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Everything posted by RyanJ

  1. @Keano: I remember reading about that a while ago (Though it was an article not a book) unfortunatly coldfusion still seems to be an unattainable goal. If it were then why is it not in use everywhere already as a pollution free energy source? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  2. Yea it is - it lowers the melting point of the [ce]TiO2[/ce] I think and I think it allows it to conduct elecricity more easily This may be of help (It defines what an electrolyte is): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elecrolyte Cheers, Ryan Jones
  3. What are you talking about? No-one is trying to spin any lies here! I agree with you bascule - we had to do a project on Tesla for physics and he did try (and thoughjt he has succeeded in making) some things that were then impossible and some of which are still out of reach today. @Keano: It seems it may be you that needs to do some research because I fully agree with bascule on this point Cheers, Ryan Jones
  4. Interesting topic guys! Speed reading or scan reading is sometimes used to quickly gather the basic informaiton on somehting for example I use speed reading when I need to get througha paragraph of work quickly and I get a basic idea of what tis saying and thats normally enough. If its not then I cna take a bit longer to go throug it more carefully and then I get exactly what it is trying to say. The link between comprehension and speed reading seems to be that the safter you read the less time your brain has to think about what you have just read and so the less you understand though this is not always the case Sometimes when I read fast I can still do the same as I normally do when I read more slowly - this is normally when I am already familiar with the topic though I remember reading about one guy who could read two pages (One with each eye) of writing every 5 seconds and remember everything about it - hes a savant and thats just not normal! Heres a question: Does anyone have trouble doing other things while you are reading say if someone is asking you a question? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  5. Hi there everyone! Can anyone reccomend any good chemistry books? Thanks to woelen, I have bought the ones he suggested and have found them helpful - just wondering if there are any more I should look into Cheers, Ryan Jones
  6. I actually think that C is the most powerful language for just about everyhting though some will probably disagre on that. C is highly customisable and is a very poweful lanaguage but is quite hard to learn and requires strict syntax. There are other poweful languages with loads of features: a few of my favourites are: Visual BASIC - a poweful language that runs on Windows only. Syntac is based arround objects and mainly forms. You may also want to look into the VB.NET - its the new thing Pascal: Simmilar to Visual BASIC. Java: Again anotehr very poweful language and it links into the internet too! Other variations on C such as C++ and C# are also very good There are loads of others too but those are a few of the ones I know and like a lot Cheers, Ryan Jones
  7. Yea! Or both! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  8. It would be no easy job for this site. You'd have to split the file into 50[acr=Mega Bytes]MB[/acr] bits and then upload them with a special E-mail title. Then when you need to download them you'd need to download them in the right order and re-intergrate them It could be done but it would take some work ;-) Cheers, Ryan Jones
  9. @jdurg: Oh... I'm still learning about electron configurations so please forgive my ignorance Cheers, Ryan Jones
  10. RyanJ


    I'm shure there was a name for it then again it was about 4 years ago so I don't really know Cheers, Ryan jones
  11. Hi there! I have this question and despite my best efforts I have failed to answer it. I've guessed that is it 5,050 I have no idea how to solve this - any help appreciated! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  12. RyanJ


  13. RyanJ

    Science Fair Topic

    Great! Hope it all works out good for you! Cheers & Good Luck, Ryan Jones
  14. You are quie correct - Silver does have one electron in its outer shell Silvers electron configuration is: [ce][Kr]4d^{10}5s^1[/ce] and Gold also has one electron in its outer shell: [ce][Xe]4f^{14}5d^{10}6s^1[/ce] But they can both be reactive at times too. For example gold does react with Hydrochloric acid buts its equilibrium of reaction is shifted more twards the redeposition of the gold due to the lack of the formation of stable gold ions - the same is true for silver. Maybe one of the chemistry experts can give a better explination but I know that those are the reason(s) for the group I & II being reactive Cheers, Ryan Jones
  15. Thats nuts! We can also make mini-lightening and we can make things fly (With a great ammount of effort...) Cheers, Ryan Jones
  16. Yea I kno - I meant Mailnation there I'd have more space than my hard drive! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  17. Yes - right now its 50 [acr=Mega Bytes]MB[/acr] per file but they may upgrade that again one day if they get lots of cusomers! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  18. Well said. You take something like a lighter back say a few hundred years - fire in the palm of your hand you could be a god let along some of the things we have today Cheers, Ryan Jones
  19. Yes it would unless you lived outside the universe Cheers, Ryan Jones
  20. @5614: Gmail currently has 2659 [acr=Mega Bytes]MB[/acr] os storage spacew I wish I could use that site as storage space for my haerd drive, I could back it all up on there! Cheers, Ryan Jones
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