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Everything posted by RyanJ

  1. Really? I'm going to be spending the next 2 years in school for my [acr=Advanced]A[/acr] levels so I'm not worried about spending 8 for a PhD Cheers, Ryan Jones
  2. I'm going to have some fun then Thanks for the info Ryan Jones
  3. Yea but you know why a lot of places won't don it? Money... les see whats more important the Earths surviival and ours or spending a little money? These government officials are morons most of the time though here they have implimented recycling schemes and they collect all the things to be rectcled once a week. In the next few years they plan to dig up the rubbish dump here (About 30 miles away) and recycle as much as possible - its about time Cheers, Ryan Jones
  4. RyanJ


    I'd say sugar and salt would work fine as would anyhting else you can mweigh accuratly and will dissolve As for the way to do this a freezer with a thermometer should do the job but if your looking for somehting more technical you could use a water bath with water in it (Who would have guessed then put a beaker with your solution in it (and a themrometer) and then add ammonium nitrate to the water bath and that will cool the temperature of the water bath so you can watch it live Cheers, Ryan Jones
  5. Maybe but then we'd soon run out of materials to use which is why recycling is better in the long run... I recycle just about everything I cna but making my own blach hole sounds like fun too! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  6. Anyone who as ever done these and has done the past papers will tell you that they are not. I've finished my [acr=General Certificate of Secondary Education]GCSE[/acr]'s last year and I have also done a huge pile of past papers and I cna say that these things are not getting easier nor are they getting harder - if people are getting better grades its a testiment to the intelligence of people and the quality of teaching I'm shure the same if true for [acr=Advanced]A[/acr] levels though I can't say for shure as I have not yet done them Cheers, Ryan Jones
  7. I think they are both needed. I'm not shure but there should be other mixtures out there - try a Google search and see what it turns up Cheers, Ryan Jones
  8. Highest certification for chemistry? Does anyone know what the highest certification for chemistry is? Just wondering Cheers, Ryan Jones
  9. Thats true but as with everything there are exceptions Those people who have brain damage and still have huge [acr=Intelligence quotient]IQ[/acr]'s are one of them. They can be really and I mean really bad at somethings and then be amazingly good at something else. Those are the main exceptions to this rule but yes generally the results agree with each other Cheers, Ryan Jones
  10. RyanJ


    If I get what your saying there then yes when that solute's solution is saturated (If you wanted to add another one then its more complex) then its solubility in that solution would be zero because no more can dissolve. Note: I said in that solution not in an solution Or did you mean the freezing point there? If so then once the solution is saturated it will have the lowest possible freezing point for that solvant. If on the other hand you has something that was more soluable then you could make the freezing point even lower Do an experiment to test it out is what I would reccomend Cheers, Ryan Jones
  11. All you need to do is premote the features you want and allow them to reporduce and deny the animals with the features you don't want the ability to reproduce. Over time you get all the features you want with none of the ones you don't. So in one word to say if Natural selection is real: YES! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  12. So true - even if you could make it into diamonds then it would be unclear and very impure. Most of the rubbish could be sorted and then recycled - thats about the best use for it! Also I think they extract methane from rubbish dumps now Cheers, Ryan Jones
  13. Dave, can you post nuclear equations with this chemistry LaTeX? I can't seem to work out how Cheers, Ryan Jones
  14. RyanJ


    I'm not shure but I would agree that it probably has something to do with the attractive forced between the hydrogen bonds inwater and the solute. I think the equations used to explain why is caled the ideal solution equation and its related to chemical potential: [math]RT in(1 - x_2)[/math] Were R is the gas constant, T is temperature and [math]x_2[/math] is the solute concentration in terms of mole fraction And nature seems to like thing being equal: diffusion likes the concentration of gasses to be equal, when you suck air out of a can the can gets crushed to equalize the preassure Not shure if thats right but I hope it helped if it is Cheers, Ryan Jones
  15. Are you refering to viscosity? If yes then generally (But not always) the higher the viscosity of the liquid the slower the enzymes work because there are less successful "collisions" between the enzymes and the subbstrate resulting in a lower rate of reaction Cheers, Ryan Jones
  16. RyanJ

    Science Fair Topic

    OK, I'll give you a bit of help with those - they cna be quite annoying the first few times [*]Heat: Rate of reaction increases to a point when the enzyme denatures. [*]Ph: Low and High Ph denatures the enzymes - find the optimum Ph [*]Preassure: Effective to a point and then the enzymes get crushed. [*]Ammount of substrate: Increases untill all the enzymes are constantly catalyzing then it can increase no further. [*]Ammount of enzymes: Increases untill all the substrate has been used up then it can rise no more. Hope that helps Cheers, Ryan Jones Cheers, Ryan Jone
  17. It is part of it yes. There are more than a few types of [acr=Intelligence quotient]IQ[/acr] some are visual based and some are word and number based but the good ones have a bit of each. There are also a lot of high intelligence type: some are good at art and some are good with words and some are amazing at numbers So your [acr=Intelligence quotient]IQ[/acr] does relate to your skills in a major way - you can have a high [acr=Intelligence quotient]IQ[/acr] and you can be good at one thing or another or even both. Its hard to explain but some people are brilliant at just about everythign! Make any sence too you? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  18. Your welcome - if I find any more I'll PM you and let you know but this one is the best! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  19. RyanJ


  20. I think its to do with van der walls forces. When the "cloud" of electrons are for ain instant concentrated more in on elocation than another allowing it to dissolve... Is that is? Cheers, Ryan jones
  21. I don't think so... but I'm talking computers not people in any case. how can people create something more intelligent tham themselves? People can't do that any more than someone can create a perfect program or a perfect anything. Do you see what I mean? I know evolution creates something more intelligent from something less inteligent but the difference between an organism and a computer is a big one. Cheers, Ryan Jones
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