Flood control should be no problem using cookies or sessions
Language filters - same as word censors? If yes then those are already on my features list as are the emoticons
Cheers & Thanks for the suggestions,
Ryan Jones
Thinking of making a shoutbox - Ideas?
Hi there everyone!
I'm bored and am still working on a vital part of my site so I need somethign too occupy me in the meantime so I am thinking of writing a shoutbox script.
Before I start (Or even if I do) what type of features would you suggest I add?
Ryan Jones
Use an ignited splint, if there is a high concentration of Carbon Dioxide it will be extinguished
Ecoli, I'd like too see a home chemist do that
Ryan Jones
Hi there everyone!
I just thought I'd start another community thread where people can share their favourite quotes
Here is mine:
Lets hear yours then
Ryan Jones
That sounds right, cuts basically sperare teh two areas of skin, all they need to do is be bridged together while burns need to be practically re-made.
Thats a good point I never though of - thanks
Ryan Jones
Burns - Longer Healing Time?
Why do burns take longer too heal than cuts? I have had some big cuts but even the small burns normally take longer too heal than the big cuuts - why is this?
Just curious, not for anyhting but my own interest
Ryan Jones
Your right, there are none!
Although NaCl is irritant if it gets in your eyes or cuts!
Ryan Jones
don't be so shure:
Ryan Jones
I must appologise in advance, I am having keyboard problems right now so if any abnormal characters fly in sorry:-)
I know it does' date=' it's about as good as that of Firefox.
There are a few up-released securiy holes in Opera but those are also low rated too
I'd say the question should be why should it? Firefox supports the correct standards IE does not, its obvious who should change Microcrap are too lazy and will not make the effort too do so!
Ryan Jones
Anything in the page would be included in the IFramle unless you resize it too show just the part of the page you want, it cna be done but it cna be trickey too work out too.
Ryan Jones
As insane_alien said its the reversal of that.
Adding an electron normally gives off more energy than it uses (Exothermic) but for the others it takes in more than it gives out (Endothermic).
I have not finished (Actually I have not started) the organic chemistry part of my chemistry course yet so I cna't answer this but I have a link that may help you...
Cheers & Good Luck,
Ryan Jones
Feature wise Firefox is far superor as its web standards support, Firefox gets new features added more often, Firefox has an auto-patch system.
Firefox has a vast number of extensions, plugins and a good popup blocker.
Firefoxes patch time averages 3 days faster than Opera.
On the other hand Opera is a great browser too but Firefox is still the better one.
Ryan Jones
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