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Everything posted by RyanJ

  1. X-ray diffraction can be Cheers, Ryan Jones
  2. In a way they are and in a way they are not. Crystallography: The science of crystal structure and phenomena. X-ray diffraction: The scattering of x-rays by crystal atoms, producing a diffraction pattern that yields information about the structure of the crystal. So yes in that x-ray diffraction is a part of crystallography but no because crystallography is the general studdy of crystals May I ask why you posted this in the biology section though? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  3. Thats a good point, it could very well be. I remember reading an article on somehting like this except it was a studdy of those snobby people who keep their children away from any dirt. When thee children grew up they had next to no imminuty to just about everything because their immune system had never faught that type of bug before. I too bite my nails a lot (especially when I'm thinking about something) so its a very good possability that a minute ammount of these viruses are getting into the system and are being attached by the immune system creating a natural immunity! Seems to make sence that it would act like that - once the things are inside you your immune system will make the anti-gens to kill thm one way or another, if you get them in small doses then that would allow you to creat the correct anti-gens without actually getting infected Could it be biting your nails premoted good health! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  4. Ah right - my appology Cheers, Ryan Jones
  5. I meant what I said - mine is a compiler / decompiler in the same program this what I was was correct Cheers, Ryan Jones
  6. You are correct in one sence and wrong in another. Certain compliers decompile to assembly then using a special method they can then convert that back into source code although thats not very easy to do Cheers, Ryan Jones
  7. Yes they do mutate - thats why people keep on getting colds all the tile - its exactly the same with the AIDS viru' date=' thats why its a pain to try to make an vaccination for it! I think smoking actually damages your immune system as for the effects of beer I am not shure! I know the immune system can adapt and can change its self and thats why you can get new immunities to things. Maybe tht adaption can actualy change its self or maybe a mutation can cause it to work faster so you don't realize that you have caught the virus but you did only slightly. I'm short of ideas on this subject although I'd like to know the anser to this myself! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  8. There are ways to do this legally and illegally I am familiar with bothn but I'll not go into them here because I'd rather scienceforums not get closed down Annoying companies like Microcrap try to do things to the source code to stop you decompiling it but they fail when you know how they encode the files. Most programs can be decomplied easily providing you know the language it ws written in. (I have a few programs here I usse when security testing for Microcrap... these are pretty devestating programs for ripping appart source code). Most compaines do not encode or try to encrypt the source code and these are the easiest to "break". I persoanlly feel that all programs should be free end of story. Anyway a quich google search will help you and also look at some security websites they sh0ould be able to tell you how it works and what its limits are but good luck getting the informaiton on how you do it out of them. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  9. Carbon is the only cmpound that can form chains with its self. Thats not exactly true Silicon can but they are highly unstable. And let us not forget that Carbon is found just about everywhere so its easy to get hold of and its stable and it forms a huge range of compounds Also' date=' have a look at this it may be able to provide more insight than I Cheers, Ryan Jones
  10. Its like having a puzzle with one of the pieces missing. I suppose there could be loads of possible resultant compounds but wihtout the exact one the odds of finding the correct one are well... not good Cheers, Ryan Jones
  11. The question specifically said there was: Cheers, Ryan Jones
  12. So the question can only be answered if the Oxygen product is included... I suppose you need those for the equations from which you derive the ratios right? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  13. Thats a bad question if it cannot be answered... I'm shure they arn't allowed to ask trick questions like that. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  14. RyanJ


    I think you need special film Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrared_photography Cheers, Ryan Jones
  15. Maybe this can help Cheers, Ryan Jones
  16. Isn't Ozones oxidation potential 2.07V? If it is then its lower than that of oxygen which has an oxidation potential of 2.5V. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  17. BhavinB, swansont: Thanks for the links - I will have a look at those. Then it is true - you do learn something new every day Cheers, Ryan Jones
  18. Right so it will work that way then - great Cheers, Ryan Jones
  19. RyanJ

    Cold Fire

    DO Not Do This! I have actually seen people do this un their hands though the problem comes when the alcohol starts to run out More informaiton on flame colours can be found here Cheers, Ryan Jones
  20. Yup... don't we all. Worst thing about being 6th form (Staying in school for further education) is your often asked to help out in experiment lessons. I have heared of people stealing a small vile of Bromine and then they broke it in the school leading to the whole area having to be cleaned and some guy stealing some magnesium ribbon and stashing it down his trowssers. Needless to say it reacted with the seat and caused some nasty burns and he still denied trying to steal the thing Anyway I'd say if you do with within a fume cupboard you should be fine Just don't et the kids get their ands on the stuff (I even say some kid try to eat a Barium salt... lucky the teacher cought the idiot...) Cheers, Ryan Jones
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