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Everything posted by alan2here

  1. That disappointingly tricky. Thanks for working it out.
  2. Any stuff done like this with really big flywheels?
  3. Yes, you are probbably right about it being 42 Pioneer. You'r numroligy post was rediculous, it's just so silly to try and make religious rules for numbers.
  4. so, how fast in rpm to see odd stuff hapening?
  5. Thanks, I thought maybe there would be a name for it as it comes about where there is only one electro-magnet and one item that would not normally intract with magnets in any way other than as decribed by lenz law
  6. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-5275112434762210941&q=Physics+for+Future+Presidents&total=66&start=10&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=5 goto 56:24 (thats when it happens probably best to start a little before the actual event). He is demonstrating the force.
  7. Whats the name of the force that moves an electrically conductive metal ring inside a coil of electricity conducive wire forward when the wire has electricity flowing though it? I know it is due to eddy currents and induced magnetism and it is like the opposite of lenz law (like reversing a motor gets a generator) but not what it is called. I also though one could make a motor like this, with a wheel with washers around the outside and a coil that the washers moved though? There would unfortunately be collision conflicts between whatever was holding the washers in place and the coil. Leading me onto my next conclusion which is that a torus of metal may be better?
  8. You can't get magnets to levitate above other magnets no matter what you do with only magnets unless you put some power in to spinning one or more of them. Pyrolic (yes, I know iv'e spelt it wrongly) graphite will require neodymium iron boron (NIB for short) magnets in a cirtain configuration, it will also require the Pyrolic graphite to be set up correctly and it is expensive stuff, look in goggle video if you are really interested. Also alternating current coils of wire can be set up to levitate stuff, this is also however far from simple to set up. There are other ways like superconductors but this is getting really really hard now.
  9. lol, ty for trying
  10. I'm having difficulty imagining how this can be, like it can be thought of as being bigger and smaller like a photon can be thought of as a particle and a wave? Are you talking about relative to an observer on the disk and an observer outside the disk? Ah you mean that the paradox is theoretical and probably created by broken maths?
  11. People still argue the more menial jobs argument where there is a shortage of skilled workers. "Don't spend recourses educating people when you could have them all work in a factory doing jobs that really ought to be automated and everyone can be employed" only they never word it like that. wow :¬) thats the key, someone make a technocracy political party please At the moment there is an issue with banks and interest rates, people want the banks to change the interest rates to make them better, apparently this will make lots of people better off. This is the sort of economic issues that having a currency that is not just a set of rules like a scoring system with complected inter-country laws would solve. Please see the last paragraph in this post for more detail. Everyone could make the gold into blocks\coins and distribute it. Not everyone would have gold and initially the mining community and jewelers would become very wealthy, this is not such a good thing, gold was just an example. At the moment a coin or note only represents the wealth. The first few will be very profitable, the first one will represent all of the world wealth, after some length of time it will become not profitable, like when we have used up all the easily accessible gold. Deflation would only happen if people started loosing there gold (for example in the oceans) and not being able to recover it, unlikely this will happen very quickly or the rate at which it happens will change much. Importantly inflation would only happen when more gold was discovered, never for political reasons. No regulation is required if we can find a way to prove that it is gold, every shop would have to have a gold testing machine.
  12. So the polystyrene ball hits the ground the same time as the lead one of the same size? I thought it was that the big lead ball and the small lead ball hit the ground at the same time?
  13. nope, the plough allows more work to be done quicker by less people than the old trawler method. Simply replacing 50% trawlers with 10% ploughers
  14. I think normally it is accepted that contact means between two physical things, so magnets don't make contact pushing each other away, and that there is a small gap but it is so tiny it doesn't matter. none of the particles are real anyway they are all particle waves (can be thought of as both) they are not little spheres of solid matter as much as little wavelets. maybe insane alien is in contact with everything up to 160m light years from himself
  15. Id say 1 story would be ample
  16. I often think that people think that the mear action of moving money around makes the world a better place. Here is a theoretical and rather simplified economy to show my point. The only requirement in my economy is food Trawlers take little wooden spoons and sift though soil preparing it for planting seeds that will grow into plants. trawlers 50% (half of all people) other farming 50% (half of all people) employed 100% (everyone) output from farming relative to the population 80% (so 20% go hungry but 80% get enough food) hungry people 20% The plough is invented[edit], ploughing is more efficient than trawling so less ploughers are needed to get the same result.[/edit] trawlers 0% ploughers 10% other farming 50% employed 60% (40% now unemployed) output from farming relative to the population 80% (exactly the same, only now there are spare people to do other stuff) hungry people 40% (double) The relative difference in hungry people creates the illusion that things are going really badly where as actually things are 40% better (40% of people are now unemployed and the output from farming is the same, so we should be 40% worth of effort better off) The 40% better difference is real and the 20% worse difference is only economic. Amazingly the money moves about in a different and less productive way even though things should be better. This leads to the argument that there should be more jobs, people rarely argue the case for more efficiency therefore by it's very nature less jobs even though this will eventually improve things for everyone. During the depression everyone wanted work, everyone was working really hard as nobody wanted to loose there job, where as now many of us are lazy and leach, somehow things where bad. The fact that everyone wanted a job and everyone was willing to work really hard should have made things great, some time afterwards the economy picked back up again and then should have started falling as everyone got lazy again, however the economy does now work like that, something screwy was happening economically, the cogs in the big machine had got stuck and it didn't reflect the real world but it did effect it. If the economy (the way money gets shunted around) is to some day work 100% well and the real world stuff is to stay the same then could we have enough for everyone to live like kings? I think it would be quite nice to use something real as currency, like gold, only it would have to be something that cant be (to use a hacking term) spoofed, like silver (as nothing is more electrically conductive at room temperature), that would make for a rather impractical test, it's just one example. Another nice thing about using something real is that anyone could produce money, by it's very nature it would take as much money to produce it as it is worth and require no costly regulation.
  17. can I recommend arogal, is is less dense that spiderman silk Are you saying the edge would get bigger?
  18. nothing is restricted united nuclear sell uranium and ebay sells soduim
  19. bump
  20. go on, explain please :¬) liquid nitrogen Meissner Effect Screwing up roses to make them "dissapear" (is rather more lol, that one might imagine) etc...
  21. I now understand
  22. How paramagnetic when above the curi temperature? More Mu-Metal Somewhere In-between Iron (I know this is ferromagnetic but I mean in terms of force when a magnet is atracted to it and it has not been magnitised) Less
  23. So density plays a role in air resistance but not gravitationally in how fast the objects fall. Therefore the lead shot and cannonball will land at almost the same time with just a bit of difference due to air resistance but the plastic and lead balls of the same size but differant densities will land at very different times because of air resistance.
  24. What did Galileo prove then? I know in a vacume it is even more extreme, in a vacume the plastic ball and the lead ball of the same size will it the ground at the same time despite the difference in density. Did he ignore air resistance because in his example the effect is so small?
  25. I believe you, I still find it odd. Like many things in science that are odd but true.
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