Ivan Gorelik
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Thus, you make the crime because you pushes me on crime, - I can not widespread the theory of magnetic holes to physicists. Most of them do not know how dangerous they are. You do not let me to widespread the discovered crude errors which were made in the CERN’s safety documents. Physicists, where are your mathematically grounded answers? Are you able to disprove my assertions about crude errors of CERN? No? Consequently, these documents are falsifications, made in order to prevent public resistance. LHC in a dozen of days can explode the Earth. What can I do? To take hostages, in order to attract the attention of ordinary people. Because you, physicists, made a crime and hidden CERN’s lie and you are ready to risk by our whole planet. Several hours ago I had received the answer from the European Commission, Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security. Couple of days ago I wrote them the following: Nevertheless, my hopes on positive solution are very weak. We’ll be killed in a dozen of days if we will wait for their solution. You did not permit me to widespread the information about the deadly risk of LHC, by throwing my posts into Trash and by closing my threads. I must make the crime in order to save you. Is it honestly, physicists? ---------- I wrote upper about the neutron-bottle model, showing that cosmic rays are safe but collider collisions lead to Hiroshima-like consequences. I think magnetic hole is not the magnetic monopole but magnetic dipole NS or, more probably, N+S-, or N-S+, or N~S~. As if I understand correctly, Landau pole is applicable to magnetic monopole, but not to dipole. In the forums I wrote, my posts about LHC danger are deleted, or moved into Trash, or closed. I do not believe that any peer reviewed journal will publish an article about the possibility of Earth explosion. The cause is clear, - a person, speaking about this, looks like charlatan. Professor Otto Rössler had published such article, but as far as I know he is one of editors of the journal. Moreover, LHC will begin particle collisions in a dozen of days. So, we have no time and we must undertake other actions in order to survive. What happened with Phaeton? Where dozens of meteorites with traces of life come from? Were there thousands of physicists, thinking that the man is not able to explode his own planet? Will our bodies will be packet into comets and sent to other star systems as seeds of new life? What a crafty gene govern by you to hasten our biospheres suicidal reproduction? Why this crafty gene forbid discussing about Phaeton, strange meteorites, the possibility of biospheres suicidal reproduction. The answer: Civilizations, which have no such gene do not able to reproduce, as a result, - impossible. Consequently, this congenital gene must be extremely strong. Who will win: our mind or this crafty gene of biospheres reproduction? Physicists, please, STOP CERN!
Dogs of CERN’s Boss threatened to put me into jail.
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
I did not threaten; I said that I do not know what will be with me tomorrow. Now I am a kind and reasonable person. CERN must think about its people in the whole world... CERN threatens not only to me and you. -
Dogs of CERN’s Boss threatened to put me into jail. Yesterday some man, possibly from Rolf Heuer environment, had phoned me and asked – did I threaten to Heuer. The conversation was ended by the threat to put me into jail and by saying that our phone conversation was recorded. Dear CERN leaders, I feel myself as if I am a prisoner, sentenced to be killed. Those are you, who already deadly scared many citizens of the whole Earth. They, probably, feel themselves as doomed to death. We do not know exactly the day when you will shoot us, and we do not know will we survive. Our feelings of fear are different. These feelings depend from the probability, which some person gives to catastrophic scenario. Year ago, September 2008, I thought that the probability of the global catastrophe, caused by LHC, is hidden somewhere in the region 10^-6-10^-5. That was not so scary; - this risk probability is analogues to die in an air plane catastrophe. This probability did give me the possibility to sleep quite calmly. But in the period of the last year I had developed the theory of magnetic hole. My probability value of global catastrophe had grown almost each week, because I received dozens of proving arguments and two independent mathematical proves. I studied CERN’s documents about safety of LHC and found there three crude errors and lie assertions. Now I know that probability of Earth explosion, caused by LHC, is not 10^-31, as it follows from CERN documents, but it is hidden somewhere in the region 5-90%. Do you understand this value? Can I sleep calmly now? Who are you now in my eyes, potential killer? So, Rolf Heuer, go on, send your dogs here, into my town. My anger grows every day with the nearing of the day of proton collisions at LHC. I do not know what I’ll do in the end of November. I hate you, your CERN, your countries authorities. Put me into prison now, otherwise I can not guarantee that I will not punish some tourists here in my small town. Dear citizens of France and Switzerland, please, for the sake of your children, destroy the CERN and LHC, and I will love you as loved earlier; otherwise do not come to my small resort town in the Crimea peninsula – that is deadly dangerous. ----------- Application. November the 30-th, according to the preliminary plan for the Large Hadron Collider, the collisions of protons with energies of 0.45 TeV will be implemented, the 14-th of December - collisions with energies of 3.5 TeV. If the magnetic collapse starts, it will be impossible to stop it. It will end with ejection of the Earth’s shell into outer space. I give the following probabilities: A. 10% - magnetic collapse will start at 0.45 TeV; B. 50% - magnetic collapse will start at 3.5 TeV, if A did not happen; C. 70% - magnetic collapse will start at 7 TeV, if B did not happen. 30% I leave to my mistake. Why is such confidence? Compare Newtonian black hole and magnetic hole: GMm / r = mc^2 / 2; pB = mc^2. It was obtained two independent proofs that the equality pB = mc^2 is reachable at the energies of modern colliders, http://darkenergy.narod.ru/magtren.html There are many arguments in favor the fact that magnetic holes exist, and astronomers see them, but call them on the error as black holes, http://darkenergy.narod.ru/argen.html It was found several crude errors and criminal lies in the assessment documents about the safety of LHC, http://darkenergy.narod.ru/tezeng.html The rate of MH’s growth is not known exactly. Magnetic Hole can destroy the Earth in the period from 1000 seconds to 1000 days. If the second is correct, then you will wish to bomb the LHC yourself. But then it would not save you already, because magnetic holes would already grow inside the Earth. Here is explanation of the most visible crude error, made in 2003 safety article. 1. Let the length of free path of a particle is equal to 1 meter, r = 1 m. Let the radius of the object is equal to 1000 meters, R = 1000 m. How many collisions will undergo the particle in order to exit the object? Solution. R/r = 1000. N = (R/r)^2 = 1 000 000. 2. How many Earth’s protons will be ruined by dangerous particle, if R/r = 10^9? A. CERN’s solution: N = (R/r)^2 = 10^18. B. My solution: The Earth has its own gravity field. Consequently, the trajectory of a particle between collisions will not be straight line, but curved to the center of attraction. As a result the dangerous particle will constantly drift to the center of the Earth. As a result the dangerous particle will ruin about N/n Earth’s protons, where: N – the total number of Earth’s protons; n – the number of created dangerous particles. Another crude error, made in the CERN’s safety documentation, is in equating of the consequences of protons collisions at LHC with collisions of cosmic particles with atmospheric ones. To see the drastic difference between such consequences, let’s make two thought experiments. There are two 10 kg bottles with neutrons. Additional requirements, used in the model: 1. free neutrons do not decay; 2. proton do not capture neutron; 3. any nuclei, heavier than proton, can capture free neutron; 4. neutrons do not interact with the matter of bottle; 5. the density of neutrons in the bottle is the same as of water. A. Let somebody put one slowly moving nucleus into the bottle. Neutrons will begin to be captured by the growing and dividing nuclei. In a couple of moments this laboratory will be exploded a town will look like Hiroshima after the nuclear attack. B. If somebody will bombard the same bottle by nuclei, having the kinetic energy about several TeV, he will see that nuclei are ruined in collisions and formed a cloud of protons and neutrons. A. Approximate way of reactions can look like this dividing chain: He3+n -> He4; He4+n -> He5; He5+n -> He6 -> Li6+e; Li6+n -> Li7; Li7+n -> Li8 -> Be8+e; Be8+n -> Be9; Be9+n -> Be10; ... U235+n -> X+Y+2n X+n ->...; Y+n ->... two branches; ... four branches; ... eight branches; ... Collaptical explosion! B. Nuclei with TeV kinetic energy will be ruined by high energy collisions with neutrons in the backward order in crude approximation. Nuclear collapse is impossible because the repulsive electrostatic forces of protons. That is way, I named nuclei by “nuclear quasi-holes”. Magnetic collapse has no limit. Magnetic hole will grow till there is the food, - the matter of planet or star. The biggest error of CERN physicists is in the equating the consequences of A and B. A. Collisions of protons at LHC; B. Collisions of cosmic protons with atmospheric protons. Similarity: Energies in A and B are sufficient in order to make microscopic magnetic holes. Difference: Velocities of created holes relatively surrounding matter are drastically great. A. Magnetic holes, made on LHC, can have very small velocities, such as slow nucleus entered into the neutron-bottle, and exploded the town. B. According to conservation law of 4-momentum, cosmic holes have relativistic velocities, such as TeV nuclei, destructed in the neutron-bottle. Result: A. LHC’s holes will capture slowly moving particles and grow. The bigger hole becomes – the bigger its rate of growth. B. Atmosphere particles move relatively holes with relativistic velocities and, correspondingly, they have TeV kinetic energy, relatively holes. As a result, magnetic holes will be ruined almost immediately. Such collisions lead to creation of showers of secondary particles. Physicists observe such showers. In our upper model with two neutron-bottles we could see that bombardment of bottle by eV-nuclei can lead to Hiroshima-like explosion, but TeV-nuclei bombardment are safe. Correspondingly LHC-collisions can destroy the Earth; cosmic-atmospheric particle collisions occur constantly and safe. Most of physicists are confident that heavy particles, created at LHC will decay. That is a deadly error. LHC can create a particle with the mass by 10 000 times greater than the mass of proton. To imagine this, compare the masses of a human and of a railway train. Imagine what will happen, if biologists would make a creature with the mass of railway train, but having the human size. What will happen to you if this creature would seat at the roof of your house, exactly over you? Any roof will be broken and you would be smashed into a thin film and pushed deep into the ground. Now imagine a proton, as soap bubble, and a liquid drop of the same size. What will happen to protons, if the bubble has a field, attracting protons? Protons would be ruined and their remnants would condense onto the drop. Particle physicists think that proton consists from three point-like quarks (u, u, d). In fact, proton can be composed from some continuous substance, rotating with relativistic velocity. This rotating substance creates three mixed electro-magneto-weak poles (u, u, d). In a strong magnetic field this three-pole construction can be ruined, and the two-pole construction can be created. This process is accompanied by ejection of positron. There are two independent math proves that this reconstruction can be performed at energies about 0,25 TeV per colliding particle, if the magnetic moment of resulting two-pole particle is the same as the magnetic moment of proton. If its value is different, then the needed energy would also be different. We know two types of explosions chemical and nuclear. Astronomers see the third type of explosions – collaptical. At nuclear explosion only a few thousand’s parts of explosive rest energy is realized in the form of radiation and kinetic energy of fragments. At some stellar collaptical explosions about a half of rest energy of the star is released in the form of radiation and kinetic energy of the rejected stellar shell. What type of collaptical explosions do astronomers observe: gravitational into black hole or magnetic into magnetic hole? Is it possible to switch the magnetic collapse at collider? My answers: The observed collapses are magnetic ones. Magnetic collapse can be switched on by powerful colliders. LHC will be switched on in the mead-November; the first collisions are waited in a few weeks later. Do we survive or do we start into outer space? The Earth after the magnetic collapse will transform into a small region of exited superconducting vacuum. This region’s diameter is about 10 meters. The thickness is about 2.5 meters. The strength of magnetic field in this region is about 1016 teslas. Because of the strong magnetic interaction, this small magnetic hole will move on spiral trajectory to the Sun. As a result, the Sun will explode and astronomy amateurs from neighbor stellar systems (alien free thinkers) will observe novae or supernovae phenomenon. Alien stephen hawkings will say: “The world will not come to an end when the LHC turns on. The LHC is absolutely safe. ... Collisions releasing greater energy occur millions of times a day in the earth's atmosphere and nothing terrible happens” The next crude error of CERN physicists is hidden in the formula of magnetic* catalyses of proton decay M + p = M + e+. More correct formula must contain the number n: M{n} + p = M{n+1} + e^+. This number shows the number of x-bosons in magnetic hole. These bosons have the equal quantum numbers. Magnetic hole works as laser. The word “laser” originated as an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser creates the same photons, which are bosons with zero mass energy. Because of zero mass, photons fly away from laser with the speed of light. Magnetic trap creates x-bosons, which have non-zero rest mass. These bosons do not fly away but becomes the constituent part of magnetic hole. The bigger is the number n – the bigger is the rate of magnetic collapse of ordinary matter into magnetic hole. * Physicist usually say: “monopole catalyses of proton decay”, I say that magnetic hole is magnetic dipole and M in my upper formulas denotes magnetic dipole. According to Russian online “opinion poll” at November 11, 2009, 51% of respondents had said that LHC is the dearth threat. But as we can see, CERN continues their preparations to this crime experiment. Conclusion - the science is criminal now!
No. Not monopole, but dipole. I used the word “monopole” in some my texts on the following causes: 1. In the LSAG safety reports they investigate magnetic monopoles as one of dangerous objects and made there a crude error, - they said that magnetic monopole will ruin only 10^18 protons and leave the Earth. Their conclusion would be correct, if the Earth had no attracting centers. Because of these attracting centers hypothetical monopoles will never leave the Earth. They will leave the Earth only after the destruction of almost all protons of Earth. 2. Already dozens of years some physicists are planning to use magnetic monopoles as energy sources. Yes, they can make such sources, but these sources will work only about 1000 seconds and after the Earth’s crust will be thrown out into cosmos. 3. There are some articles, discussing the rate of monopolium production at LHC, where monopolium is the bounded state of two monopoles with opposite magnetic charge. (For example "Monopolium production from photon fusion at the Large Hadron Collider", arXiv:0809.0272v1 [hep-ph] 1 Sep 2008.) I think that magnetic hole is not monopole and not monopolim. In fact, I think that magnetic hole is not simply the magnetic dipole, but electromagnetic dipole, i.e. simultaneously the magnetic dipole and electric dipole. Magnetic hole is the region of vacuum where the field is so great that vacuum transit from anti ferromagnetic into ferromagnetic superconducting state. Normal vacuum has the property of anti ferromagnetic. Exited vacuum is a region with properties of superconducting ferromagnetic. Imagine a tin can, filled with pills, small magnetic dipoles. Poles N and S have also electric charges, for example: N^+, S^-. Then REAL currents j of pills will create the IMAGINATIVE current I along the side surface of a tin can. Electric forces between poles of pills will bound the pills together. Electric dipoles of pills will create one electric charge on upper side of a can and the opposite electric charge on another side of a can. Magnetic hole works as an optical laser. MH ruins protons, ejects positrons, and creates the same massive bosons. Optical lasers also create the same bosons, which are massless photons. Massless photons leave the laser with the speed of light. Bosons, created by magnetic hole, have mass and they do not move anywhere, - they condensate on the magnetic hole, making it bigger. Because of different electric charges of MH’s poles, protons are attracted to negative pole, and are ruined there. This pole works as an engine of a reactive rocket, accelerated by ejected relativistic positrons. This explains several astronomical riddles: huge velocities of neutron stars; the existence of jets of charged particles; the existence of positron-electron annihilation line; the cause of anisotropy of star’s explosions; the cause of repeated explosions of novae. If magnetic hole is also an oscillator, then it can explain the next riddle, - the frequency of pulsar’s flashes. Will CERN scientists investigate the magnetic holes theoretically, or will they investigate the magnetic collapse (collaptical explosion of Earth) in practice? http://darkenergy.narod.ru/magtren.html
Holes: nuclear, electric, magnetic, gravitational (black).
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
Dear people! Your life, your children’s lives are in your hands. Humans, like a herd of obedient sheep, are lead to the last abyss. I, as a mortally frightened lamb, run from side to side of the herd, but the herd do not hear me. They laugh at me and moves slowly, plucking the juicy grass. People, please, wake up! Open your eyes! November the 30-th, according to the preliminary plan for the Large Hadron Collider, the collision of protons with energies of 0.45 TeV will be implemented, 14 December - collision with energies of 3.5 TeV. If the magnetic collapse starts, it will be impossible to stop it. It will end with ejection of the Earth’s shell into space. I give the following probabilities: 10% that magnetic collapse will start at 0.45 TeV; 50% at 3.5 TeV; 70% at 7 TeV. 30% I leave to my mistake. In order to save your lives you must plead your presidents to barn the high-energy experiments in physics. Here is an Internet address of Russian President http://letters.kremlin.ru/ Can you give me an Internet address of your President? In order to save your lives you must ask the Head of your country’s Prosecutor’s Office to open the criminal cases against the authors of articles about risk assessment of safety of colliders, because these authors had made there several crude errors, lie and false statements. Here is an Internet address of Russian Prosecutor’s Office http://www.genproc.gov.ru/ipriem/address/ Can you give me an Internet address of your country’s Prosecutors Office? Here are the main their errors: 1. Equating of consequences of collider particle collisions with collisions of cosmic and atmospheric particles. 2. The computation of the number of destructed protons by hypothetical magnetic monopole. 3. The silent assumption that magnetic monopole does not grow. Their crime lie is hidden in the statement that stars and planets do not explode. We can see novae and supernovae. We do not know what happened to Phaeton. My opponents on this and other forums did not give any solid argument that magnetic hole is impossible. Their arguments were aimed, first of all, at bad hints of my person. But those are not the scientific arguments. Links: Two independent coinciding math computations of magnetic hole: http://darkenergy.narod.ru/magtren.html Not completed list of proving arguments: http://darkenergy.narod.ru/argen.html List of errors made in the risk assessment of safety of powerful colliders: http://darkenergy.narod.ru/tezeng.html- 23 replies
In a couple of months, after the launch of discussed machine, we’ll know, who was correct. I say: our proper internal speedometer measures the proper velocity. The maximal value of proper velocity is infinity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proper_velocity Best wishes to You.
Holes: nuclear, electric, magnetic, gravitational (black).
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
From another forum: http://www.thescienceforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=20374&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15 For the sake of your and my children, do not trash and lock the thread. We have only several dozens of days to save our and their lives. I had written the letter to CERN and received the following answer: --------------------------- The part of upper text, painted in solid, by me. I wrote letters to Presidents of Russia and Ukraine, to the Prosecutor’s Office and to other authorities. I received several responses that my letters were resend to national Academies of Sciences. I think that my letters were thrown out into rubbish there. But that is a crime. The probability of Earth explosion by LHC is not less than 1/50000000000, as CERN specialists says, but dozens of percents. I do not want to risk and die. Academic science does hate independent researches. That is why the idea of magnetic hole will never be accepted by science, LHC will be switched on, probably in November 2009. As a result, the magnetic hole will be created. Don't think that it is the same as the gravity black hole! The magnetic hole is much more real and by 10^40 times stronger then black hole. Two independent proofs that the equality pB = mc^2 is reached at the energies, achievable in modern colliders. http://darkenergy.narod.ru/magtren.html Experimental proofs: The exploded star was not a red giant, as it was awaited in Big Bang theory, but the star was blue giant in accordance with the theory of Eternal Universe. Explosion has no spherical symmetry as in the case of gravity collapse, but it has the axial symmetry in accordance with magnetic collapse. Will our Solar system be the next experimental proof of magnetic hole? -
Holes: nuclear, electric, magnetic, gravitational (black).
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
Yes, we are bombarded by high-energy particles all the time. Look attentively at the comparison of A and B. From the discussion at http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=26582&st=60entry429933 --------- Dear physicists, you again and again repeat the biggest error of Steven Hawking. In the CERN's article “The safety of the LHC” public.web.cern.ch/public/en/LHC/Safety-en.html you can find dozen comparisons with cosmic rays. This error will cost us the life of our Civilization. The biggest error is in the comparison of A and B. A. Collisions of protons at LHC; B. Collisions of cosmic protons with atmospheric protons. Similarity: Energies in A and B are sufficient in order to make microscopic magnetic holes. Difference: Velocities of created holes relatively surrounding matter are drastically great. A. Magnetic holes, made on LHC, can have very small velocities. B. According to conservation law of 4-momentum, cosmic holes have relativistic velocities. Result: A. LHC’s holes capture slowly moving particles and grow. The bigger hole becomes – the bigger its rate of growth. B. Atmosphere particles move relatively holes with relativistic velocities and, correspondingly, they have TeV kinetic energy, relatively holes. As a result, magnetic holes evaporate immediately. Such collisions lead to creation of showers of secondary particles. Physicists observe such showers. Analogy: Let’s compare the behavior of “nuclear semi-hole” with the behavior of magnetic hole. Let’s investigate two cases: A. Bombarding particles are neutrons, having the kinetic energies, equal to several in eV. B. Bombarding neutrons have kinetic energies, equal to several TeV. Approximate result: A. Collapse: p+n -> d; d+n -> t -> He3+e; He3+n -> He4; He4+n -> He5; He5+n -> He6 -> Li6+e; Li6+n -> Li7; Li7+n -> Li8 -> Be8+e; Be8+n -> Be9; Be9+n -> Be10; ... U235+n -> X+Y+2n X+n ->...; Y+n ->... two branches; ... four branches; ... eight branches; ... B. Evaporation. TeV-energy neutrons will ruin the nucleus in the backward order in crude approximation. Nuclear collapse is impossible because the repulsive electrostatic forces of protons. That is way, I named nucleus by “nuclear semi-holes”. Magnetic collapse has no limit. Magnetic hole will grow till there is the food, - the matter of planet or star. Physicists, did you see the difference? Look here: That is an image of remnants of exploded star. You can see there three beautiful semi axial rings. Axial symmetry says us that there was the magnetic collapse, but not the gravity collapse. Magnetic hole has axial symmetry because it is a compact magnetic dipole. Black hole must have spherical symmetry, if it is not rotate. The Earth after the magnetic collapse will transform into a small region of exited superconducting vacuum. This region’s diameter is about 10 meters. The thickness is about 2.5 meters. The strength of magnetic field in this region is about 10^16 teslas. Because of the strong magnetic interaction, this small magnetic hole will move on spiral trajectory to the Sun. As a result, the Sun will explode and astronomy amateurs from neighbor stellar systems (alien free thinkers) will observe novae or supernovae phenomenon. Alien steven hawkings will say: “The world will not come to an end when the LHC turns on. The LHC is absolutely safe. ... Collisions releasing greater energy occur millions of times a day in the earth's atmosphere and nothing terrible happens” -
Holes: nuclear, electric, magnetic, gravitational (black).
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
Yes, we can observe these "magnetic holes" now: No. Some of them do not think so. Some made errors. For exaple, here is my last post there: ------- Dear Free Thinker, I want to stop at one sentence from the text of Fausto Intilla, which you quoted above: There are several errors here. I. In [Ref. 1] one can see the number [math]10^{18}[/math], but not 1.018 in author notations, or 1,018 in US notation. The number [math]10^{18}[/math] in scientific notations is 1000000000000000000 in children’s notation. II. The second error is made by the authors of [Ref. 1]. They wrote: The author’s logic would be correct only in the case of isotropic medium. But the Earth has it’s own gravity field and it’s own magnetic field. Both these fields are not isotropic. Created monopoles will not go far from the attracting places. They will randomly move around these places till destroy all protons of the Earth. So the correct number is not [math]10^{18}[/math] but [math]10^{51}[/math], divided by the number of created monopoles. III. The third error is hidden in the formula of monopole catalyses of proton decay [math]M + p = M + e^+[/math]. More correct formula must contain the number n: [math]M_n + p = M_{n+1} + e^+[/math]. This number shows the number of x-bosons in magnetic monopole (one more type of magnetic holes). These bosons have the equal quantum numbers. Magnetic hole works as laser. The word laser originated as an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser creates the same photons, which are bosons with zero mass energy. Because of zero mass, photons fly away from laser with the speed of light. Magnetic trap creates x-bosons, which have non-zero rest mass. These bosons do not fly away but becomes the constituent part of magnetic hole. The bigger the number n – the bigger the rate of magnetic collapse of ordinary matter into magnetic hole. IV. The fourth error is hidden in poor imagination of authors, who had investigated the possible dangerous particles, which can be created at colliders. Here I do not stop on mBHs, strangelets, vacuum bubbles. I’ll stop only on magnetic traps. Magnetic traps are dangerous objects, which are connected together mostly by the magnetic forces. I tried to investigate some of them: 1. neutron liquid; 2. neutron hole; 3. magnetic hole; 4. magnetic monopole. The most real ones, from my point of view, ere magnetic holes. Computations had lead me to the conclusion that magnetic holes can be of such types: 1. magnetic dipoles with poles [math]N[/math] and [math]S[/math]; 2. electromagnetic dipoles with mixed poles [math]N^+[/math] and [math]S^-[/math], or with poles [math]N^-[/math] and [math]S^+[/math]; 3. vacuum electromagnetic oscillator; … i. …with mixed electro-magneto-weak poles… … region of strangelets. By the way, computations show that frequency of vacuum electromagnetic oscillator approximately corresponds to the frequency of pulsars with corresponding mass. But the simplest magnetic holes are magnetic dipoles. Computations are here: http://darkenergy.narod.ru/magtren.hml Prometheus wrote: The simplest theoretical support is comparison of Newtonian black holes and magnetic holes: [math]\frac{GMm}{r} = \frac{mc^2}{2}[/math]; [math]pB = \frac{mc^2}{2}[/math]. The simplest experimental support of possible manmade collapse is here: -
Holes: nuclear, electric, magnetic, gravitational (black).
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
From the forum http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=26582 --------------- Hi all! Dear physicists, details of my person do not deny the conclusions, made by me on the basis of logic and computation. Have you a single argument, proving that my conclusions are wrong? What will happen if pB will be equal to mc^2, where p – magnetic moment of a proton; B – magnetic field, created by another flying by proton (or the field of already made magnetic hole) mc^2 – the rest energy of proton? At what energy of collisions the equality pB=mc^2 is valid? My answer: 0.255 TeV. Note 1: Simplest definition of magnetic hole can be made on the following comparison: Newtonian black hole: GMm/r = mc^2/2; Magnetic hole: pB=mc^2/2. Note 2: The time needed the microscopic black hole capture the whole Earth is mach greater than million years. Consequently, they are safe for now living people on the Earth. The time needed the magnetic hole capture the whole Earth is about 1000 seconds. Consequently, magnetic holes can explode the Earth and Solar system. Note 3: We know two types of explosions chemical and nuclear. Astronomers see the third type of explosions – collaptical. At nuclear explosion only few thousand’s parts of explosive rest energy is realized in the form of radiation and kinetic energy of fragments. At some stellar collaptical explosions about a half of rest energy of the star is realized in the form of radiation and kinetic energy of the rejected stellar shell. What type of collaptical explosions do astronomers observe: gravitational into black hole or magnetic into magnetic hole? Is it possible to switch the magnetic collapse at collider? My answers: The observed collapses are magnetic ones. Magnetic collapse can be switched on by powerful colliders. Your answers: … Physicists, what will happen at pB=mc^2, or at 0.255 TeV–collisions of protons at LHC. This energy is smaller than can be achieved at Tevatron! - Why it was not been received yet? Here are some possible explanations. 1. We do not know the magnetic moment of the resulting boson. 2. It is possible that magnetic hole could be born in a collision of two quarks, for example by d and d. 3. At the Tevatron they collide protons with antiprotons and this lead to the annihilation. 4. We do not know the magnetic polarization dependence. 5. It is not excluded that microscopic magnetic traps were already created, and they are growing now somewhere inside the Earth. LHC will be switched on in the mead-November; the first collisions are waited in a few weeks later. Do we survive or do we start into outer space? Computations: http://darkenergy.narod.ru/magtren.html Reproduction of biospheres and civilizations: http://darkenergy.narod.ru/civilen.html Arguments proving that..: http://darkenergy.narod.ru/argen.html Letters to presidents and authorities. http://darkenergy.narod.ru/prezid.html This page is in Russian. You can translate it with the help of Google. I wrote these letters because i fear the creation of magnetic holes. The starter of this topic is “Very Affraid By Ivan Gorelik's Theory On Lhc”. I also fear of my theory, I fear it drastically. I see that it is almost impossible to deny the launch of the LHC, or to prevent our common global suicide. According to my assumptions the probability of global catastrophe, switched by LHC, is about of dozens of percents. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedFrom the forum http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showtopic=26582 --------------- Dear physicists, you repeat the biggest error of Steven Hawking. Here is an excerpt from the article “The safety of the LHC” http://public.web.cern.ch/public/en/LHC/Safety-en.html This error will cost us the life of our Civilization. The biggest error is in the comparison of A and B. A. Collisions of protons at LHC; B. Collisions of cosmic protons with atmospheric protons. Similarity: Energies in A and B are sufficient in order to make microscopic magnetic holes. Difference: Velocities of created holes relatively surrounding matter are drastically great. A. Magnetic holes, made on LHC, can have very small velocities. B. According to conservation law of 4-momentum, cosmic holes have relativistic velocities. Result: A. LHC’s holes capture slowly moving particles and grow. The bigger hole becomes – the bigger its rate of growth. B. Atmosphere particles move relatively holes with relativistic velocities and, correspondingly, they have TeV kinetic energy, relatively holes. As a result, magnetic holes evaporate immediately. Such collisions lead to creation of showers of secondary particles. Physicists observe such showers. Analogy: Let’s compare the behavior of “nuclear semi-hole” with the behavior of magnetic hole. Let’s investigate two cases: A. Bombarding particles are neutrons, having the kinetic energies, equal to several in eV. B. Bombarding neutrons have kinetic energies, equal to several TeV. Approximate result: A. p+n -> d; d+n -> t; t -> He3+e; He3+n -> He4; He4+n -> He5; He5+n -> He6; He6 -> Li6+e; Li6+n -> Li7; Li7+n -> Li8; Li8 -> Be8+e; Be8+n -> Be9; Be9+n -> Be10.. B. TeV-energy neutrons will ruin the nucleus. Nuclear collapse is impossible because the repulsive electrostatic forces of protons. That is way, I named nucleus by “nuclear semi-holes”. Magnetic collapse has no limit. Magnetic hole will grow till there is the food, - the matter of planet or star. -
Holes: nuclear, electric, magnetic, gravitational (black).
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
Magnetic trap of Devil. Calculation. The first approach. Nucleon Embedding. Introductive amendment. The creation of a magnetic hole is similar to composing of nuclei from nucleons. Let the mass of nucleon consists from two parts: the field mass of nucleon and the condensed mass of nucleon. Look at the fig. a: the field mass is depicted by the brown dots; the condensed mass - by blue circle. The field mass corresponds to the field of p-mesons, or to gluon field in more fresh interpretation. The condensed mass corresponds to the mass of naked nucleon or to the total mass of quarks in the nucleon. The sum of masses of two free nucleons (proton and neutron) is bigger than the mass of deuteron, made from proton and neutron. The difference between the initial and final states corresponds to the binding energy of the created nuclei, deuteron. If we neglect the kinetic energies of particles in the initial and final states, then we can say, that the binding energy of nuclei is equal to the energy of emitted photons. In order to restore the equality of masses between initial and final states, we can put the interacting particles into a box with mirror walls. Thus we can add the mass of emitted radiation into the side of equation, corresponding to the final state. At the process of further connecting of nucleons, we'll see, that the specific condensed mass of the resulting nuclei will be diminishing, and the field mass will be growing. The box will also be filled by more photons. Look at the fig. b and c, where blue circles becomes smaller, but the density of brown dots becomes bigger. If there were only the nuclear forces inside the nuclei, then the moment will come, when the condensed mass would achieve the zero value. That is showed at the fig. d, where the radiuses of blue circles are already zero. But in the nuclei there are also the repulsive electric forces. These forces give no possibility to create the infinitely big nuclei. These forces are responsible for the iron peak in the periodical system of elements and for the existence of the final stabile element in periodical system. If there were no electric repulsive forces, then all nucleons would drop into the growing "nuclear hole", which would have no the limit of growth. The growth of magnetic hole is similar to the growth of "nuclear hole". But here the proton, capturing by the hole, emits a positron; the neutron, dropping into the hole, emits an antineutrino. Proton and neutron can be imagined as current pretzels with three poles: u, u, d in proton and d, d, u in neutron . If the nucleon enters into a magnetic field, its current pretzel is undergo to the straightening forces. The more field - the more straightening forces - the more field mass - the less condensed mass. At last, when the field riches the critical value (10^16 Tl), the nucleon undergo decay - its current pretzel with three mixed poles transforms into a vacuum current vortex, which is shown on the following figure in the form of a ring with two magnetic poles N and S. The "memory about the proton's knot" is brought out by positron. The "memory about the neutron's knot" is brought out by antineutrino. In the above process the couple of photons are also emitted. It is possible to compare the growth of the "nuclear hole" with the growth of the gravitational black hole. The blue circles are masses, dropping to the event horizon, or moving around it on circumferences. If they are dropping, then their radiuses becomes less, and the density of brown dots will grow in the center of our figure. In this case the density of brown dots corresponds to the "power and depth" of a gravity funnel of eternally forming black hole. It is known that there are no completely formed black holes in the Universe. From the point of view of external observer, the object drops into the black hole infinitely long. So, it is possible to say that the mass of eternally forming black hole consists of two parts: the constantly diminishing mass of dropping objects (condensed mass, blue circles) and the mass of a black hole's funnel, or mass of BH's gravity field (field mass, brown dots). It is clear that at the time of a gravity collapse there will be the emission of photons, but I can not say now the fraction of it. In the case of magnetic hole there are two eternally growing funnels, corresponding to N and S poles. The bottom calculation shows that at the time of magnetic collapse, the one thirds of rest energy of the captured matter goes into the growth of magnetic hole, and two thirds of captured energy are spent on radiation and on kinetic energy of emitted shell. Calculation. To define the minimum mass of a magnetic hole precisely is not possible, because we do not know the magnetic moment of a particle, which will remain after the capture of the nucleon by magnetic hole. Below I will talk about "imbedding". Imbedding of nucleon into another nucleon, should not be taken literally. This is an approximate calculation. Magnetic hole is not composed of nucleons. It captures a neutron, and emits an antineutrino. It captures a proton, and emits a positron. In both these cases it can spend its energy on the kinetic energy of these ejected leptons and on radiation of photons. Magnetic hole consists of bosons, quanta of magnetic field. The magnetic moment of this boson is of course different from the magnetic moment of nucleon. Therefore, our numerical result is an approximation. Nucleon has a magnetic field. Consequently we can divide the energy of nucleon per two parts: the magnetic field energy and the energy connected with the restlet of nucleon, - condensed energy. The condensed energy is connected with its condensed-mass [math]m_R[/math]. The total condensed-mass of several connected particles depends from their quantity. Compare: the rest-mass of nucleus is also depend from the quantity of its nucleons, and this dependence in not linear. At some critical number of captured nucleons, the hole's condensed-mass can be turned to be zero. In this case all its energy is concentrated in its magnetic field. That will be the minimal possible magnetic hole. It can be created at once, in the collision of two particle, but here we create it stage by stage, successively imbedding nucleons into it. Let's neglect the rest mass of emitted positrons and neutrinos. Let's imagine the nucleon as a ring contour with an electrical current, creating the magnetic dipole moment, equal to experimental value of a nucleon's dipole magnetic moment, [math]p[/math]. The energy of a ring contour is [math]E = pB[/math]. It is concentrated in a magnetic field [math]B = \frac{\mu_0I}{2R}[/math]. Magnetic dipole moment is [math]p = IS[/math]. After a simple transformation we can write the energy of magnetic field [math]E = \frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2}[/math]. We supposed that the electric current was created by the movement of the elementary charge along the circular orbit of radius [math]R[/math] with the speed of light. (The radius [math]R[/math] is by [math]p/p_n[/math] times greater then the Compton radius of nucleon. Here [math]p_n[/math] is the nuclear magneton.) Let's take a single nucleon. Its rest mass consists of two parts, [math]m_{mag.field}[/math] - the mass of magnetic field and of the condensed mass of nucleon [math]m_R[/math]: [math]m = m_{mag.field} + m_R[/math]. The energy of a nucleon is also consists of two parts: [math]mc^2 = \frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2} + m_Rc^2[/math]. Let's "imbed" two nucleons, one in one. Neglect polarization and related changes in the dipole moment. The energy of dinucleon's magnetic field will increase by 4 times because of a the square over [math]I^2[/math]. In the right side of the equation, we must add the energy of emitted photon, which is equal to [math]pB=\frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2}[/math]. It's origin: acceleration of one nucleon's magnet by another nucleon's magnet; growth of kinetic energy and the loss of condensed mass; transition of kinetic energy into the energy of the emitted radiation in the moment of nucleons collision. [math]2mc^2 = 2^2 \frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2} + m_Rc^2 + \frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2}[/math]. Let's "imbed" the third nucleon. The energy of the thee-nucleon’s magnetic field will increase by 9 times. In the right side of the equation, we must add the energy of emitted photon, which is equal to [math]p\cdot 2B[/math]. The energy of this photon is two times bigger than the energy of the first photon. [math]3mc^2 = 3^2 \frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2} + m_Rc^2 + \frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2} + 2 \frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2}[/math]. Let's "imbed" the [math]N[/math]-th nucleon. The energy of magnetic field of [math]N[/math]-nucleon will increase by [math]N^2[/math] times. In the right side of the equation, we must add the energy of emitted photon, which is equal to [math]p (N-1) B[/math]. The resulting condensed mass, [math]m_R[/math], becomes equal to zero. [math]Nmc^2 = N^2 \frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2} + \frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2} + 2 \frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2} + ... + (N-1) \frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2}[/math]. [math]mc^2 / \frac{\mu_0pRI^2}{2} = (N^2 + 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + (N-1)) / N[/math]. Further absorption of nucleons can not lead to an increase in the magnetic field, because the total condensed mass will be negative. Consequently, we had received the value of critical magnetic field. The further capture of nucleons by magnetic hole leads to the growth of the radius of a magnetic hole. The right side in the last formula for large [math]N[/math] is equal to [math]\frac{3}{2}N[/math]. Therefore, we can write [math]N = \frac{2}{3}mc^2 / pB[/math]; [math]B_{max} = NB[/math]. 2/3 of nucleon’s energy goes to the growth of the hole. 1/3 goes to radiation. The last corresponds to the binding energy of the magnetic hole. If we use the received formula for protons, we'll receive the total energy [math]E[/math], needed to create the minimal possible magnetic trap, and [math]E[/math] will be equivalent to the rest energy of [math]N[/math] protons. In this case [math]N=510[/math] and [math]E=510mc^2[/math], or about [math]255mc^2[/math] per colliding proton. If in the received formula for [math]p[/math] we will use the magnetic moment of neutron then [math]N=350[/math]. The formula for [math]N[/math] can be transformed to [math]N=\frac{4}{3} \frac{p}{p_n \alpha}[/math], where [math]\alpha[/math] is the fine structure constant, [math]1/\alpha = 137.036[/math]. If we suppose that the magnetic moment of resulting boson is equal to the nuclear magnetic moment, then the total energy, needed to create the minimal possible magnetic hole will be [math]N = \frac{4}{3\alpha} = 183[/math]a.u.m. The results shows that the minimal possible magnetic hole can be made at collisions with the energy about one-thirds of TeV per particle. This energy is three times smaller than can be achieved at Tevatron! Why it was not been received yet? Here are some possible explanations. 1. We do not know the magnetic moment of the resulting boson. 2. It is possible that magnetic hole could be born in a collision of two quarks. 3. At the Tevatron they collide the protons with antiprotons and this lead to the annihilation of the baryon number. 4. We do not know the magnetic polarization dependence. 5. It is not excluded that microscopic magnetic traps were already created, and they are growing now somewhere inside the Earth. The second approach. Creation of Magnetic Holes. Let's find the value [math]pB[/math], where [math]p[/math] is dipole magnetic moment of the first proton, and [math]B[/math] is the magnetic induction, created inside the first proton by the second proton, flying beside the first proton. Let's solve the problem in the coordinate system, connected with the first proton. Magnetic induction is the variable value in time and in space. [math]B = \frac{\mu_0qv\sin{(v,r)}}{4 \pi r^2}[/math] Let's the second proton fly along the straight line, lying in the plane of the contour [math]S[/math] of the first proton. The minimal possible distance [math]r_{min}[/math] between the line and the border of the contour is defined by the equality of kinetic energy to the potential energy of two elementary charges [math]E_{kin} = \frac{q^2}{4\pi\epsilon_0r_{min}}[/math]. The formula [math]E = pB[/math] must by changed by the following one [math]dE = p (BdS) / S[/math]. Let's create a computer program and the computer will compute and will sum up all [math]dE[/math], giving us in the result the total energy [math]pB[/math] of magnetic field and its ratio to the rest energy. At high energies the kinetic energy is the product of the particles momentum into the velocity of light, [math]E_{kin}=Pc[/math]. [math]E^2 = m^2c^4 + P^2c^2[/math]; [math]E^2 = m^2c^4 + E_{kin}^2[/math]; [math]E_{kin} = \sqrt{E^2 - m^2c^4}[/math]. The bottom figure corresponds to quite small energy of flying by proton, [math]E = 1.3mc^2[/math]. The next figure: [math]v=0.968c[/math], [math]E=4mc^2[/math]. The next figure: [math]v=0.999999998c[/math], [math]E=160000mc^2[/math]. In the coordinate system of collider: [math]E'= 126mc^2[/math], or slightly more than 0,1 TeV. It was found (look tables at my page http://darkenergy.narod.ru/magtren.html ) that magnetic hole can be creared at [math]E_{total} = 510mc^2[/math], which was received in the first approach for the total minimal energy, needed to create the magnetic trap. Dividing this energy by 2, we'll receive the energy per one colliding proton in the collider, [math]E' = 255.2mc^2[/math]. In the system of resting proton the flying-by proton must have the energy 65107mc^2. Conclusion. The global catastrophe can be switched by magnetic trap, which can be made at proton collisions with 0.25TeV energy per proton. -
Holes: nuclear, electric, magnetic, gravitational (black).
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
Thank you. The second your sentence I would write thus: Under sufficient energy of two colliding particles in the singlet state (antiparallel spins), we get two photons with opposite spin and one magnetic hole with zero spin (Higgs boson?). --- From the correspondence in another forum: Hi! OK. But first, could you please try to enlighten me on the matter of nucleon: proton and neutron? The matter of magnetic holes is just analogues to the matter of proton but without the elementary positive charge and as a result it is not a fermion, but boson. The matter of magnetic holes is just analogues to the matter of neutron but without the antineutrino. Boson is a quantum of force field. Bosons try to have the same quantum level. Proton and neutron are fermions and, as a result, they have different quantum numbers in the nuclei. Bosons in magnetic hole have the same quantum numbers. Proper magnetic moment of the proton (neutron) is its resistive characteristic to decay. When the value [math]pB[/math] becomes equal to [math]mc^2[/math], proton (neutron) decays, ejecting positron (antineutrino), where: [math]p[/math] - proper magnetic moment of proton (neutron), [math]B[/math] - magnetic strength, created by flying by proton, or of already created magnetic hole. Minimal possible magnetic hole must have strength [math]B=10^{16}[/math]Tl in the circumference of proton’s Compton wavelength. The “average integral” value [math]B=10^{16}[/math]Tl is also can be created by two flying by protons with the energy 0.3 TeV in the system of collider. In order to grow, the created magnetic hole must have small velocity relatively the matter of Earth. That is possible in head-on collisions of protons in collider. If it has TeV-velocities, as we observe in the case of collisions of cosmic particles with atmospheric particles, the hole evaporates, making the showers of particles. The smallest possible mass of magnetic hole, able to lead the proton to decay, is about 0.3 TeV in energy units. The Tevatron collider had already overcome this boundary and did not make any magnetic hole. But we know that at Tevatron we have proton-antiproton collisions, leading to annihilation. At LHC we’ll have the proton-proton collisions. -
Holes: nuclear, electric, magnetic, gravitational (black).
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
From correspondence in another forum: If I put a positron with spin 1/2 and an electron with spin 1/2 together, they annihilate making a photon with spin 1. (You can change the upper signs simultaneously.) If I put a positron with spin 1/2 and an electron with spin -1/2 together, they annihilate making a new electron-positron pair. Imagine these movements along the semi circumferences. Two semi circumferences compose one circumference. If you look at that circumference from up side you can see the North pole; if you.. These electron-positron pair can be imagined as boson (Higgs boson ?) with zero spin but with non-zero magnetic moment. Bosons are collectivists and magnetic hole can grow, capturing the ordinary matter and transforming it into its proper magnetic field. Black hole must spend much more time than million years in order to capture the whole Earth, consequently, they are safe (if we will not pay attention at Otto Rössler’s hypothesis). It is possible, that is why the CERN specialists do not fear the mBHs. But magnetic hole must spend only about a thousand of seconds in order to capture the whole Earth. Because of the creating of the plasma bubble around the MH, the needed time can be greater by several days or years. CERN do not know about MHs. -
In order to measure proper velocity one needs the road marked by “km” poles and one clock, connected with the moving object. [math]v_\tau = \frac {dr}{d\tau}[/math] In order to measure coordinate velocity one needs the road marked by “km” poles and at least two synchronized clocks connected with the road. [math]v_t = \frac {dr}{dt}[/math] At low velocities the values and almost coincide. But at high velocities the difference must be computed: [math]v_t = \frac{v_\tau }{\gamma}[/math] [math]\gamma=\sqrt{1+ v_\tau ^2/c^2}=1/\sqrt{1- v_t ^2/c^2}[/math] But what does measure an ideal speedometer, depends of it’s construction. In the next letter I’ll describe some constructions of speedometer and results. The simplest speedometer, which is our own internal speedometer, measures the proper velocity. The limit of proper velocity is infinity. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedCoordinate velocity and proper velocity are physical quantities with equal rights. Their values coincide under small velocities. But at large velocities they give different results. Nevertheless any of them describes the one and the same motion. It is possible to develop two independent math formalisms, which will give correct answers, according to used definitions. These differences explain us the cause of debates between people, who says that mass does not depend of velocity, with the people, who says about mass dependence of velocity. The equal rights of coordinate and proper velocities lead not only to equal rights of math formalisms but also to the possibility to construct vehicles, the speedometer of which, will measure proper velocity or coordinate velocity, depending of the construction of vehicle. The common demands: there are no slippage of wheels along the road; the power of engine is not limited; there are no deformations, resulting from centrifugal forces. Demands to vehicle with speedometer, measuring the proper velocity. In the reference system of a car the rim of a wheel contracts exactly the same as the road. Consequently, the needles of the wheel contract under the influence of the rim. In the reference system of a tank the tracked tape contracts exactly the same as the road. Consequently, the rod(beam) with infinitely small rollers at the ends of the rod, contract under the influence of the tape. Demands to vehicle with speedometer, measuring the coordinate velocity. In the reference system of a car the needles of the wheel do not contract. Consequently, the rim can not undergo the relativistic contraction. In the reference system of a tank the rod(beam) with rollers does not contract. Consequently, the tracked tape can not undergo the relativistic contraction. Example. Let the tracked tape has 20 tracks. Let the length of the rod with rollers is 1, the length of one track is 0.1. If the velocity of a tank is 0.8c, then the length of rigid rod is 0.6. Bottom part of the tape is in the state of rest relatively the road and must consist from 6 tracks. The upper part must have 20-6=14 tracks. But computation leads to other result. The cause is clear: If the rod is rigid as the tape, then some of them must broke. Then let the rod can contract under the influence of relativistically contracting tape. In the reference system of tank the bottom and upper parts of tape move with velocities 0.8c; contract to 0.6 of initial length. The same length (0.6) will have the rod in the reference system of tank. In the reference system of road the rod will contract to 0.36 of initial length. On this length there will be 3.6 tracks, resting relatively the road. The upper part of tape moves with velocity (0.8+0.8)/(1+0.8^2)= 0.975609756… Gamma of upper part of the tape is: 4.555555555… It is clear that upper part of tape must have 20-3.6=16.4 tracks; any of them have the length 0.1. Dividing 1.64 by 4.55555... we’ll have 0.36, i.e., the length of the rod in the reference system of the road. Thus, there are no problems. If the tape has one internally directed tooth, linking two contacts, after every full rotation of the tape, then it can measure the road in rest-lengths of the tape, [math]L = n l_{track}[/math]. Dividing this value by the proper time, the speedometer will show the value of proper velocity. If we want to create the tank with speedometer, measuring the coordinate velocity, then the rod must be absolutely rigid, able to undergo the relativistic contraction only. The tape will expand on it the more, the more velocity of tank. Traces of such tape on the road will depend now from velocity of the tank. The more velocity, - the greater traces. As for me, the tank, leaving the traces of different length, is not completely ideal. Our own speedometer, measuring the proper velocity, seems to be more convincing.
Reproduction of biospheres and civilizations.
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
About the received velocities: Do you know the difference between explosions caused by chemical, nuclear, collapse explosives? Do you know how many percents of mc^2 transforms into radiation, into kinetic energy of thrown out fragments at these different explosions? Do you know the rate of collapse of matter onto magnetic hole? I think, you don’t know. Then, why do you deny my ideas completely, without any computation, without any knowledge about magnetic hole? About living matter. I think that difference between computer virus and organic virus is much more than the difference between organic virus and simple bacteria. About hypothesis, science, evidences, dogmas, falsifications. Some hypotheses in science had transformed in dogmas in contemporary science. I think that real scientist must undergo any theory to certain doubt and don’t mix it with reality. There is no theory, describing the Nature, with 100% correspondence. Any theory/hypothesis has it’s region of applicability. My “complete mess” is much more real, than directed panspermia with the help of rockets; or as panspermia, caused by acceleration of viruses by solar wind. Sorry. English is not my native language. I must write “sword”, as moderator’s weapon. In my cited pages I wrote about some experimental proofs, wrote some arguments, and wrote some links to other authors. CERN will launch the LHC and we’ll have a lot of Last Evidences, with great probability. About a chain of hypothesis of different famous authors: You had lost one more word: “theory”. Or: “generally accepted theory”. Thus: 1. fiction; 2. generally accepted theory; 3. reality. Is Newton theory fiction? Is Einstein’s theory of gravity corresponds to reality with 100% precision? Do not make dogmas from good-looking theories. Do not reject hypotheses, if it looks at first as mad hypothesis, especially, if your life depends with its developments. In reality two different theories can have their part, for example: Darwinism and Explosive Panspermia. -
Reproduction of biospheres and civilizations.
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
In order to make conclusions one must consider one more parameter – the time of acceleration. Did you see my words “huge geyser”, “ionic pressure”, “photon pressure”, “transparent”? Is it organism? Does it reproduce? Does it mutate? Does it exist? Does it live? There are several models of “cosmic panspermia”. I think that “explosive panspermia”, discussed here, has much more chances to be real. Huge and long explosion, mud, creation of huge comets with different temperature and pressure conditions give much more chances to survival of life seeds, than in the other models of panspermia. If you do not recognize the idea of panspermia, and if you are the aggressive fighting Darwinist, you can close this topic by your sward. Send an expedition to comets and you will find the evidences, proving the “explosive panspermia”. ---- Planets Can you imagine the situation: In my garden there is plenty of grass, flowers... But on the neighboring gardens with the same conditions is absolutely empty. Life in my garden is not an accident. Life will develop on any suitable garden / planet. In November 2009 microscopic magnetic holes will be created on LHC. In a couple of months/years the fused magnetic hole will smoothely expand and explode the Earth. Created comets will possibly have dozens of years before the hole will lead to the explosion of our Sun as supernovae or repeated nova. The shock wave from this explosion and the radiation will only additionally accelerate the comets further on their way to other stars. Astronomers from distant stars will not see the explosion of Earth, but the successive explosion of the Sun will be excellently visible. That will be the funeral march about our Civilization. This is a chain of hypotheses of different famous authors. I only formed this chain of hypotheses into a single unifying hypothesis “Reproduction of Biospheres and Civilizations”. In this chain of hypotheses there is only one my own link: The Magnetic Hole and its Creation. Some evidences you will see after the launch of the LHC. There is one more evidence of my hypothesis: in order the Biosphere’s Reproductive Act happens, “the cells of interest” must defeat the “cells of precautions”, and you must make me fool in the eyes of readers; you must delete the information, which was said by the “cells of precautions”. These your words: are an additional evidence of my hypothesis. -
Reproduction of biospheres and civilizations.
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
1. Universe is Eternal with high degree of probability. 2. LHC will make many millions of microscopic magnetic holes (it is supposed to make billions of proton-proton collisions per second on LHC). Magnetic collapse of Earth’s matter on holes will overheat the regions around the holes. This will transform the matter into hot-temperature plasma. These bubbles of hot-temperature plasma will fuse together, and a. can be ejected from the Earth (with x% probability), or b. can move to the region of Earth, with the most strong magnetic field (with y% probability). To know x and y, we must know the values of some additional parameters. Let’s continue the variant b. The growing bubble will widen the Earth. The growing Earth’s surface will have the regions of naked mantle. Oceans will cover these regions. The “endless” heavy rain will begin. The Earth with doubled radius will be covered by 1-kilometer layer of mud. The mud will be perfectly mixed. Billions of seeds of my small 10m*10m garden will be dispersed in huge thickness of mud... 3. The explosion of Earth can be smooth and long. Billions of comets (wet mad peaces of 1-km radius will transform into 10-km radius foam comets – under zero pressures liquid transforms into gas) will start to other star’s systems, accelerated at first by ionic pressure from huge geysers, and after by photon pressure from the same geysers, which will become transparent. Survive? Did you hear that some viruses can survive in atomic reactor? I think that large amount of genetic information from my small garden, and even seeds of grass and flowers, seeds of mosquitoes, of wasps, of spiders, of dog’s insects… will survive, and be able to develop on the other planet, if the place of “landing” will not be so aggressive. It is not excluded that some virus of my cat will grow there into dinosaur, if there will not be enemies and if there will be more food for it… It is known that appearing of comets was connected with the appearing of new illnesses, epidemics on the Earth. Why? I think, comets had arrived here from large variety of civilizations, which had killed themselves. Comets have seeds of frozen life. Comets have different layers with different temperature conditions. Comets can enter into the atmosphere and make pollution, or can burn in atmosphere, or can drop into a warm lake. Send the satellites to comets and you will find there the seeds of life. Hundreds of died civilizations had genetically helped us to develop to our present stage. Our civilization must help other hundreds of civilizations to develop. But I want to postpone this suicidal reproduction: “STOP LHC!” The more region of Universe we investigate, - the less fluctuation of the quantity of information in the region. There are about 100 000 000 000 stars in our Galaxy. Let every 10-th star has its planetary system; let every star with planetary system have 10 planets. Then in our Galaxy there are 100 000 000 000 planets. Let every 100-th planet can have biosphere, which develops from simplest to having humans. Then there are 1000 000 000 civilizations in our Galaxy, but only small part of them are developed. If the average time, needed to develop from simplest to human civilization is 1 000 000 000 years, then every year 1 civilization in the Galaxy dies. Let’s compare: one supernovae explosion occurs in the Galaxy with the period about 100 years. Is it the funeral march of dying civilization? Every year about 15 explosions on novae occurs. And we know that some of these explosions are connected with the same stars. Are the novae explosions are also the funeral marches and repeated echoes of the dying civilizations? Mention about the bubble that can be thrown out of the planet, - but it will drop again... on this planet, or on its star… and again will be thrown out... How many times is needed, the magnetic hole eat the star completely? -
Reproduction of biospheres and civilizations.
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
An Open Letter to the Scientific Community was published in New Scientist, May 22, 2004. Thirty-three researchers, well known in the world, signed it. Hundreds of reasonable scientists had joined themselves to the appeal. The Steady State models have one main common feature, - there was no divine Beginning of the Universe.. More about adherents of Eternal Universe read on my page “Steady State Models of the Universe and their Authors”. Not evidences, but falsifications. To know, who firstly registered and predicted the cosmic microwave background radiation read this article: “History of the 2.7 K temperature prior to Penzias and Wilson” In my gif-animated figure you can see 4-d rotation. (4-th dimension is associated with color.) If you change one spatial coordinate into time coordinate, you will receive the model of Eternal Universe, which rotates with angular velocity 2.376*10^-18 rot/s, or in units, used in astronomy, 73.305 km/s/Mpc. Do you know this number? That is Hubble constant. Bigbangers thinks that it describes the universal expansion. Let’s wait, till the LHC launch in order to see another evidences. -
Reproduction of biospheres and civilizations.
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
There are two main cosmologies: the cosmology of Eternal Universe and Big Bang cosmology. According BB cosmology our Universe was born about 13,7 billions years ago; the quantity of energy from that moment in it is constant; entropy – grow. According the cosmology of Eternal Universe: the period of one 4-d rotation is equal to 13,34 billons years (this value is analogues to the number 365 days for Earth); the quantities of energy, entropy, information is approximately constant. It is logically correct to assume the following: if the quantity of information is constant, than the average number of civilizations is also constant at any moment of time. Now academic science does not regard Big Bang as hypothesis, and not as a theory, but as a fact. One of the main goals, put in front the LHC, is to look at the conditions, which were at the very first microseconds of Big Bang; and, as a result, to prove this religious dogma. But I think that bigbangers will not prove their dogma, but can make a real big bang of Earth. Bigbangers, preparing and conducting the future experiment on LHC, even do not suspect that they are performing the Low of Eternal Universe; - they make the inevitable act of suicidal reproduction of biospheres in the living Eternal Universe. It seems, we are not able to postpone the global suicide. The strength of “sells of interest” is much greater than the voices of “sells of precautions”. -
Reproduction of biospheres and civilizations.
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
Do you understand, what is the Biosphere’s reproduction? That is the suicidal reproduction. You have some reason. No. Not thousands. We’ll feed existing civilizations. We’ll move them forward in their development. In the Eternal Universe the quantity of civilizations at the different stages of their development is approximately the same, always. We could postpone the End of Earth, for hundreds years, if our governments approved the law, banning the extreme physical experiments. The pressure and temperature in some places of collider will be much more then inside the stars. -
Reproduction of biospheres and civilizations.
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
Wait a little. I’ll answer. If you do that, you will prove my hypothesis. Read it once more. Find yourself in my hypothesis. Do you understand, what is the Biosphere’s reproduction? That is the suicidal reproduction. Our Solar system will look as the remnants of the SN1987A, after the switch on of Large Hadron Collider, leading o magnetic collapse on the billions of created microscopic magnetic holes. OK. The launch of collider is planned on November, 2009. I think we’ll have about one year till we fill the pain, and about two years till the Earth’s explosion, till the start in the outer space, packed in icy comets. We will not be able to stop the collapse, if it will start. http://darkenergy.narod.ru/magtren.html -
Let we have a source of short-living particles. Let the life-time of that particles will be one second exactly. Which distance will cover the particle if it moves with proper velocity: 1 m/s; 10 m/s; …. 1 c; 10 c; 1000000000000000 c. Answers: L=vtau*tau 1 m; 10 m; …. 1 c; 10 c; 1000000000000000 c. In the last case the particle had covered the distance 1000000000000000*299792458 meters per second! Did it moved faster than light? No. That second is the proper second of the particle. According to synchronized devises, connected with the source of the particles, its coordinate velocity is about c, and the particle lived about 1000000000000000 seconds. To Swansont: Do you want, I take pencils and make a detailed figure?
Reproduction of biospheres and civilizations.
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
Yes, such ideas can not be understood by 2-d (flat) brains. Biosphere and human have properties of super-organism. I don’t want to discuss these properties here, in the Pseudoscience-pit, with 2-d thinking man. Of course, I have. LHC will lead to Earth’s magnetic collapse, and to resulting planetary explosion with the probability of about 50%. Go home, and say to your children/parents that you had also make your part in this process, in the preparations of killing them. You thrown my letter into the pit, you named my idea “bullshit”. Laugh and be ready to day. We have only 90 days in order to stop CERN, in order to prevent the act of reproductive suicide of Earth’s biosphere. -
Reproduction of biospheres and civilizations.
Ivan Gorelik replied to Ivan Gorelik's topic in Speculations
Why my topic are already in Pseudoscience. Doing thus you approaching the global catastrophe. Think about your children! Do you want CERN kill them? You have only 90 days to make actions!