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Everything posted by NavajoEverclear

  1. ummm . . . ok i'll get over it.
  2. i see. well lets forget the fact that we might not have the power to overthrow it, what should be done, if it could be done?
  3. i didn't put this in a science forum because it does not relate to science, it relates to the forum of which it shares the name. Where did it go? I was kind of looking forward to looking at the new posts on it.
  4. I strongly disagree with that statement. I love normal people often wish i was one. I guess that would depend on your defenition of normality, which would depend on what is the common mentality of normal people in your village. But as for me, normal means, socially functional, and all the good things acompanied with that, they have problems, but not as many as I do so i like them better. Actually i do believe i have some good ideas to offer to the world that my discovery of are resultant of my non-normality. Anyway, don't be dissin, normal people are freakin awesome, and i will stand up for them and their beautiful normality.
  5. thanks for the support, but i'll still defend myself----- all areas of thought can essentially be science related if you look at them the right way. Politics is something that we humans do, it is something that effects us, hence effecting our social progression, which is possibly (certainly to some degree) directly related to our biological evolution.
  6. That was an extremely intersting article, thank you for the input. I don't know about that bacteria become part of us, maybe so, i just don't know. So how do 36,000? sexes work? do they just spread their spores or whatever and multiple spores interact to create some mix? I really don't understand that at all. I see we only have two sexes because thats as simple as it can be, and why should it be any more complicated? i don't see how complication is an advantage, two sexes works fine, just make, how would more make us more diverse? I guess i'd have to understand how more than two sexes even works to ask that question.
  7. or are we just not supposed to have any dreams beyond what capitalism can provide. Who decided this? I don't see why they are right, so i think they are WRONG.
  8. Rad Ed said that on some thread somehow relating humans technological advancements to evolution. Depressingly I think he's right. What is the cure for capitalism though? See and this is one of the things that leads me to think that our superior brain power gives us abilities that at least partially overwrite evolutionary nature. Isn't evolution supposed to kill the stuff that is dissadvantous to it. Well maybe evolution doesn't have space travel in its plans. So anyway back to the focus. Capitalism (among other social structures) holds back our progression. What is the cure, obviosly other economic ideas have problems too, so how about we just through out all this money crap, and adopt a new system of dealing with the things we'd normally use money for. So what do we replace capitalism with?
  9. after losing the attention span to read the last few posts i think i'm probably to uneducated to make competent coments on the subject but i will anyway. I'm not sure if Blikes question was ever answered--- how does sexuality evolve from an a sexual organism (that's how it started right?) is it just some random mutation, or what is it? How does it happen? And then once it does happen, like blike said how does it become advantous--- think about it , you have one sexual cell (however it became this way) in the midst of all the asexual ones. It cant USE its sexuality, it doesn't have any effect on the asexual. Does it somehow search out another sexual cell? Or does it just die and billions of sexual mutations occur until two find each other and begin producing a sexual population. I as i was brought up religiously, have come back to choose to still hold those beliefs. I find it ridiculously bothersome when people of religious tendancy defend their beliefs with made up proof just because they really feel they are obligated to defend them. That is not true faith, so try to be openminded. I do believe evolution occurs at least on a certain degree, but that was not the course God took. I mean anyway we don't really have any proof of cells evolving into animals, yes i understand the complexity of mutations and natural selection fairly well, so i have to admit i see evolution is possible, but there are lot of things about it so far as evidence not found (to me anyway). Like why aren't there just as many intermediary species between apes and humans, infact, why would there be any distinct species at all, because evolution is gradual, or are there jumps? Or how does this work? Actually ignore my latter questions until later. Put the first paragraphy in priority to resolve those things.
  10. Those people should be shot, or for a more painless death, send them out to space in a contained chamber that will send time to infinitate speed thus converting them to gamma ray energy. Hey maybe we could pick up the energy to from a safe distance and use it for power. Maybe should convert all stupid people into this form of energy. Oh nevermind, i want to live.
  11. Gamma rays would kill me? that sucks, yeah i was pretty sure something like that would happen. So exactly what would happen though, wouldn't i create gamma rays simply by remaining still at infininate speed, because of my molocules. So actually it would be more that I turn into gamma rays, wouldn't i be instantly transformed into the energy then? But what about the theory of relativity? would i be deadly to myself or just everyone on the stopped time level? I imagine such questions will seem very stupid to some people, please don't critisize me over it though, just tell me the answers.
  12. Can some mods ban that bunny freak for having such a freakin freaky avatar. It really bothers me. Then after you ban him, hunt him down and i think you should kill him maybe. Well that might be a bit harsh--- just do whats in your best judgement. Is there a way you can instantantly switch equivilant amounts of matter (through time--- doing so through space would basically just be displacement right?)? Then i think theres no problem with time travel. Actually i have no idea how it could really work, so i don't know what laws it would or wouldn't break to have to be possible. The only problem after my thoughts is spacial, if you remove yourself from now, you remove matter---- which cannot be destroyed or created, so wouldn't that break a law of physics? Or would it just pressurize the universe (in a supremely small way). Someone aughta hunt down my old thread on time travel to see my other ideas about it.
  13. infininate speed is possible---- if i were to stop time (lets ignore if this is even possible) then to everyone for which time is stopped-- i can theoretically do an infinitate amount of work in absolutely no time (on their level) therefore to them, i have infinate speed, to me it might just be normal---- hey doesn't that work out with the theory of relativity? But then i don't know how i could exist on a different plane of time--- would there be oxygen there? I mean i couldn't breath the stopped time oxygen, or then again maybe i could and i'd just be creating a vacumes and crap that result in momentary violent turbulent air currents when time resumes. Hmmm i don't know, tell me what you think.
  14. well not all of the results are useful, i suppose i could search harder. Thanks for the help, actually i did find a hacking training site the otherday that looks promising. You can go ahead close this thread, doesn't look like anything productive has come of it
  15. i've heard about it--- what exactly is it? Doesn't it have a near-porn scene in it?
  16. dude shut up! the agents are hiding the information from me alright. Ok well i'll try looking again STILL it would be more helpful if an already established PC genius could show me the way.
  17. Right on dude. If you are willing to die for it (i'm not) then good luck and I will enthusiatically support you as much as i can with out being killed myself. But its not absolutely certain that they will get you, just a highly likely risk. So go for it!
  18. I think it would be lots of fun to be a computer genius and create an army of hacking bots that will infect the internet with the black death of PCs. Or perhaps i wont use my powers toward such a dramatic purpose because i'd rather not be secretly and brutally murdered by the government. But i would enjoy knowing more depth about computers and programming. I know i could try to search the internet myself but search engines are often inefficent, and I find it much easier if i could find someone who already has all the perfect links. So will you help me in my education, or at least tell me where i can go to get such an education.
  19. On one hand I think theres nothing to worry about with AI-- WE are the ones creating it, so lets just not make anything that could possible take up a will to enslave the human race. Like i saw on some show on techtv about the subject, we'll be creating AI pets and such, not super geniuses to dominate the world. I think we'd also create simple minded creatures designed to be dedicated to serve us, like robobugs that eat all the crap off the carpet and such. But then on the otherhand, it's also likely that once the powers of AI are unlocked, they WILL fall into the hands of stupid people, and people want to take it to the limit, until they accidentally cross it. Who knows maybe they will intentionally cross it too. So as i see it its a race to reform society or something as to make stupid people less common, and not capable of holding power that will kill everyone. --------- I am not sure how this reform will occur, perhaps we already doomed.
  20. excuse me, so do you mean to say that discussing antartican refrigerators is the best use of my intellect? If you were best using your intellect you would be doing something much more useful than posting on this site. I speak the truth, why does not anyone hear? And yet i know i could make up lies so people will agree with me, but i have a little more integrity than that.
  21. Dear lord is there any hope left in the world?
  22. I want to learn how to hack, and yet i know nothing about it. I want to create an army of hacking bots to bring an apocalypse to all computers by way of the internet. Like the black death of PCs, and the the crippling of the http://WWW. And if the new web is equally ad inefficient and evil as the current version I will crash it too.
  23. MONEY sucks, you know i'm a pretty talented writer actually. If i got off my butt i could write a book that will make me famous and roll in the dough. Then my famous quote would be 'Money is stupid, writing is easy for me (which is mostly not my fault), so i am rich while poor people work their butts off and are still poor' Lifes not fair. Its not fair because people like me complain to much and are too lazy to actually do something about that which they complain------- somebody please tell me why i'm babbling onon and on? ok i'm done.
  25. M-Catz do you think you have the right to call a big-wig like blike stupid? He like created this site or something-- show a little respect. Forget that : Question Authority! (but trust me i'm a teacher) I don't know if we could ever create a machine that could detect all that atomic stuff to be replicating it--- but i guess you already admitted this falls into philosophical grounds. Yeah if its indistiguishable what's there to argue? Some people just don't understand, so the truthfullness of it shouldn't be the matter at hand.
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