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Everything posted by RyanJ

  1. I'm just starting my A levels but here is how I see it, in the long run it will be better for you if you choose an aspect of chemistry you like. No point in taking organic chemistry is you hate it Also, don't take something you know you will probably never be able to do and don't try to take too muck stuff, I tried this for A levels (All sciences and maths) and it was hard but I'm managing fine now. I don't think tiw ill work the same for a degree so be careful! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  2. Thanks woelen! I'll read the link as soon as I get a few minutes spare I also found a book in school that may give more insight so I'm hoping the two will explain it Cheers, Ryan Jones
  3. I have another question, whats the most commonly used oxidant in fireworks? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  4. I like the analogy - Don't they do it the same way our immune system works out what type of cell its dealing with through the cells antigens? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  5. Thats good point, I never thought of that. Elemental chlorine does not form in nature does it anyway? So, there were chloride ions but no elmental chlorine? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  6. Water is one of only a few substances that expand when they freeze. Hydrogen is the most abundant eleemnt sin the universe, constituting almost 90% os all the atoms in the universe! Helium in its liquid state has a feature called superfluidity, that means it experiences no friction and is able to climb out of containers! It does this untill it meets its own "level". Neon and Helium are the only two elements with no compounds what so ever although ionic compounds such as [ce]HeD^{+}[/ce] and [ce](NeH)^{+}[/ce] have been formed! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  7. Remember, when salt dissolves in water it forms Sodium and Chloride ions: [ce]NaCl_{(s)} <=> Na^{+}_{(aq)} + Cl^{-}_{(aq)}[/ce] Cheers, Ryan Jones
  8. I thought it was man-made? Oh well Water is unusual in that its boilling and melting points are much higher than other simmilar Hydrogen based compounds. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  9. LOL, there is a site that says how to build a nuclear bomb but I cannot remember the link too it Cheers, Ryan Jones
  10. Electronegativity - How is it measured? I recently found myself asking how electronegativity is measured and frankly my standard chemistry textbook provides nothing of use on the topic. What is it measured against and how it is measured? Is it measured against Fluorine that is the most electronegative and also who standardised the system for measuring eectronegativity? Any help apprectiated! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  11. A good friend of mine had a great pryo site all about the chemistry of explosives and pyro with good tutorials on why this stuff works and the like. Some insane guy found his site and, despite the disclaimers on ever page made some explosives (Quite a lot of it too). Like that was not enough he then went on to phone the local police station and threatended to detonate the device! The guy got a arrested and his computer confisgated, the forensics team found a like to my friends website and now hes in the hell for it too... his dreams of setting up a pyrotechnics company are all but useless now becuase hes being tried for assisted terrorism charges! When I find out who the guy is I'll kill him, my friend was a great guy and now hes looking at a few years in jail thanks to some moron that made his site a weapon instead of a learning resource as it was intended. This type of thing is what getts all us chemists (Or one day hoping to be chemists) and hobbyist chemists tared with the same brush as the stupid moron that got my friend in trouble. No-wonder people are so scared of chemists, with people like that who call themselves chemists giving us a bad rep! Its people like this that are ruining my, and many other peoples hobbies, I belive that as long as I endanger no-one then I should be able to do what I like with the stuff I have (Although I don't becuase I like my fingers attatched to my hand where they are useful) but these people make it impossible for us to get even the simplest of chemicals here in the UK. I appreciate any replies and comments you have on this because right now I'm steaming. I'd show you the site but it was taken down as evidence. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  12. Yup, make sence. The same people who you say speciafically DO NOT DO THIS as it explodes and then go and do it just for that reaosn and hurt or kill themselves or other people (Giving chemists a bad name). Cheers, Ryan Jones
  13. I suppose the same thing would happen with Phosphorus and glocose too then. Is it me or are the chemistry of Sulphur and Phosphorus are quite simmilar? Also, is pure phosphorus used in any fireworks or the like? If yes then what effects does it make? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  14. If you want more informaiton I talked about it here: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=15808 Cheers, Ryan Jones
  15. You'd be wrong, hardware firewalls are not afs effective nor flexible as a firewall, thats why most people have a software firewall on the computer rather than a hardware one over the router. There are ways in which the hardware one is better but for the most part a software one if much better. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  16. I'm not shure but I remember reading someone did beat it, they did not know how but apparently the while blood cells managed to get hold of the protein marker and kill the cells giving the person immunity before the infection got too far. Not shure if its right but I remember reading that somewhere! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  17. As far as I'm aware its not 100% fatal, some people do survive it although I can't remember any names but I'm shure I read some do survive it. I was reading in a science magazine that someone in Africa has shown an immunity to the HIV virus, does anyone know if this is true? Cheers, Ryan Jones
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