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Everything posted by RyanJ

  1. Kermit, as far as I am aware all of those you have stated can be done too soem degree, right now we are still learning about oour own DNA so writing our own DNA code system is for the moment out of our ability I would think - or atleast in any useful scale. Multiple helixes is interesting because it allows you to store more informaiton in less space... a very useful prospect. As for the topic question, as posted by everyone else, shoure its possible though its unlikley that anything close too our DNA structure would be formed elsewhere. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  2. RyanJ


    Tiredness, lack of interest, pre-cooupied etc. There are many, many reasons why I personally find the lack of interest one the primary cause for me Is it only for certain things or for everything in general? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  3. Thats a good point - does it easily break down in the heat of the human body though? If it does then we are back to the same problem And everything is soluable too some extent but in such small concentrations its not worth noteing Cheers, Ryan Jones
  4. It is soluable in water < 0.1 g/100 mL at 23 Degrees C Source: http://chemfinder.cambridgesoft.com/ Cheers, Ryan Jones
  5. As with woelen, I will not post any of the sources I have for the same reasons... But I think it should be fine to tell you some aquatic type stores sell it If you need some links to, I'll try and help but my ones are probably identical too those that woelen has Cheers, Ryan Jones
  6. Yup, it does contain Mercury and it does seem too be non-toxic but its not a compound but an amalagum, an alloy of sorts Cheers, Ryan Jones
  7. Google turned up some results, have you looked too see if any it turns up are of any use? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  8. Mercury seems to be a generally nasty stuff, most of the ones I have heared of or worked with have been very toxic so like I said the odds are slim that there would be a non-toxic one out there but its always interesting too see the experts break the rules and fine one If they cna think of one it will be in the next Interesting Fact Of The Week but then again I'm guessing there arn't any Cheers, Ryan Jones
  9. I guesss then we could call ourselves gods because we know anything that has and will ahppen, like Q in Star Trek What if god does not exist (Correct in my oppinion)? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  10. Non-toxic Mercury compounds? Hi there everyone! I've been looking through a lot of compounds latly and it seems Mercury compounds are pretty damn nasty, are there any that are not toxic? Organic Mercury compounds are toxic, Mercury is toxic and inorganic Mercury compounds seem nasty but are there any that are non-toxic or are they all toxic? If there are any that are non-toxic I'd be interested too know though I think the odds are slim too none. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  11. About the aliens? they may have given us some nice technology What is the internet had never been invented? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  12. You should see something, 900x is pretty powerful most things considering Bacteria are between 0.5 and 5.0 μm so you may be able to see then with a 900x scope you should Cheers, Ryan Jones
  13. True, but then people like Stephen Hawkin are really geniuses and have disabilities but strange before his illenss he was not so smart or so it seems.... it just seems there is an interesting correlation occuring Cheers, Ryan Jones
  14. You'd make the world a better place What is JFK did not get assasinated? Or what is his assasination failed? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  15. I just though I'd start a thread for what if's, someone posts a what if and then the next person answers the what if and posts their own and it so continues.... This may be interesting too see what ideas peopel come up with! I'll start: What if the meteor that hit the Earth 65,000,000 years ago did not hit? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  16. RyanJ

    As requested...

    Much more organised now - great job! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  17. Actually no, Opera had a lower standards rating than Firefox (Just!).... http://nanobox.chipx86.com/browser_support.php?FX1_5=on&OP8=on&uas=CUSTOM Firefox has the higher rating (Because it did when the beta version was added) and thus even though some of the features have not yet been tested Firefox still beat Opera. The full standards tables cna be found here: http://nanobox.chipx86.com/browser_support_html.php http://nanobox.chipx86.com/browser_support_css.php http://nanobox.chipx86.com/browser_support_dom.php http://nanobox.chipx86.com/browser_support_ecmascript.php Overall Firefox won with Opera a close second and its not even worth mentioning IE in this context as it is so far behind... Cheers, Ryan Jones Cheers, Ryan Jones
  18. HeHe, thanks ecoli - I'm shure my uncle will want one of those! On the topic of Firefox a lot of interesting features are planned for 2.0, look out IE and Opera Here is a very small sample of the stuff too be included in future versions: http://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox:2.0_Product_Planning Like I siad there is a lot not on that list but lets just say Firefox is already the leading browser in standards support and will soon push the boundaries even further Cheers, Ryan Jones
  19. No problems at all plus you get SVG support @ecoli: Love the quote in your sig Cheers, Ryan Jones
  20. 1) Tritium decays with a beta decay to form [ce]He^3[/ce]. Beta radiation is the second most dangerous, it cna penetrate skin to a small extent but as with anything in high concentrations makes high ammounts of radiation and it could cause skin cancer or some other types of cancer, inside the body this is very dangerous and thus why Tritium is so dangerous, it also has quite a long half life at about 12.3 years its radioactive fro a long time. 2) I think he meant the term mile as in you should not be anywhere near the stuff, it was not meant literally by the looks of it. Beta radiation cna only traved a few centimeters in air but if you are using a different radioactive source that products gamma rays you'd need a lot of lead and concrete to block the gamma rays thus why you'd need to be a long way away from the stuff. Trust me when I say radiaiton is not stuff too eb messed with, look what happened to the Curies who were experts on it... radiation si best left along unless in specialised lab conditions with the coreect shielding and equiptment, unless you like the idea of killing yourself or others. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  21. It seems too be some sort of calendar but no-one is realy shure but it does match with the summer and winter saulsdisks so I suppose thats one of the best guesses. There is also a lot of evidence that many peopel went through therer each year so it does seem to be a place of ceremonial significance too. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  22. Indded, looks like they have all been added A lot of the forums got changed, looks liek Dave had been thinking about this for some time Cheers, Ryan Jones
  23. Everyone likes snow Cheers, Ryan Jones
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