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Everything posted by RyanJ

  1. He does not deserve the right to walk among people ever again after all the peopel he killed. He should be locked up in a cell that has no exit and just left there... he showed no mercy so why should anyone else, feed him by all means, it will prelong how long he has to love in the cell. If it were in most countries he would have been shot on sight anyway... Ryan Jones
  2. Quite hard too do considering how the reaction is required too work. Can't you just work out a way to removethese impurities later? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  3. The article did say that a virus could hijack another virus - don't ask me how but I'm just quoting what was said - it did say instead of injecting RNA that makes it replicate new viruses, it just screws up the system totally. A harmless virus is one that does no damage to the host cell, just because the ones that evolved do does not say anything about what a genetically modified one can do assuming we can get the technology to program them. Alchemists were trying to find a magic formula that could turn any metal into gold, they fauled but they discovered many elemements in the attempts. There can be no such thing as a perfect vaccum nor can a temperature reach or go below absolute zero. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  4. Sand is basically Quartz, it can be bought easily over the internet from mineral collectors, I have a huge 1Kg lump of it here which I got from E-bay at a bargin price. Not shure about local suppliers though but remember sand is just about all Silicon(IV) Oxide, AKA Quartz Cheers, Ryan Jones
  5. Tts not the same, normal installers show you what they do as they do it soemthing like his tends not too. I hate not knowing exactly whats happening on my system and Windows Vista will already never be installed after my testing ti so I don't really care - its horrid. I hated XP and I hate this one even more. This is not the main feature that concerns me but there we go another potential security home they have added.... Cheers, Ryan Jones
  6. *Hits head against a table* I know that (I don't understand mathematics either so we have something alike there)... I said like. Is, somehow, you could make a virus so it could adapt in a way that was like it was following a pre-defined system of mutations.
  7. Thats the point, it can't in that way! I'm thinking that if, like a mathamatical sequence, you could find some way to make the vuruses adapt based on the way it mutates, according to an inverse system, then you could make it adapt bases on the inversion of how the cancer cell mutated allowing it mutate with it. Another problem as you said was the keeping up part, assuming again that the cancer cells donot just mutate at a random time there should again be a way to overcome this after all our bodies do use time to regulate some things. A better idea may be to make a semi-adaptive one, after it hijacks the host cell it intergrates part of the DNA into its self allowing it to attempt to preduict how it would adapt. Though if this virus managed to attack other cells it would then be all but unstoppable due to its adapability... There could be no immunity to this type of virus. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  8. You could get some goats to come and eat it, they eat just about everything :S Cows can also digest cellulose but I'm not sure they like the wood type Cheers, Ryan Jones
  9. I can answer this one for you, no its not its structure is cubic. Thanks to the CRC book once again Cheers, Ryan Jones
  10. After recently reading an article in a science magazine about how they are trying to use viri to fight things like colds I got thinking. The reason this is so hard is that the virus mutates - I already know, again form the magazine that viruses are being tested in the treating of cancers but would it be possible to use the viruses mutations as a weapon too? What I mean is this: A virus can mutate but so too can a cancer, could you engineer a virus that mutates "in sync" with the cancer cells it was designed to destroy? That way the effect would make the cancer mutations useless because the virus would simple mutate in a way that makes the mutation useless. Anyone have any comments on that or if it would be possible? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  11. Hmm... what about something on the other end of the scale, something like Hydrochloric acid, Sulphuric acid or Nitric acid... or even the dreaded Hydrofluric acid? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  12. Good point.. Experimentaly they are thought he mutations of both the good and the bas strains are proving hard to keep tracks with and this they both end up becomming quite ineffective soon... thats one problem that needs to be ficed! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  13. What do you mean what research? Science magazine covered it in last months issue :S Not only that its part of the Cancer fighting research and viral biochemical research too. And I know its not a single virus but the way they said it was a virus can mutate to fight the mutating virus. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  14. Indeed, it is a bit unfair being stuck in the Other Sciences section when Chemistry is one of the main sciences! There are loads of sub-catigories, Radiochemistry, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Inorganic chemistry etc. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  15. Afraid not, at room temperature Plutonium has a density of 19.816 g/cm3 and at its melting point its density is 16.63 g/cm3. Solid Plutonium is denser than liquid Plutonium. Although I do not agree with the statement too, its one of only a few known that their solid states will float on the liquid form, there are otherss I just can't remember the names! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  16. Its a fact, its already being tested as such and is therefor a fact. Another one seeing as I'm posting. Helium is the only known element that does not form a solid state at standard pressure no matter what temperature you try due to its weak inter-molecular forces! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  17. Tin has the most stable isotopes of any element (10 of them). Cesium Hydroxide has the highest pH possible, 15, and can dissolve glass. Glass is not actually solid but is a Thixotropic Liquid. Viruses may some day be used to fight colds via genetic engineering. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  18. An interesting feature but I don't like things installing stuff without my knowing. I've tested Windows Vista for a while now and I already hate it (And its not even finished yet...) - if I were not getting paid to keep it here ntill its released I'd happily format my hard drive and put Win98 SE back in. Like I said a good feature but a lot of people don't like having Microcrap installing things behind their backs however good the intentions CAN be. Cheers, Ryan Jones
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