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Everything posted by nativecoder

  1. There are a lot of books about algorithms. The spectrum could be described by its two extremes: mainly mathematical - mainly practical. We are not talking about implementations but the practical books tends to offer a sample implementation (books like Algorithms with XXX -where XXX is Java, C++, etc). I think you are interested about algorithm design and the discussion about the famous ones (how to find a path, sorting, etc.) Obviously if you are more interested in a concrete topic then you have to go for string algorithms, graph algorithms, etc. So, answering your question, I will recommend you two books that are closer to the mathematical extreme: - Introduction to Algorithms (Cormen) (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) (http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Algorithms-Electrical-Engineering-Computer/dp/0262031418) - Fundamentals of Algorithmics (Brassard) (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fundamentals-Algorithmics-Gilles-Brassard/dp/0133350681) This material is good stuff but it requires dedication to be learned. Good luck!
  2. Hi again, I have some philosophical questions here. Context: In the genetic code we have 64 different codons to codify 20 aminoacids + 3 STOPs + 1 START (shared with the methionine AA). So we say the genetic code is degenerate, having information redundancy (18 of the AAs are specified by 2 or more codons). Most of the synonymous condos only differ in the last nucleotide (due to the properties of mRNA and tRNA). However, is there any evolutionary explanation for this? Something like: is a protective measure against "evil" mutations related to important AAs (e.g. UC? always codifies "serine" -being ? any nucleotide- because if you change serine in a protein it really gets hurt). The second questions is: Do we have any clue if this coding system has been always this way? Many thanks Regards
  3. You are right , what I meant was "notice". The underlying question is if there are other somatic cell mutations that can be propagated (like Cancer) and finally have a visible expression. PS: I appreciate normal beer and good sex instead. Thanks.
  4. Hi again, A very simple statement I would like to test. "In a normal adult person, the only somatic cell mutation (happening for instance during DNA replication) whose expression could be appreciated by other humans is Cancer" Many thanks.
  5. X-inactivation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_inactivation) is a process where a gene inactivates one of the two copies of the X chromosome (chosen by random in each cell) (however some genes could remain activated) A) Is anybody using this to inactivate chromosomes as a kind of gene therapy? B) Taking the case of Haemophilia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haemophilia). You need to have two Xs chromosomes with the disorder to express the disease. But if we are inactivating one of the Xs by random in each cell (imagine 50% of the cells have the good X copy inactivated), shouldn't women carrier of the disease at least express some symptoms (i.e. a lower blood plasma clotting factor of the coagulation)? I suppose the process is more complex than this and having at least 50% of "good cells" masks any disease symptom. Many thanks!
  6. very useful! Many thanks.
  7. Hi all, I have some dumb questions about insertions/deletions A) What is more common (regarding the changes in the genome), insertions or deletions? B) What is more common (insertions or deletions) regarding the genome area (introns vs exons)? C) If insertions are more common, then the genomes are in a continuous expansion (that in the end means more junk DNA nature has to play with). Is there any lab method (I mean physical method) to measure the potential length of the genome of an organism before sequencing? (no idea, maybe weighting the chromosomes?)
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