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About Miseria_

  • Birthday 12/20/1986

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Scotland, (Inverness to be exact)
  • Interests
    Philosophy, Science, Music, Arts
  • Favorite Area of Science
    I'm not sure I have one anymore.
  • Biography
    Unusually smart, besides having very little education
  • Occupation
    Id rather not say


  • Quark

Miseria_'s Achievements


Quark (2/13)



  1. Okay, me being me, I've forgotten the major amount of physics I learnt, in particular, specific heat capacity. so, it would be agreat help if someone could give me some means of working this out. Calculate the thermal energy required to convert 5 kg of ice at 0 degrees celsius to steam at 100 degrees celsius. (specific heat capacity © of ice = C of steam = 2100 J\Kg\K, specific heat capacity © of water = 4200 J\Kg\K, Latent heat of vapourisation = 2.3 X 10^6 J\Kg, Latent heat of fusion = 3.3 X 10^5 J\Kg thanks...
  2. I think someone is out to get me. I shouldnt have started this. But at least we scots can say were not as fake as the english!!! Anyway, So far we have a number of people joining our side and Greg is going to be the leader. On a side note, It's supposed to be Raistlin from DragonLance but it looks a bit naff.
  3. I get the strangest feeling that team banana would rather rule the world. Isnt that right Sayonara? And the deep fried pizza thing sounds distgusting. I'd much rather a nice hot curry!!!! :D :D Prefferably one that would blow my brains out and need to be washed down with plenty of beer. :D :D
  4. I was just wondering if the human race has come any closer to achieving cold fusion. Or if the whole thing is just a major load of shit
  5. How many people agree with Scots taking over the earth then? I have three so far.
  6. then its agreed. The scots shall rise to take over the world. We must start a poll to find out who is a scot that uses this page.
  7. cHIs- Doesnt know anything about quantum mechanics. Nor does he have much of an opinion on the meaning of life.
  8. cHIs- is a scot
  9. I have totally lost track of this Probably for the best
  10. I havent had any ideas or theories on the subject thats why I am lookin for help on "complete stasis"
  11. But that doesnt come close to complete stasis so it doesnt help me
  12. Didnt think so
  13. Thanks Ed, I now have the Idea of exploding hamsters stuck in my head. That and the common equation of {Microwaves + Hamster = bang}
  14. A friend of mine brought this up in conversation and I want to find some educated answers, so where better to come? I was wondering if there have ever been any acctual attempts or theories for halting space and time in a contolled area?
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