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Everything posted by MetaFrizzics

  1. Is the magnet inside or outside the hollow sphere? Just curious!
  2. Not yet. But it's certainly unravelling. Precisely true. They are not rocket scientists. All the rocket scientists were German Nazis, like Werner Van Braun. By the way, have you looked at operation Northwoods? That was the Pentagon proposal by the Chiefs of Staff to Kennedy that they hijack a plane and crash it into some U.S. target, killing hundreds(thousands?) of their own citizens and then blame the Cubans. Kennedy said NO and was assassinated 3 months later. Isn't that idea creepily familiar now? Well, intelligence is relative. Countries don't do anything. Small groups of rich people in power do. Oh, come on. We are supposed to believe that the CIA et al knit sweaters for senior citizens?
  3. Me. yes I am interested in discussing it. I was following your thread, and had a few ideas. For one thing, you posted a formula in post #5. But I suggest you look at a different version of Electromagnetic theory, namely Weber's Electrodynamics. These are just the kind of situations where the differences between theories and formulations make a difference. Get a copy of Weber's Electrodynamics by Assis. Then we can work this problem out together perhaps.
  4. Show me how you derived your original definition of a determinant: I haven't seen that way of looking at them. Is that from Analytical Geometry?
  5. wow this sounds really good: Tell me about the previous attempt.
  6. Okay.But it's not baseless to say that for the last 40 years the West and Russia have been the (only) ones actively engaged in biological warfare research, including 'test' infections on local populations. The American AIDS 'epidemic' seems like a handy research project and kills queers as a bonus. It reflects exactly the attitude in the Pentagon. It recently came out that the West was going to unleash Athrax on the Germans in 1945, having made tons of the stuff in Canada. But we're beyond that now, right? Now we just accuse whole countries of possessing weapons of 'mass destruction', and then take their oil reserves. There's nobody around who'd stoop so low as to infect some gays. (I hope that doesn't sound too sarcastic.)
  7. If I die waiting for my 'deferred success', does it still count as a success? It sounds like some kind of yoga exercise to prevent premature education.
  8. Using the outcome of the Michael Jackson trial alone, I'd appeal to the highest court on the basis of the trial being completely biased against him, and it being impossible for him to get a fair trial under those conditions. And I ask again, how can anyone make a citizen's arrest now? In 1950 it was common sense that if you saw a kid breaking the law, you held him/her for a cop to come along. What has changed?
  9. Pardon my total ignorance about airliner manufacture, but what possible use can depleted uranium have in construction: Aren't planes supposed to be light so they can fly? I just bought some interesting aluminium honeycomb material which is incredibly strong but light. I was told it was used for airplane wing structures. So are the new locking cockpit doors made of depleted uranium armor or what?
  10. LOL! "Oh, Pocohontas you make me laugh!" (Ace Ventura When Nature Calls)
  11. My favourite: Minstrel: song: Bravely bold Sir Robin Brought forth from Camelot. He was not afraid to die, Oh, brave Sir Robin! He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways. Brave, brave, brave Sir Robin. He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp. Or to have his eyes gouged out, and his elbows broken! To have his kneecaps split, and his body burned away And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin. His head smashed in and his heart cut out, And his liver removed and his bowls unplugged, And his nostrils raked and his bottom burnt off, And his peni-- Robin: That's...That's, uh... That's enough music for now, lads. It looks like there's getting work afoot.
  12. I was thrown off an airliner once for being a pu breeder! Let me ask either of you this: I have lots of tubes (valves) from the /20s to /50s, which have thoriated tungsten cathodes. The Carbon was impregnated with Thorium to create efficient electron emitters. Now I know there is residual radiation from these babies, but what is your opinion of the hazards of long continuous exposure? ( I think of the parallel case of thousands of T.V. repairmen in the 60s coming down with cancer from X-rays off the back of sets.)
  13. The entire discussion so far has left out active (deliberate) infection. Given the standard 'overpopulation' arguments that have frightened white folk for nearly two centuries, and the active campaigns to try to stop 'ethnics' from multiplying, including the obvious Nazi attempt to exterminate 'Jews', it strains the imagination to believe that the rather 'sudden' AIDS epidemic among U.S. homosexuals was some kind of 'accident'. Just take the parallel case with syphyllus, where dozens (probably more!) of Blacks were deliberately either infected or left untreated for decades in the name of 'science', so that Whitey could better assess the advanced stages of the disease. And was the whole effort for military purposes (i.e., genocide of Blacks)? Probably. Now an 'AIDS' epidemic rages in Africa, the last and richest continent for Whitey to explore, conquer and exploit. And how will it be 'handled'? Massive 'vaccination' campaigns sponsored by Bill Gates of Microsoft (the latest incarnation of the 3rd Reich). What is at stake? Africa. Who is in the way? Indigenous Blacks. What will happen? Guess. The gays were vulnerable, and went down easily due to their own risky lifestyles. The Blacks will be dealt with more efficiently by vaccination. And at the same time, will be 'labelled' as 'promiscuous' to explain the murder.
  14. Here. The way I see it, the car begins with no significant friction from the road, because the wheels freely turn. As the car rotates horizontally relative to the direction of motion, the friction gradually increases as the tires begin to slip in a direction off-centre from their normal rotation. At some point, the translational energy from the ground in friction with the tires is transferred to the car, forcing it's centre of mass to rise high enough to allow free rotation of the vehicle in space with minimal contact. Now any contact with any part of the car efficiently converts the translational energy of the car into rotational energy, slowing it down, and speeding up the rotation until the car is essentially rolling sideways. Finally enough energy is converted to heat from collision with the earth to cause the car to stop rolling. Note that there are two basic cases: skidding on a straightaway, and skidding in a curve. In the straighaway case, cars rarely tumble unless struck. The Centre of Mass is low, and the tires can be designed for high friction in the direction of travel, and low friction sideways on a smooth ashphalt surface. In the curve case, no tire design can prevent the car flipping, since the road ends immediately and the rough terrain to follow provides maximum friction with the car, forcing it to roll. Typically, skidding can be controlled with steering technique on a straightaway, while losing control in a curve is hopeless. Typically, on a straightaway, the heavier car will be harder to tip, since the height of the CM will be roughly the same (except for a Jeep!) but the amount of mass (and hence energy) that requires lifting is higher. DRIVING NOTE: Whether sliding or tipping, control of the vehicle can be restore by (slight) steering into the direction of motion. One should be careful to avoid obstacles ahead however, such as other cars.
  15. Once again, we have a trick question, based upon mixing elements of different Electromagnetic theories, i.e., classical and modern. In classical electrostatics we would apply the Sphere Theorem and simply declare there is no radiation outside the sphere, since the potential field does not change. A sphere of any size acts as if the charge were concentrated at the centre, and if the centre does not move, the field does not change. Likewise, the field inside the sphere does not change, since it remains zero at all times everywhere. The only place the field actually changes is in the region between the smallest and largest diameter of the pulsing sphere. This region however does not exhibit 'EM radiation' per se, but rather instantaneous toggling of the field at any and every point in space as the surface barrier of the sphere passes it by. It simply switches instantaneously from zero to the predicted value for a point-mass at that location in an on-off quantized fashion. That's right, even though we can assume the motion of the sphere surface is sinusoidal (and the acceleration involves reasonable speeds), the field effect at any and every point in space is a quantized two-state system. That's classical electrostatics! Of course the result is physically absurd, due to quantization of charge. That is, other Electrostatic theory axioms cause the complete failure of the Sphere Theorem once again. In fact, we can predict that there *is* a change in the field outside and inside the sphere due to the imbalance of forces caused by discrete localization of charges. This would also be true for gravitational radiation in classical Newtonian gravity theory if all the considerations are applied properly.
  16. Thanks for the threads: I haven't been to PhysicsForums for a while. I didn't like the high-handed moderation...too emotional: not enough scientific disinterest.
  17. This could be for 'funny' quotes, like one of my favs: "Can't we have just a little peril?" "No. It's too perilous!" "uh, that'll be enough music for now, lads." "Some call me.................Tim." (Holy Grail) "I haven't spoken in 18 years!" "Well if you could just keep quite for five more minutes..." "Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah! It doesn't matter now, does it!" "...anybody else feel like a little ....giggle?" (Life of Brian) "Friends!?!! We can make *friends* at home!" (Eric the Viking)
  18. Hmmmm! A nice little textbook. Thanks for the link!
  19. As the phrasing indicates, the 'bisector' is only an approximation of the direction of the force from a charged rod or string of mass-particles. Let's see why: Lets look at the proposal of the question in a diagram: Now lets look at a simple theorem about circles: Now lets choose a test-point which is on the rim of the circle of unit radius around the geometric centre (midpoint) of the rod. This will make the directions from our test-point to each end of the rod a right-angle. First lets take the most simple case, of two equally spaced like-charges on a rod, or else a string made of two Hydrogen atoms (a diatomic molecule of H gas): That is, by simple inspection, since the force from the upper charge is greater than the lower, and the total angle is 90 degrees, the bisector would be 45 degrees, but the resultant force is NOT 45 degrees, since this would only be possible if the forces were equal. The pull from each end of the rod is covered by the same formula for charge or mass: [math] \vec{F} = \frac{Gmm}{d^2} [/math] or, [math] \vec{F} = \frac{Kqq}{d^2} [/math] We can set the masses or charges = 1, and choose units of distance to make the constants = 1 as well, simplifying both equations to: [math]F = \frac{1}{d^2} [/math] in the direction of each charge (or mass-particle) And the total force upon a test particle will be: [math]\vec{F} = \vec{F_{top}} + \vec{F_{bot}} [/math] by a vector addition of the force from each end of the rod (barbell/molecule). When we convert this to a single vector, e.g. by conversion from Cartesian form to Polar form, we will find that in general it will *NOT* be a 45 degree ([math]\frac{\pi}{4}[/math]) vector (from either component vector). Now let me sum up: We could also say that it is a good approximation when the distance from the rod is much greater than the length ( d >> L ). But this is just a trivial variation of the Centre of Mass Approximation, since obviously rods and other objects can be treated as point-masses at large distances.
  20. You need to fit the distances to a harmonic scale based upon wavelength, establish which harmonics the resonances are, (ie. 2nd, 3rd harmonic etc.), and try to show that the frequencies are irreducable whole number ratios. Then you can establish the fundamental pitch. The vibrating tuning fork is a clue, but not an absolute indicator of the root fundamental (harmonic = 1) of the complex waveform from the tube. All the tuning fork indicates is that the fundamental frequency must be some whole number ratio equal to or below the natural resonance of the fork.
  21. I think it must be man-made, given its unusual similarity to a human hand. As well, the 3-dimensional chirality indicates it was built of 'left-handed' molecules, which suggests a biological origin. Any fool can see it's some kind of cervix cap! I apologize for the previous 'spear part' joke.
  22. Two intersecting planes = a line. So that's good. But does a circle count as a line? Why not two touching circles in the same plane but different sizes?
  23. I am going over Differential Forms, because people are reformulating Electromagnetic Theory using this approach. When I did it, it was all from the point of view of Vector Calculus, but some things are quite clumsy, long and inelegant in vectors, not to mention un-intuitive. I was hoping Differential Forms would be a nice approach that may simplify alot of almost intractable problems: For instance Green functions applied to QM... Anybody knowledgeable, or interested, or even both? Thanks in advance
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