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Everything posted by alan2here

  1. I would think as we are in a science community, on a forum and on the internet then the proportion of autistic people here would be unusually high. Autism is not an on\off thing, there are meany people only slightly autistic, appeantly 1/3 of people experance some form of mental "illness" some time in there life. Most psychology involves one on one communiaction with somone in a familiar place, the only thing that changes is the person, this would terrify some autistic people but others would be quite happy with it. Autistic people find lurning languege at first hard but tend do develop better than averege communication later on. NLP and other modern psychology's are often structured and involve complex and abract concepts that would not be in some cases easyer for an autistic person to understand. Conventional psychology/councelling would be hardest for an autistic person to be able to do. I too would be verry intrested to know more about the reserch being done into savants.
  2. If anyone is looking for something fun to make, try a lifter. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-7083133926237328062&q=lifter
  3. I think in a black hole once some matter has got past a cirtain point it cannot go back because even if all the matter was converted to energy then it would not have enough energy to get back out. Also, a short while after it hits the black hole it will all be converted to energy as electromagnetic waves.
  4. alan2here

    String theory

    There something that explains the concept without ing
  5. wow http://www.tenthdimension.com/medialinks.php some of it sounds unlikely and sort of made up but I guess it is what string theroy is all about.
  6. ahh, I get it :¬) +1 * -1 is never going to be = to 0 Thats why (n-1)*(n+1) is not = to n*n Thanks :¬) now I understand.
  7. (4 - 1) * (4 + 1) = 15 (4 * 4) - 1 = 15 4 * 4 = 16 There, still proves its all of by -1
  8. lol, your right psynapse, the whole of mathmatics is off by -1 I guess. Whats "expanding" and "the inverse...factorising" and how does it make? (4 - 1) * (4 + 1) = 16 and 4 * 4 = 16[/Code]
  9. Iv'e stumbled over from the Physics side of the forums to air an idea about the nature of thought and Imagination. Im going to use the word "I" a lot as I am not shure who thease would apply to although Its probbebly not just me. When I am asleep dreaming the enviorment around me is contructed from pure imagation. I often have no recolection or constucting it with conscious thought and have little idea what will hapen next. When I imagine things when I am awake I often consciously think about what they should look\sound like and what should happen, this is conscious thought with little actual imagination. If however I imagine standing on a grid of square tiles and I look into the distance and see that the grid of tiles stretches off to the horizon in all directions then I have only had to consciously imagine the first tile, the rest where worked out automaticly (using imagination) and almost instantly, the first took about the same length of time as all the rest. People who are good at spelling visualise the word they are trying to spell and almost imediatly know the answer dispite the seemingly endless number of words they could have chosen. This is partly because they visualise the words and do a visual comarision with other words whereas people who can't spell verry well like myself constuct the words phonetically (with sounds, yes I have tried to lurn the other way and I can't do it). However simply spelling visualy Isn't fast enough for them to do what they do, I think they use fast subconscious thought that they are not aware of happening to do this. In the same way nearly everyone can recorgnise another person and almost almost imediatly know who they are dispite the seemingly endless number of other people they could have chosen, they do this at the same speed I could see all the tiles, not at the speed I consciously imagined the first tile. I find this easyer when I am tired than fully awake. Try to imagine somone talking, the words will probbebly be contously generated. Add another voice on top who is talking to the first one. Once you have this going for a bit add another one and keep going untill you have a small croud. Hopefully you are not contously generating all the voices, most of them should be with Imagination alone. Iv'e know some people apear to be doing maths verry quicky as they are working sums out entirly visualy. They are using the conventional method for working out sums and working them out consciously but holding the whole sum in there heads visualy at once. People with synesthesia can do maths by finding visual paterns between numbers that can allow them to work out the correct shape that would be associated to the answer to a verry hard maths sum much more quickly than the people in the last paragraph. This is mainly done by remembering the associations between the shapes and numbers and working out how to get the correct shape and so the correct number, for example to make a number twice as big the shape may have to have twice the number of sides, also texture and fealings can be important, I should think that sound could also be encorperated. Im not shure how much of this process is conscious thought and memory and how much is subconscious. It is undoubtebly verry clever. Going back to the meany tiles and the croud of voices. What other more usefull things could be achived at the speed that imagination works (as opposed to by using a conscious stratergy) and more importantly how would you teach yourself?
  10. sry, I though that is what you ment.
  11. http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=23706
  12. (4 - 1) * (4 + 1) = 15 4 * 4 = 16 (3 - 1) * (3 + 1) = 8 3 * 3 = 9 (7 - 1) * (7 + 1) = 48 3 * 3 = 49 My simple proff that my rule is right, and yes it was when I was a child I descovered it.
  13. On a semi-related topic I once belived all of mathmatics was out by +1 because (n - 1) * (n + 1) = (n * n) + 1
  14. alan2here

    String theory

    http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=23706 Go find the ones on quantum physics Im afraid it won't explane string theroy but it will give you some background info on such stuff. I too would like an explonation of string theroy.
  15. Nice find :¬) That looks incredable
  16. What is this all math problems solver software of which you speak?
  17. Thanks It seems there is a verry articifal border between the two. As a programmer I think I use both without making two much of a distinction.
  18. Could you give a brief example of discrete maths and the other sort please.
  19. Thats Religion. as wrong as it is that is what Religion is all about.
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matter So If I get a block of wood, and paint it a verry non-shiney black, so It dosn't emmit or reflect light, then blast it with some radio waves and gama rays and they get absorbed or travel straight though it. Then It's "Dark Matter"?
  21. Thanks. There is some usefull stuff in there.
  22. I run a forum, It recives huge amounts of spam. The number of spam users being created is increasing each day and so are the spam posts. I keep my phpBB up to date and I am quite shure my PC is not infected with anything etc... http://www.with-logic.co.uk My question is that If a user '' Is posting obviously automated spam that tries to trick other users into downloading an obviosuly malicious .exe file, Which he is, Where can I complane to get him removed from the internet? How do I find out what ISP I should complane to? If I ban the people from the whole internet and not just romove there user acounts from my forum, It will help everyone?
  23. 'The Matrix' FTW
  24. Quark --> Meson --> Baryon --> [some more stuff] --> Primate --> [some more Stuff] --> Scientist\[subject] Expert?
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