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Everything posted by alan2here

  1. I like your idea insane_alien It allows anyone to go back to the past, change anything, and nothing makes any difference because it is all predetermined anyway, including the time travel part. You always where going to go back to the past and change whatever you change so it was changed before you went you just probably hadn't noticed. I think your probably right
  2. If a light particle went neer a black hole, then it would be pulled towards it, if it was close enough it would be pulled into the black hole. If not it would just be pulled off its otherwise straight path slightly. At some radius light must be able to orbit the black hole, we wouldn't see this light from a distance as it would be going round and round the black hole in the same way as a plant goes round and round a star. If anything large (like a space ship) was pulled into the black hole then it would hit (or float though) this layer of light particles that would seem like a very bright line crossing the ship, possibly damaging the ship due to it's intensity. Of couse this is assuming that light goes at a costant speed, im shure u will prove me wrong on this point. Also check out my other theory thread (about time) http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=22163
  3. lol http://www.pqhp.com/cmp/gdctv/ the last video on this page (regester just means type you email in and you emedatly get the video), and neer the end of the video (you can skip ahead using that menu at the bottem of the window that apreas when you play the video). It's called "the room" Diffrent company, far superiour graphics\physics and far better portals. I think we will have to wait a lot longer before playing that though. Me too :¬) I think it is or should be possible to get one to shoot it's self.
  4. ? looks like a nice course, can I read the book online somewhere or do I need to buy it? Im going to university next year to do more advanced stuff in games programming, hopefully they will teach me math like this there, I have GCSE maths at the moment, no A level math. Also I will have acsess to our uni liberry. stotfold village libery is rather lame.
  5. This is my theroy (sorry if it's not a new idea) on why time travel may be theroreticly imposible: 1. It's the year 2006 2. I move myself 20 years into the past (to 1986). 3. I stand in the feild that was here before my lab was built and look around for a moment. 4. I go back to 2006. Even the verry small amount of change I made in 1986 (apearing in the feild, looking around, disapering) is still change and will slightly alter the circemstances in which I built my time machine and went back into the past in step 2. Therefore step 2 will happen in a slightly difrent way and so alter the way step 3 and 4 happen Therefore step 2 will happen in a slightly difrent way and so alter the way step 3 and 4 happen Therefore step 2 will happen in a ... ect... The only possible resolution will be if the time jump in step 2 never hapened. Which as the changes got more and more would make this the enevatable outcome. maybe?
  6. I understand this type area = width*height e = (m*c)^2 As a programmer I use these type of equations all the time, although they are not always as simple as the ones stated above. However this type Utterly confuses me Coding isn't just equations, there will be commands and stuff backing my equation's up as they means noting to a compiler on there own, I guess in wider maths an equation does stand up on it's own as being meaningful therefore it needs to be expressed in a more complex way. Can someone explain or point me in the direction for stuff about understanding those sort of equations. Until then I will continue with my current "observe, understand and then code" method instead of looking up how to do things which is what I would like to be able to do more.
  7. Here is a low quality video of the demo for the game portal that will be realised soon. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=1299927595688205543&q=portal If you have steam installed (valve's thing for playing there games) you can view the high quality one though steam. It's graphical quite good and the physics are like most of the new games by valve (can handle meany rigid objects stacked\colliding realistically, not as stable physics as ageia) but the most incredible thing about it is it's use of "portals". There are many forums online showing many pages of "wow that incredible" type responses on every post with a few "whoa, that's like in prey" ones. However, what I am looking for here is a more scientific approach to the idea of how relisicly they portals like the ones in the video are being implemented and how they may work (or may never work) in the real world.
  8. DucoNihilum, did you use pure water or tap water?
  9. someone told me u must use pure water or bottled water as opposed to tap water to do this, where they correct?
  10. well, The stuff I bought online is quite crazy enough and sufficant quantity, so I don't need to try and make it, Also some of the ingredants there, lol MEASURE 10ML OF FERRIC CHLORIDE (PCB ETCHANT) INTO A PYREX CUP IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA, HEAT THE SOLUTION TO NEAR BOILING. ADD 5ML OF OLEIC ACID. I took a coupple of lines from the recipie you sent me and put them in code tags If your going to buy "ferric clloride" and "oleic acid" and a big fan for the venalation you may as well just buy ferrofluid. Unless however you own a lab? Edit: This being the forum it is im guessing that people who post here may acctually own there own labs.
  11. was no reply's because of my last post? should I edit it away?
  12. Edit: sorry, doubble post, I dont know why that happened
  13. http://www.with-logic.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15 a breif explanation of fractals followed by some fractal art I created :¬) enjoy
  14. For use with ferrofluid Its like magnetic oil, fun but messy, requires a lot of plastic sheeting The magnets that came with it are strong enough to pick up somewhere between 1kg and 2kg each (about the wight of a hammer) while being verry small (cilindrical and about 2cm diamiter and 1cm height). The elecromagnet dosnt need to be quite this strong to have effect on the fluild by fridge magnets are not strong enough. I would like to be able to turn them on/off and pule them on/off and experiment involving putting some fluid inside the center of the magnet, none of thease things are possible with non-electro magnets.
  15. I would like to make or buy an elecromagnet I need it to fill roughly thease requirement's: be in the range of 200g to 1kg in what it can pick up Be 6 to 30 cm long and Be tube shaped Be hollow so stuff can be placed inside the tube Be a reasonable price considering I am just buying it to experiment not to start a buisness. I say roughly because sercing with google, ebay and wiki only reveals ones that are way off in all of thease aspects so ones which are just way off in some of thease aspects will probbebly do. :¬)
  16. Thats great general advice there to everybody 1veedo.
  17. I "Enjoy being free" Its good fun You get to spend all the money you earn (not just a small percentege of it) You get to go out with your mates whenever you (and they) want. You get to spend your time doing whatever you want. You won't axidently get locked into duallity by having children. If you want company of the opisite gender the best way is to become friends. Frends are much better company that partners. I know nobody who is happly married after > 20 years. Someone earler mentioned a sfn dating forum Well why not just PM people in this thread if you like them. This is the perfect place to meat other schience'y people. Maby one day I will meet a woman who is tecnicly minded, Intrested in schince and computers, into extreem sports like snowbording, who dosen't drink a lot of alchol or smoke and who is into heavy rock music. Just like me. Ok maby some of those reqirements are a bit steep but I reall'y don't mind if I never get married (as I mentioned at the top of this post).
  18. "gman" from "half life 2" or maby sonic or maby kirby There all good ________________________________________________________________________ Trinity from the film the matrix, people somtimes think she is a guy.
  19. Ive read the whole thread, Im still confused. If Imagenery time has "no mesurable outcome" is it a bit like the future. Somthing a long way away (like the moon) we can see. Somthing a long time away (like next week) we cannot see untill next week.
  20. alan2here


    There egsists a drug that stops you hart beeting and your brething for 10 mins or so then you recover but with brain damege. Its thought to be responsible for most zombie sightings.
  21. this thread is really not funny They should not sell chemestry sets like these to children
  22. Dont post spam Could some mod plz delete my post and the one before it.
  23. I guess I am biased as I write mostly high-performance video games. c or c++ are "speed champions" and also efficant with memory ect... However, they are also tedious for beginners. I agree with pangloss that if you are not writing code for games java may be a better languge. http://www.qbasic.com/c1.shtml Qbasic (verry simple to code and free, also verry slow and limeted) A great starting point for the absolute beginer.
  24. Gama rays = Atmosphere in the way x - rays = Atmoshere in the way ultravilot light = I think would be rather lame visable light = Already have a didgital camera infer red = been done already Microwaves ,Radar, Tv, Radio = hole to big. :¬| Dang Oh well Also gama ray/x-ray sensors I found using google seem not to be small enough to make a resonable resolution grid of them whithout the overall size being big. Yes, bulding it was going to be the next big hudle, Im usless at bulding enything. Thanks to everone who posted here.
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