Forget the healing process. I want to see you squirt water through your foot.
As far as being a risk taker goes, this is the best thing that could happen to you. The same is true with your first wreck that does no permanent physical damage, (The psychological damage turns out to be very valuable).
My Dad used to call it getting a "practical education." A quick glance into epistimology, will show you there is a vast difference between symbolic knowledge gained in a class and spatial behavior learned by experience.
Among my research papers in education, one argued that you can't teach behavior, (using the traditional understanding of teaching). Knowledge is gained by learning via letters/words/symbols. Behavior must be inspired.
Your knowledge didn't prevent complacency, so by shooting your foot, you've inspired yourself. Ha. By posting them online, you're inspiring us. Our behavior will be modified by the pictures far more than by the words criticizing your actions.
Good show, Roger. It's probably not too late to squirt water through it. What's the worst that can happen?