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Everything posted by alan2here

  1. I'm making sure I understand this. Galileo dropped a piece of lead shot and a lead cannonball off the top of the tower. Because there where the same density they hit the ground at the same time irrespective of them being different weights and sizes (they where both made of lead therefore both the same density). However if it had been a plastic ball and a lead ball of the same size they would have been different densities as well as different weights and the lead one would have hit the ground first?
  2. 1. I'm in space pushing something with a mass of 1 forward and it's pushing me 1 backwards and we float apart. 2. I'm in space pushing something with a mass of -1 forward and it's pushing me -1 backwards and we float together and nether one of us moves anywhere. 3. You would have to suck it along? possibly there is a flaw in my logic of 3 but I cant work it out, someone else rewrite 3 if it doesn't make any sense.
  3. light is a wave so it wouldn't make much sense for it to be moving in space slowly and more than a wave on a lake of water so move slowly? Can you simply some of the rest of that post please.
  4. Just so I get this straight, if i was in deep space and I had a huge very dense yet hollow sphere of matter and I was standing on the outside of it then I would be attracted to the surface due to gravity, it would be like standing on a planet, however if I was standing on the inside I would float like in space? yes that does seem rather odd.
  5. The anti-graverty box that you are using will probably (when it is invented) require huge amounts of electricity continuously to keep it working, or there will be some other reason why this would not work. Ive thought that wormholes\portals must need a cube law amount of power to move something increasing distances to keep in line with CoE (remeber the obvious CoE violation in valves portal footage, the same must apply to if they are real, worm holes unless they had such a rule for distance) Why not just use the earth as an example and put the platform that your chain starts on in orbit where there is as close to no gravitational field as matters.
  6. What a kick-ass example Externet. Observation: We tend to look at all frequency's of EM waves and only the very lowest of the sound wave frequency's.
  7. wow, and I thought my 1.4T magnets are strong. lol at 60T, does require power though and lots of it. Is it not obvious, he wants to levitate stuff like water droplets and kittens and eventually himself. ahh, his silence speaks volumes :¬)
  8. If its anti-helium then should it react with helium? I'm not convinced thats its real name.
  9. hmm, the voice of sensablity, probably best not to let people (including myself) into the container its in at it's own level. Could still do some kickass but less hands on demonstrations, like boats in a lake of the stuff at a lower lvl, just have to stay outside of it and push stuff from the edge, slightly less entertaining, a bit like floating boats on a pond for people who cant swim. Could still do the can one, the persons voice did sound very odd. Would have to hold people upside-down to get it out of them :¬| how come that wasn't an issue with the people on the demo, you would expect it to fall to the bottom of there lungs?
  10. This would be because they cant dissipate upwards but have to flow (as water does) around until they dissipate. As opposed to other grasses that can go in all directions or go upwards and therefore out of the way very quickly. Helium is bad for your vocal cords (much more than most people think), is this the same or is it (other than the displacement of oxygen) completely safe, I guess it is as that experiment probably wouldn't have been done with helium in case anything went wrong.
  11. grr, it's illusive. I'm going to have to look really hard to find it. :¬) So far im thinking 1. Take a wiff every now and again to have fun with voice. 2. Fill a space up (could be hard to find an airtight one, may have to be something small like a bath, if its something big make sure its not very full (as in the surface goes up too high)) and build boats to float around on it. 3. Drop on people (in responsible manner taking into account soundings) as a practice joke.
  12. I would imagine it can only be bought online, and probably bought compressed. Wouldn't you need a whole tanker of the stuff to suffocate someone? There is so much air everywhere and only as much of this as I can sensibly carry, its also going to disperse very quickly and not be to obvious. Also bizarre levitating property, is it the heaviest non-harmful (except harm by displacing oxygen) gas? Could be weird to fill a large space with it but only up to a low level and float the boats across the room to each other at knee hight. The room would have to have very consistent walls\floors though, like an empty swimming pool.
  13. Can this be bought? I rather like both of those effects, looks fun for practical jokes. Could drop a load of it onto people who are below you. http://gprime.net/video.php/jaylenoinhalesantihelium
  14. I think he is referring to the book "Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" by "Douglas Adams" in which the number is the answer to "life the universe and everything".
  15. Wouldn't the atomic bonds between the atoms pritty much hold everything together? The only odd thing would be that if it was really big then it could only rotate slowly even if it was really light (as in not much mass)? I may be wrong.
  16. come on people, some analysis of the significance of this and general explanation for those that don't understand about what is happening.
  17. Your not going to get a magnet with 1 pole if you attach a piece of metal to the other. I think by your first post this is what you where getting at. Also the whole magnet attracts, both ends attract metals most and the north attracts the south of another magnet and vice versa. Same poles repel.
  18. I have already stated that i'm not doing anything if it involves thousands of volts or mains voltage.
  19. Id quite like to see a video of someone firing a herf\microwave gun at something metal, I can imagine lots of sparks. The water was good but it seems pity dumb firing at each other. I think thats quite harmful even if they don't realize it immediately. I can imagine the cat in that video being out of view whiten one frame (maybe that wasn't trick photography), our cat would be if it annoyed\hurt him, but then again maybe not as he likes things I would think of as being too hot. I think this article is about how you can make one with a Tesla coil, but the link in the article is broken. http://slashdot.org/articles/99/09/10/0826258.shtml
  20. Thanks kanzure, I shall look though all those links again later, looks kinda complicated. I have no microwave to take apart btw. I was looking at experiments like the one of getting plasma from 2 half grapes and trapping it in glass and the one with exploding water in containers when there is a think layer of oil over the top and making sparks from metal objects and such stuff. The reason for the battery power is that I don't want to be (am not going to be) using mains voltage for safety reasons. I thought there would be possibilities for making something not as large or expensive as a microwave that could do interesting things with microwaves such as the grape experiment but in a way that is safe for the person buying it (like how a lightning ball is doing something dangerous but in a way that can be sold in a shop as a toy). That video of the microwave gun exiberting such power over such range seems amazing. If I didn't want to make one I do now.
  21. What is involved in making a week source of microwaves, something small that isn't attached to the steel box you'd normally expect a microwave to come with and with less power that runs of batteries but that produces micowave frequency electromagnetic waves?
  22. I just rather like idea of a liquid that glows (emits light) as long as it is kept fed (as opposed to the sort which need light to charge and then run out when its dark or those that you crack and then they only last so long) NASA tries to photograph every instance of "micro-plankton explosion" as it happens, it is a category of natural hazards on world wind. They only happen occasionally and look like a very large discolored patch of ocean.
  23. Thanks, that makes it a lot clearer, I almost understand now whereas I bairly understood at all before, maybe a thread explaining this should be stickied.
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