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Everything posted by Narroo

  1. Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton Already thought about this. If you removed friction, it would take 42 minutes to move from one end to the other, even if it doesn't pass through the earth's center. Neato!
  2. Hm, well, light travels at the same speed relative to any observer, regardless of their speed. The acceleration of galaxies is measured using light frequencies-red shift, so unless something is wrong with relativity, their observations should be correct. I'm far from an expert though, so is there anyone more knowledgeable here?
  3. I wonder how efficient and durable it is though? It would be nice to see this get used though. Hopefully it doesn't use any hazardous or limited materials in production.
  4. Ooh! Interesting! Johny Appleseed was onto something.
  5. I thought so too. Isn't that why it's green?
  6. Well, the idea of the FDA is good. The regulation laws were made because people were selling snake oil as medicine, and other things that were actually harmful. The idea was to make sure medicine was effective and unharmful, so that people can reliably access real medication, instead of bad tonics. But~ that doesn't mean the FDA is doing their job right.
  7. Hmm. What happened to the Artificial Gill chamber? Sounds neat.
  8. It's possible that two people's personalities compliment each other in a way that they like each others presence, similar to how people like cake. Mmmm. Cake.
  9. Oh My! Everlasting gobstopper gums? Sweetums.
  10. That's a bit more clever then the other solution I heard: Lighting it on fire. Heck, is the crude oil even flammable? If you could light it on fire, I'd hate to think what would happen....
  11. Erm, what I mean is: If something falls towards a gravitational field, should that expend energy after some point?
  12. Is it possible for an object to experience some type of Entropy by means of stressing their gravitational field? Let's say, for example, you dropped an object into a gravitational field. The object can not reached the center of the field for some reason though, except that it's not being actively stopped by something, like a mass. (Let's assume it's caught between to portals that lead to each other.) In this case, the object will fall infinitely. If force is continuously applied to the object by the gravitational field, shouldn't the gravitational field be expended somehow? Thanks!
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