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Everything posted by RyanJ

  1. Hmm.... Liquid Oxygen and something like [ce]N2O[/ce] in a special plastic tube (Partially as fuel, partially as a container for combustion) is what rocketeers use I believe. I don't think you'll be able to get hold of liquid [ce]O2[/ce] very easily as for the [ce]N2O[/ce] it can be madequite easily. Other types include from an oxidizer such as ammonium perchlorate or ammonium nitrate and then a fule source which is nomally solid. You can use Google to find more information. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  2. I have the second one and its wellworth the money, lots of interesting ideas and articles in them, they have given me a lot of stuff to think about since I had been reading them. I believe their web page is here: http://www.newscientist.com/home.ns Cheers, Ryan Jones
  3. RyanJ

    Beyond Elements

  4. Yup, most of the big forums do, pf has one etc. If you like,try setting up a redirect Cheers, Ryan Jones
  5. If you were refering to my answer a few posts back, look for a tag in the source code that tells you the file name @Blunt: That would break the rules of the game Cheers, Ryan Jones
  6. I added a Wikipedia entry for SFN here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_Forums.net If anyone would like to add, modify anything or make it look better I would appreciate the help Cheers, Ryan Jones
  7. We are not yet shure if it actualy exists (here is no proof either way) - stick with anti-matter + matter Cheers, Ryan Jones
  8. Sweet, matt - should add your site to the "useful & Interesting" sites list Cheers, Ryan Jones
  9. RyanJ

    Happy Pi day!

    ... and on x-mas minced pi Woo, only 1,811 posts until I have [math]1000\pi[/math] for a post count Cheers, Ryan Jones
  10. RyanJ

    Need Help

    Firstly work out the Mr for each of the compounds then read this - its an example reaction and it should help you understand how it works http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mole_%28unit%29#Example_calculation ...and welcome too SFN! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  11. RyanJ

    Happy Pi day!

  12. Well, maybe a link in the post, click it and it opens a little window with a textbox. type the code in there click submit and then it does something like a live preview (Like a preview post). he benefit to this is people like me () don't click the submit button by mistake and make a reply they did not intend to make Cheers, Ryan Jones
  13. OK, thanks Dave Cheers, Ryan Jones
  14. True, there is one other method though - we can see the light then has travelled close to the black hole and thus has been bent. thisis how theybelieve they have found black holes in the wild Cheers, Ryan Jones
  15. Of corse it is I'm running a 64 bit so it must be Cheers, Ryan Jones
  16. Probably because if a conflict got out of hand then it may be abused.... Not shure though it just seems odd that its the only one where it does not work Cheers, Ryan Jones
  17. RyanJ


  18. Yea shure [math] \begin{array}{c|c} Name & Age\\ Row & 2 \end{array} [/math] Cheers, Ryan Jones
  19. RyanJ

    Happy Pi day!

    I'm from the UK - I don't care what date format is used as long as its the correct date... If anyone is still here for the next real Pi Day one post at 5:35 AM I shall add it to my to do list but don't hold your breath for a reply Cheers, Ryan Jones
  20. Hey Dave, can you tell me if this is a bug? Sometimes I get a restricted command error even when its text and not a command, name for example triggers error even if its not preceded by a slash... any ideas? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  21. RyanJ


    Pit it this way Dioxins are not nice but are not as deadly as they say:
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