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Everything posted by alan2here

  1. Maybe 0.99 + ((1 - 0.99) * 0.5) = 0.995 Thanks. Reality has an odd way of always working dosn't it.
  2. Fantasic. This brings me onto the second part, which is that a smaller person inside a smaller spaceship witch was traveling round in circles inside the origanal spaceship at 0.5 times the speed of light would presumably also not know he was moving just by observing what was happening with the light created by the smaller lamp (The one in the new smaller ship). My question is then if both thease people open the blinds on there spaceships so that light can go in and out. Isn't an observer on the outside going to see the inner spaceship traveling at 1.49 times the speed of light?
  3. I think he ment when the ends of the magnets are touching.This is explained in his next paragraph and is regarding the "pole reversal" effect. Thanks for the insight :¬)
  4. Im gona split this question up into two parts and ask the second part when I know I havn't messed up my resoning on the first. If a person was traveling inside something traveling at 0.99 times the speed of light that has a hollow inside and they had a lamp in there so they could see stuff then when they walked around as I understand it they could see all walls of there spaceship with no trobble. They could trow a ball up an catch it. They could walk around and wouldn't notice anything odd about how they light was working in the room?
  5. Iv'e heard the turm "pole reversal" before but to me it dosn't seem to describe whats happening. It seemed to be two forces acting againsed each other (the magnetic attraction to a metal and the magnetic effect againsed another magnet). However I do understand what you mean now. Looking at the feild lines reveals a nice loop with a horseshoe + keeper. Apparently the worst shape is a long rod for bad magnetic permibility (Loosing magnatism over time). I think the loss of feild over time must be fairly small. I know there are lots of metals but Ferrite and NIB seem to be the only two worthwhile ones unless you need them to go >80 degrees C. Even then NIB can be made to work well. However I do see how Iron magnets could be usefull. Horseshoe for example only seems to come in Iron.
  6. So anyone going into a black hole then maneging to get out again would find that loads of time has passed while they where away. Therefore hawking radiation leaving a black hole must be from objects that are verry old indeed?
  7. I can think of 2 ways. There is this way 1st Dimention Name: X 2nd Dimention Name: Y 3rd Dimention Name: Z (Using Prespective, Offset (Think about a photo taken on a large amount of zoom) or the method with Red\Green Glasses) 4th Dimention Name: Focus Well thease are 2D drawings over time. But they could just as easely use (perspective, offset, Red\Green etc...) to represent 3D objects over a forth dimention. The samples need to be closer together, It would suck if this image was 6 pixels wide or 6 pixels tall or the individual drawings used 6 layers to represent the 3rd dimention. Additional aplha could be used to enshure that backfaces in both the 3rd and 4th dimentions could be viewed. Alternitvly Here are 3 2D views are being used to represent a 3D view Therefore (I think probbably 4) 3D views could be used to represent a 4D object. This again is not the best example image as this shape is rather symmetrical.
  8. That sounds like a chalenge :¬) Im on it. Edit: Okay Ive got it See Next Post
  9. So you are saying that the magnatism linking the north and south poles of magnets with other magnets (feromagnatism) uses the inverse cubic law?
  10. Ahh, I understand what you meant more now :¬) Thanks. I still think the "time and space rotating into each other" needs a diagram.
  11. Im gona add a strongly related question to this thread. Why is rubber so bouncy?
  12. So. As the thing you are looking at speeds up relitive to yourself (or the diffrance in speed between you are it increses) the dimensions rotate into each other. So you have time becoming space and space becoming time.
  13. The slow motion one is more like a bunch of stills
  14. As I understand magnatism as with electric feilds, electromagnetic waves and graverty all conform to a rule that states that the force acted on an object by the source (planet\magnet ect...) is equal to the inverse square of the distance away from the source that the object is. Ferrite magnets are week whereas neodym magnets are relitivly much stronger. Magnets use ferromagnatism to interact with each other. There is also another force I think called paramagnatism that is a metal object that is not itself a magnet being atracted to magnets. Mostly thease two forces seem to act as once force. However there is one instance where they can be seen together acting in opisite directions. Push two ferrite magnets together with the same poles (e.g north and north) and they will not remain together after you stop pushing, this is because they repel each other. The same happens with neodym magnets (only this is much harder to do). However push one neodym and one ferrite magnet together (of same poles) and they only repell up to a point, beyond that point they attract. Once pulled apart enough they then repell each other again. This can be done for any size combination. My question is that is if: _Both forces use inverse squared to define force over distance _Both are acting apon the same magnet (therefore of the same size) and _One is weeker than the other (paramagnatism is weeker than feromagnatism) Then how come the weeker one seems to cause a pull only at verry close distances. It would make more sence that the stronger force should win out at all distances?
  15. This is the solution btw to the challenge. <Spoiler> Fill your garden with mirrors (idearly slightly concave) all pointing at the same place. That place will get verry hot. </Spoiler>
  16. An LED is only ever on or off. That's how they work. Therefore would having it: (The next line represents the LED activity during a small part of a second) Off, Off, Off, On, Off, Off, Off, On etc... be considered cheating? Also it is going to be possible to axidently leach energy from somewhere else (e.g EM waves or vibrations from something else that is running). I presume this to be cheating. I also presume having anything lighter than air such as heluim, hydrogen or a vacume to be cheating as it will reduce the weight and allow you'r 400g thing weigh 50g. Get going on you'r radiation powered bateries. (eather alpha or uranium) and you could win by 10 years. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/05/18/battery_decade/ http://www.overunity.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=c63dabab4891bc6fe8416e6ffc104b83&board=33.0
  17. Are thease called torsion motors? They can be made with big springs to run stuff. They genrally have the trobble that retentioning the motor takes soooo much energy and they loose power as it unwinds. Sorry to state the obvious and im not trying to be patronising but be carefull as mousetraps easely break fingers.
  18. Somone once told me about how you could fly and plane verry high then light the rocket to boost the plane the extra distance. To the people on the first page of this thread: Please try not to troll. We all started somewhere.
  19. As there is no topic on this rather intresting peice of software I will create one. http://learn.arc.nasa.gov/vlab/index.html It's basicly a virtual microscope. A bit like the way google earth looks at the world you can look at verry small stuff by downloading sets of images whitin the program and zoom in on interesting bits. Some files also have the abbility to change though levels of focus as well or fade in and out the same image but photographed using a diffrent tecnology. Various samples to look at.
  20. You could check here. http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/3816/image1vv3.png They all give integers (whole numbers) when devided by 2 Maybe he ment consecutivly diffrently than you imagined. For example 1 * 1 = 1 1 / 2 = 0.5
  21. http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=10651 Verry usefull thread
  22. One way of getting a bigger range of frequencies could be to take sample's a quickly as possible, pass them into a chip that could do spectrum analysis. Then convert the bands into addable sound at a condensed rage of frequency's? Edit: Oh I tried doing some of this with my radio. It worked to a point.
  23. Speed up relitive to what? Which space dimention? all three at once? How? Im having trobble visualising this process. A simmer idea to this is expressed btw in the book Pyrimids by Terry Pratchett.
  24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu-metal
  25. Little Underwater Volcanoes?
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