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Everything posted by NavajoEverclear

  1. vampires suck, and are stupid. all those goth retards who call themselves vampires---- they should explode.
  2. well, mermaids would be really sweet, but i have to go with Werewolves. It would take much to long for humans to evolve fish tails. Besides, i like legs.
  3. When does this book come out? I want to read it. But are you trying to take God out of all this? Damn you. Brahm is everywhere. An evolving universe is neat, but it doesn't proove athiesim, you effing weasel whore
  4. are you friggen serious? hmmmmmm. The bastard card is cool, but you should be able to get any picture to work. Just make sure its 75 by 75 pixels. Lamely enough i run on windows, if you do you can do this in paint by going to image attributes (first make sure you have your picture isolated with no white space). Just edit the number of the largest dimension to 75, it will be pretty close to the square. I bet any other system has image editing programs default available that you can do this with. Apologize for trying to control the world. Well now that you know i'm sorry i can keep on doing it so i wont apologize ever again.
  5. what if you insulated the suit?
  6. This change is approved. Thank you very much, who is that by the way? Pictures of Kierra Knightly, Winona Ryder, or Halle Berry are also approved
  7. Some people need to change their avatars so my parents don't think i'm looking at porn when i'm on the forums. Plus they aren't even sexy-- yourdadonsomethin's girl is transexual (broad shoulders) Molocule man's has blimp boobs. Which me and Phi shake our heads at very violently. Anyone who does not share our taste in women deserves bloody castration. If you are going to have a girl, at the least let her be attractive. Bloodhounds pics of the asian girl are approved, pictures of Natalie Portman are also approved. A more complete list of approval will be released shortly.
  8. that wording is beautiful enough to be in a poem. But i don't agree. I do hate overplayed mainstream crap, but there are a few (evan. and linkin) that are pretty good. So how new does it have to be for you to hate it? do you like Nirvana or Smashing Pumkins? Red Hot Chilli Peppers? i love the chilli peppers
  9. philosophy is crap. its a waste of time on ideas that will never be applied. for some people its fun. it began disgusting me a long time ago.
  10. Girls are freakin hot Gonna go make out with one I wish she were real
  11. Thats not true in many cases--- read my last post. There are several factors involved that would make it mor ethical to abort---- but all of them (unless you have an example) can be identified pretty early on, so the abortion should be done as soon as possible. Of coarse there is another side, but is it a real reason, or just liberal bullshit about it being the womans right? Rights come with responsibility, she had the right to have sex, she should have taken the responsibility either to prevent fertilization, or to carry out the baby and give it the nurture it deserves. If the reason for abortion an attempt to weasel out of these responsibility, is the only time it should be considered.
  12. I was just sitting wondering, about the authorities governing this site, starting with who has the server for this site? Blike or fafalone? both live in florida. How old are you guys? when did you decide to start the site? Have any of the other main mods met in person or anything? Who are the mods anyway? is YT a mod yet?
  13. I went on a date to see the village tonight. I thought it was mostly very good. A little dissappointing, but it was what it was and i accept it. It seems like Shamylan (sp?) is bent on plot twists. This one wasn't bad, except in the fact that it was quite predictable. I didn't predict it, because i forgot that being M. Night, I should be waiting for the twist, but it wasn't that surprising. I hope he realizes he doesn't have to follow the same model of plot twists everytime. Ok with me if he does it most of the time, but not always. My hope for him is that he's doing this to elliminate all of the obvious possible twist types, so that he, and everyone else in movie making HAVE to start making smarter movies that we cant predict. The way i see it, M Night can never try to pull off another twist, unless it's totally brilliant. People will definately be waiting and guessing from the beginning---- some people where in this one, my friend said he predicted the end. So he'll either begin to be lame, or he'll start getting smarter, and everyone else will have to get smarter to compete with him.
  14. Hah! you just helped me make my decision. Except i'll be three months too young to vote . . . I read some stuff about Nader, i think he'd be a good leader. I think he SHOULD be our leader, i know hardly more than shit about the two 'main' ones anyway, so why cant they we just forget their campaigns and . . . . maybe i could kidnap, and brainwash all candidates to resign (xcept nader of coarse)
  15. incredible. did you make that up? i want a tee shirt that says something about the pink jelly jesus
  16. Will Smith movies are never brilliant. Who the hell needs brilliance anyway tho? Will Smith is a good guy, so his movies dont have to be anything more than decent
  17. oh yes much better. I like the first and last pictures best. Especially the last. Make him change it to the last one. She is definately not transexual. So what if its sexist? The few women here can make sexist thread in the reverse direction---- i'll probably refuse to view it, but whatever
  18. the ansible ender!
  19. Girl next door sexy is the best! Or girls down the street . . . .
  20. yes, it would do everything the normal brain would, it could even be controlled by another brain, but like i said thats not the important part.----- True it would be near impossible to make such a device. But perhaps there would be a way you wouldn't neccisarily need to make it. Make the components that make it, but not understand how it works (cause such would be possible). What i mean is maybe a machine could originally just monitor all the output from the brainstem, until it adapts to figure out how to take over all those functions. The machine would figure out how to program itself, all we'd have to program is its capibility to understand the electrical impulse somehow. Mold it's own port, than you hook it up the the remote controlling source.---- if that makes sense That's the essense of the question, would the brain just go through random meaningless electrical flows, or would it create it's own reality? I think theres enough evolutionary instinctive wiring that it would so to say, run on the memories of its ancestors. I think it would have all the senses, because its all just a matter of the final stimulation in the brain. You have senses when you dream, and thats not real. Since the final destination of all physical function is the brain, i think it would have a sense of its own body. You've heard of people who lose limbs and then have phantom itches and such? sensations that come from where there is no longer any physical base. The brain might have a phantom body. And to since it would be so lonely to have no social interaction, the brain would likely split into several personalities. (tho thats completely my own guess). I don't know WHAT detail of sensual simulations the brain would create. Depends on how much is evolutionarily engrained. it would make new connections, but they'd probably be strange nueral relationships and patterns we have no way to comprehend. . . . . well i guess thats the opposite point i've just been writing about. I cant decide if theres enough in common with the fact that we all have similar brains, or the fact that i have no idea how a cut off brain would develop. Simulated input is an option, but that was the point of the question, what would the brain do without any simulation? What kind of reality would it create for itself? What kind of emotions would it feel? What kind of skills could it develop?
  21. This is derived from an idea that started on a thread on immortality. Look it up if you care how it relates. Anyway, the idea is this, a machine (small device of some type) hooks onto the base of the brainstem- right where all the nerves root (they do all go back to one place right?) to the brain. This device is remote controlled by a computer type thing, or another human with a corresponding device--- like switching bodies,, whatever, thats not the important part. The question is, say this device was activated early in the life of the person, inserted into the womb if possible. The brain of this person is not dead, but it is cut off from actual input. If it was not fed simulated input (like the Matrix, except of coarse that the body is being used for something other than a battery) how would it develop, and if given the opportunity at some point in it's life, would it ever be capable of taking control of the body? What kind of dreams and experiences would it have without interaction with the real world? Would it have wakeful brainwaves, and sleeping waves, alternating acording to circadian rythm?
  22. Not in order (there is no order): Edward Scissorhands Matrix (the first, and second---- a few selected portions of the last) Ghost (w/Patric Swazy, Demi Moore, Whoopi Golberg)---- most hilarious Bourne Identity and Supremacy (Bourne kicks Bonds arse to a pulp) Scrooged (Bill Murray, homicidal employee, abusive fairy of christmas present, the ghost of christmas future and the minions under his cloak------ brilliant Mystic River mmmm thats all i can think of now edit: just looked at solaris list, haveta add signs K-Pax Bruce almighty----- have only seen parts of that so far, but loved it. Parting the red sea soup. Monkey from butt
  23. Brains die. It doesn't matter if the electrical impulses are stored somewhere else, so long as it can have access to a real brain temporarily (well the permenant brain will always have access to a brain, but only temporarily to one particular brain, as it will eventually die.). Of coarse the permenant (computer based) brain to would be directly connected to a human brain, and the brain would constantly relay all its physical interactions back to be stored in the permenant brain. Also, it would only cause truama to try to transfer the cumilated memories of the permenant brain into the human brain. The human brain would have to have remote access to the full brain. Therd also have to be a way to prevent the permenant memories from overloading the human brain, as it roams through the database. Come to think of it that would defeat the purpose of being individually imortal. It would simply be immortal memories, at access to sequential progression of humans. ............ so the only functional option to preserve individual immortality is to switch over COMPLETELY to computer brain, and deny the human brain any power over the body. Which would cause huge ethics problems, could you grow a body without a brain, and if not, what would happen to the brain in the body that you have to ovveride control from? It wouldn't nessisarily have to die tho. Which brings up a new question. What kind of experiences could a brain have without connection to the body?
  24. oh sorry your right. just bein stupid. Well i do mean what body type i'm attracted to, and her body is OK, but I dont think she's very face pretty. Not ugly, i'm just not particularly attracted. What i meant to say was that i'm not attracted to someone, just because their willing to show off their stuff, i have to like the stuff their showing off. Which--- simply for being female, i will enjoy to a degree, but there is more to it than that to appeal to my particular taste. I think everyone has their own taste on what makes hottness, there are few univerally accepted precise rules. Breasts for example. Being sizable is nice, but smaller can be cool too. If their too big its just unnatural, and does not turn me on. Wheras popular belief is that they should be blimps. I just dont agree.
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