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Everything posted by Crocodile

  1. I would just like to say Hello and it's a pleasure to be here. This is the first time I've been to this forum and will be the first thread I ever post in this forum because frankly I'm in a thinking crisis right now. I hope you guys would understand that I am no professional. I am a student in High School in Canada and will be in the twelfth grade this coming September. I do not know what I want to get into after high school, yet. Well, onwards to my issue! I'm not a science type of guy sad to say. Well, I'm not a "high school" science guy. The science in High School seems rather over complicated than it needs to be, and that's basically why I'm almost not taking it.. AT ALL. I plan on being a full out experimenter or an alcohol/wine brewer. I always loved science in the past years, but it drew slimmer and slimmer as I reached High School. I don't want to take all of the science courses that I need to get a science major in university. I'm not sure why, but I just want my last year in High School(Grade 12) to be a breeze. I guess what I posted above is why. High school science is waaaay too complicated for me.. with the writing and the comparing and the drawing.. i'm more of a hands on type of guy, not a write down type of guy. I already have the blueprints of my wine making printed out, and the workstation ready. The only thing that's stopping me are the common thoughts, "Do I really have a chance at this lifestyle in the future? How will I get there?" I don't even know what I'm gonig to do with my life.. Sure, I want to pursue that career as a Chemist, or a Biochemist, but I don't understand how taking all of these courses will bring me to university. I was also thinking of being a Pharmacy Technician. It only takes two years at max in the University I plan to attend and it would allow me to get an insight on Chemistry and things, and I could have a peaceful Grade 12. It would allow me to make some money as well as have a fallback if the whole experimenter doesn't work out. But then again it would take those extra years to actually get where I want to be.. Another question I have deals with a comparison in High School science courses and University science courses. How different are the courses in University compared to High School? Are they more hands-on oriented, or are they still butt-in-chair oriented? The biggest problem with me is that many things catch my eye. I remember watching Knowing and immediately thinking, "I want to be an Astronomer or an Astrophysicist." Yeeeeah, I need help.
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