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Everything posted by NavajoEverclear

  1. I personally would like to come to understand this creative individual if possible---- i requested enlightenment and yet it has not been recieved (can you help change this?).
  2. Star Struck--- please dont insult sayanora, i dont see he has done anything wrong, and if he had it is not a permenant and fatal flaw in his existence. It somewhat appears you verbally punished him to define your apology to me. And that statement is an insult on my part i apologize, i only mean to point out a possibly flawed way of thinking. MrL_Jakari--- the point of my theory is that as far as is scientifically proovable (science being about what is proovable and proof cannot be prooven) the crackpot theory is exactly as possible as the 'scientific' one. emperical is not scientific, it applies to your own beliefs on what truth is. I personally would choose to rest my beliefs on mainstream science over crackpot science, because what makes it crackpot science is the reason by which these sets of beliefs, presented as science were created. An application of the theory is to broaden science by accepting the fact of the theory. The strange thing is that i feel like a crackpot myself, i think my reasons for pursuit of it in the face of just about everyone who dissagrees with it, and my method of presentation are much to similar to that of a crackpot. The reason i continue is a hope that someone will guide me beyond being the only supporter of this form of the theory. But the thing i feel i have that a crackpot does not have is about the only proovable thing in existence. Take it mathmatically speaking in a way, as mathmatics is proovable (1+1=2 is an absolute truth isn't it): in this particular possibility, probability cannot be measured. Nothing is certainly certain-- how can this be mathmatically denied? So could we resolve some of the questions I asked to be resolved(ignoring this reply which is mostly crap and a futile attempt at restoring the original intent)? I mean it is my thread, the purpose i started it was not for you to all argue at each other for the morals or whatever of going with or against science. I think you should by now sense what i want to know, and that i would be sufficiently grateful for a profitable reply addressing these concerns.
  3. Nay, they are american born drugees (ex drugees now?)
  4. well that doesn't appear to be the profitable response i was hoping for---- but still you can see what i mean.
  5. I have freed my mind of obligation to obligations. I could honostly choose to believe whatever i wanted. If that is science, i could do it, it is my choice. I wish that other people would open their eyes and take advantage of their own liberty to do so. Perhaps this is a wrong wish, so to better state it: i am curious at what things will occur when others apply this principal to their own thinking.
  6. I see some people have a passion for chastisement. You misunderstand me. I do not say one thing is wrong, i say we do not know for certain, and scientifically there is no way we can. Star-struck---- it seems that in a way you agree with what i mean, but in another way are severely offended by what you interpreted me to mean. I personally believe in most scientific theories, but the fact is nothing NOTHING can be proven. I am not saying anyone is wrong, i am saying science is one set of beliefs, but by science (my definition of it) it is not the only way. MLjakari appears to favor allowing people to their own faith, but has the good point that unprooven things are more likely wrong than the ones that appear to be right. This is one way of look at things that i do not bash. I do not present new ideas as absolute truths. can anyone point out a time that i have? I will address it if so. I hate resorting to example, because often they still offer no better justification for my chosen beliefs. Imagine we are in the matrix (its a movie i believe most people here would know about). Is this possible? Is it possible that everything we see are falsified electric input from a imaging computer? You may say it is unlikely, but you cannot proove it is impossible. In this case all of our science, is based on a computer program or something, which you can not be certain duplicates the true laws of physics, or that at some point these laws will appear to be defied. I hate make this example because people then take this as the actual material of my beliefs----- its not! it is my atttempt to show you there is no way you can be sure that the information sent you brain is coming from a real universe or one you understand. Accepting this fact of unsurity is only the beginning of the new science, i have a hard time imagining i am the only one who things like me, that is why i asked if any of you know of some field of science devoted to alternative possibilites. I am getting tired of explaining myself, because even explaining myself tells you little about the truth of myself. We'd all be much better off if we could telepathically communicate. Such is not so as far as i know so have a little patience please. NSX---- good quote, I accept this too. That is the other part of the idea. Once we know nothing is sure we must make a decision about it, we are constantly making decisions, we must choose some path. To choose to choose nothing because nothing is set in stone as far as we know, would be pure idiocy. The purpose of my theory is to show that purpose and truth ought to be questioned about constantly, you make you choices according to reasons you choose to configure your mentality. I hope to free people of holding any beliefs because of obligation to 'truth' because nothing can be prooven, as far as anything can be prooven you are as right as anyone else no matter what be your choice, so choose not by obligation, but by what you believe has the most purpose in it. So this field of thinking----- do you know of any already established group i could contribute to, or must i be the first to dive down the rabbit hole?
  7. i am asking for help in my quest. I do not know if it is a noble quest, but it will be a new one, if only i knew where to scout. so specifically addressing the issue---- those of you who have been with this site long enough should be aware of my philosophy about science, if not here: nothing is really scientifically proovable because we cannot proove the efficiency or that we are correctly using the capabilites we have as imprerfect beings (more simply stated: scientifically everything including science is about faith). My quest then is to know is there anyone who with these general beliefs that is not a complete crackpot. Is there any famous or official version of this idea like 'the law of uncertainty' or does it appear i will have to build this field from the pathetic seed i possess. I do believe my own understanding of the principal is quite primitive, it would be easier to find one who has taken the idea deeper.
  8. a tiny monkey has a truly unique personality, infact its hard to describe. His uniqueness is due to the reasons he makes his decisions, which we may never know, because he may never tell us. i admire this consistency. just an observation, to see what happens if anything. I personally would like to come to understand this creative individual if possible, and what factors created his current form. This may seem ridiculus or sarcastic, or something but i am serious. Well i guess we will see what happens now.
  9. uhhh what are you trying to say here? Maybe YOU are the gay one
  10. the way to end war is to teach both sexes love and loyalty toward their mate, there by raising family as the sole concern in life. If everyone in the world could learn this there would be no war. But you could not make everyone in the world understand this and so even if you could convert a majority of the world to this lifestyle, the rebels would cause havoc, obligating men to defend their families and become caught in war.
  11. science of mind is what brings that which cannot be named, because ----
  12. evidently it wasn't you who closed that thread
  13. I can see somebody doesn't want the truth about clouds out. Probably because YOU are a scientist. Well your hording will not last you cotton candy hog!
  14. well a few interesting posts have been closed, actually i was enjoying arguing how i dislike anime agains khinfcube. In the end i actually agree with their decision to close it, just wish there was meeting to resolve the arguments instead of just ending them. But don't trust my advice to be valuable (in most cases i don't either)
  15. flea is also cool because he has a funny looking face. have you seen the cant stop music video? it is hilarious, so is By The Way. I'm a recent convert to RHCP fandom, are all their videos (i already see their music is) so incredibly brilliant?
  16. yeah great, lets do that AFTER we defeat the matrix
  17. Ha just kidding!! Actually, though there is no way for me to prove that it isn't all exactly correct. The case is possible ---- though you say unlikely, it is not impossible. So in the case of possibility--- if under the case the probability cannot be measured, and we may never awake from the dreamworld. I don't believe it, but i cant proove it.
  18. in the future we will all have supersensitive chips in our brain, they are networked through sattellites to transmit to giant plants of coputer chips----- brain extensions. Obviously it would be inefficient to cram all that directly into our heads so its radio transmission. Smart people will learn to psychicly hack through the brain extension servers, they will learn to use their chips to control their brain to release the propper chemicals to give them superhuman abilities--- they will hack into each others minds. There will be people who missuse this power ---- hacking into other peoples brains, causing havoc and such. There will be a resistence, but the evil will spread like a plague and turn our race into monsters--- this is when the machines will take over. The truth is the machines had humans helping them, the last resistence decided that enslavement, set apart for future freedom would be a better fate. So these humans were able disconnect their group from the system, so they could not be hacked in their mission. They built super computers and in few years reconnected to the net, releasing a plague--- disrupting the minds of humanity, and plugging in the machines to use our brains to their own purpose. They use us to give them more power until we have none left, and we are used only as batteries, our minds contained in an enormous computer matrix that simulates life through electrical input to our brains--- while we lay in pods as vegitables and they feed off our energy. The truth is all of this has already occured.
  19. i guess not yall are american, so maybe you don't know who i'm talking about, but Red Hot Chilli Peppers---- awesome band eh? This is the Place is my favorite song currently. Anyone an RHCP fan?
  20. my brain is being fried
  21. I think the mods have too much power, while closing threads is good thing sometimes, i do not think it is always the best measure of resolution. I think we should make such decisions democratically-- or something like that. The parties wishing to be involved will enter a session to resolve issues before the final move is made. Thats what this site is missing --- active government, where citizens have a say too. I am partially kidding, oh well i don't know what i'm saying, just everyone make fun of my idiocy or something
  22. Although i dont believe in seeing into the future, in my experience deja vu seems to be the fullfillment of usually unconcious perceptions. Occasionally mine have been concious. Have you ever had a dream and then later had the exact experience? All of mine have been as far as i know insignificant---- one was a type of historic museum, one was a welding wearhouse, one was a unique garden in britan, one was a park (this one may have been coincidence). Those are my experiences of places i visit in dreams then later found in life. The other day i was having dinner with my grandma and her friends (i had not planned on it, they were at the same food place I went) and this lady said something that immediatly connected me to a dream i remember having, but obviously not solidly remembered as insignificant. I cant even remember what she was talking about but i know it connected. My friend was at scout camp when walking on trail behind two boys he overheard their conversation
  23. I am rather prejudiced against anime (and i believe for good reasons)---- it is all the same style (why?) and all the storys are in a cliche mentality which believes itself to be intensly creative, which is one of the reasons it is so intensly not. Whether the material is different in different storys the spirit and style is the same bland thing. It really disgusts me. Well thats how i feel about any anime i ever saw so NO i do not watch toonami. Toonami can burn in hades. Wow excuse me for being so incredibly insulting (however i am not taking back my words, however illstated they be)
  24. Could you dumb all that down for me (well simplify it anyway). I think you got some good points but i don't agree with others-- though i cant entirely tell what they are. Capitalism restrict freedom, maybe less that other systems, but it does. I do not have freedom to do what ever work i want and get what i deserve for it, someone could make up their own job being more useful than a real job, and not get paid. Manufacturers charge much more for what they produce than what it costs to make. Rich people can be rich and not have to work near as hard as someone born poor, never gotten an education to get better work and working their butt off. There is no time to reform capitalism because we must live by it or die. ------- ok now i am babbling i think, but whether or not my evidence is crappy i do not see why are you defending unfair systems. Yes life is unfair, but cannot we design systems of society to minimize this factor? Reason has been forgotten, and you are brainwashed to follow the logic of that which is already established. Well---- what was established cannot be perfect unless it was created by God--- or do you believe it was? The established is an evolved and refined generation from primitive creations. The creators did not have in mind designing society and economy ideally, they changed what the could within the 'rules'. I'd probably be better spending my time brainstorming ideas about how to actually make work what i complain of, but i believe i have made my point that there is a better way, and i have faith that change is absolutely possible if we are willing. Whatever you merited to justify our faulty way of economy is a clever lie (you didn't intend to tell), not looking at all sides of the story. But then again i already said i didn't very well understand everything you said so if you could simplify it for me I will reconsider my stance toward it.
  25. By the way you talk it appears i may have found someone that would agree with my philosophy: as far as can be scientifically proven through our senses (who knows if the electrical impulses feeding us are even 'real' (i believe they are but i cant proove it)) everything, including science is 'only' speculation and faith. Thats ok if not i guess, just hoping theres someone on this planet that understands me.
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