialouge and . . . . . well there comes a time when you just get tired and lose the energy for BSing.
Well Birds sorta do, but they don't do the same as fish. What kind of density requirements would an organism need to be able to swim through air the same as fish do through water? Density would be the issue right? O coarse whatever alteration result to make this possible would probably make an animal so fragile it'd never survive, but tell me about it anyway.
Phoey. All that's very cool, but it aint' no Shiva. Actually that sight did look like it had lots of info. I'll have to read more later.
I have some succents, and i cant freakin figure out how much i'm supposed to water them. Most of them are doing ok, except for the Jade, it keeps on dropping leaves (is that what you call the green swollen things? it has no other leaves, but they don't look like regular leaves). I don't know if i'm giving it too much water and their rotting off (that's what happens if you give desert plants too much water), or if i'm giving it too little and it's just dying. What magnifys my confusion is the weird soil i've repotted them in. It doesn't absorb water at all. It just sits on the surface for a sec, then a minute later it's all run out the bottom--- i know because the water catching dish overflows with very little water input, meaning it's all going down there pretty fast. So i water it fairly frequently, but i don't know if the plants are getting to absorb anything. The Jade is the one i'm mainly worried about. I have a Split Rock(that's the common name), which hasn't changed since i got it, it says it blooms in december, and a fuzzy thing called Yellow Bear Paw, which is cool, but hasn't grown as far as i can tell. At least it's not dying. Ohhh yeah i also have a hanging sedum burrito (common name Donkey Trail) which is doing ok, but i have the same worry about the water flowing straight though the pot and not being absorbed. I haven't repotted that one from what i bought it in.
I cant wait until the day when genetic engineering (more than just splicing pieces and all) is possible. I'll be mostly a horticulturist. A fierce horticulturist. I will make plants that look beautiful, but could kick your butt. I'll also make animals that can photosynthesize. (i don't know if that is possible, but i think it would be with lower maitenence organisms, or if it was done while an animal sleeps, and stores like a battery). Ohh i'd also create a Shiva woman (the hindu goddess with four arms). Maybe that would be unethical though . . . .
That's why we need to stop LETTING the cats be lazy. Train them like dogs. Make them work. Send them to the military. Kick them into shape. Or beat them like on Monty Python.
Another Evolution Question
NavajoEverclear replied to Mikel's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
Sayanara^3 said bullshit. Does that mean i can say asshole? some people are assholes. -
maybe at first this doesn't seem that exciting cause there are plants and stuff that grow spirally and weird and stuff, actually was wondering what the effect could be on an even smaller level, if the device is working constantly through a large period of it's growth, and the computer formulas for movement complex enough, the effect might be specific to small areas of chloroplasts. Sounds like it might be more expensive to run such a device than it's worth to see what it creates, but we can still think about it.
I just had this interesting idea, unfortunately i don't think there is any living examples or evidences of it, so i don't know how to propose what the nature of your responses might be, but here goes. K so plants grow toward a source of light, generally the source is in the same place on average. Wait, is that true? maybe not in the case of the sun, but the movement of the sun is gradual enough not to cause any real chaos in the growth patterns of those who feed off of it (yes i am referring to plants and who). What if the plant was potted on a device that could spin, move up and down, and rotate in any direction. It could be computer controlled to move in different combinations of patterns at various frequencies--- so as to change in strange ways the direction the plant grows, according to the pattern of stimulation by the source (maybe the sun, maybe something else, if something else it could be the something else that moves in the pattern, instead of the pot). There could be some very interesting results, probably mostly in the field of art (can you think of any practical applications for such a device?)