This forum is ‘new country’ for me and I’m not sure how my membership and posts will be viewed for… I am a science fiction writer* in need of a sounding board. However, I do have ‘some’ redeeming qualities. For instance…
1. About 10% of my reading is ‘Arm chair’ physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, astronomy, other sciences. I’ve read (studied) Einstein’s general/special TOR; everything by Hawking, by Sagan and so on. At least between the mid 70s and early 2002. I am about 7 years behind right now. Oh, I am an avid reader devouring at least two books a week -- other reading was 80% Science Fiction; 10% other.
2. I haven't watched TV in 30 years except for scientific documentary type shows.
3. For 20 years I was a programmer/systems programmer/system administrator/software architect (designer; XML, design patterns, rational rose)/MIS.
4. All my sci-fi stories are science based and even if its ‘future’ science (as in ‘science fiction’) it must be plausible. I do use my literary license and I guess that might be my contracting and expanding definition of plausible.
In my current ‘work in progress’ (The Spiral Slayer) I go out on a twig and actually build a futuristic model of the universe with regards to what the future might hold for cosmology, physics, quantum mechanics and… a few other little things like…
* What the universe does before its birth and after its death,
* The answer to “Why are we here?”
* Medicine man, alchemists, scientists, then… <replacement>, <replacement >
* How you can learn everything that can be known and, how you can understand all this.
* How you travel between super clusters,
* How you journey across the universe while observing the speed of light barrier
by beating out the accelerating expansion of the universe
by… Lets go surfing now… on the wave of space/time creation
(or skipping across virtual particle pairs).
* A second way that the universe expands (or probability*probability*probability… …)
* How to juggle black holes and even make them vanish and reappear
* How you replace dark matter and dark energy
with absolute (space/time) vacuums
and hollow shells of plasma called stars...
without anyone noticing
I'm not looking for any replies on any of the above yet.
I’m ready to be stomped, flamed and ridiculed but… not yet.
My question: besides the ‘trash can’ (LOL I hope), where would I post sci-fi science proposals
like the above except with more info like my logic or how this might happen or be? As stated,
I need a sounding board.
Cheers and sorry for taking so much bandwidth,
Ron Williamson
*I’m a writer of IT Technical Articles (circa 1985-90; Computerworld, Datamation) who is working on his first science fiction book.
Edit: As always, I will search/research for a resonable amount of time before posting.