I know how your sister feels. I have had psuedoseizures all my life. And I will have it all my life, but with my seizures the doctores and my family have figured out a way to stop the small ones, the big ones you just got to ride them out. Well what happens if I go into a spell (which is what my family and my doctors call them) it is made sure I am some where where I won't hurt my self. Like if I have a spell while visiting my aunt my family helps me go into her room and I stay there till I am done. And the most inportant part about it is I am left alone, with some thing that is eather visually relaxing or sound wise relaxing. That is very important. I don't know if your sister has gotten the help you were hoping for or not, but I truely hope so. can't say that this method would work for your sister cause I don't know how she got psuedoseizures, but I do know that what would do a big world of difference is if you try and love your sister no matter what. All that is wanted at times is to be loved and excepted, and not to be reminded that you've got a dissibility. I know there were times in my life that I would go into a spell ever 2 minutes. Or I have had spells last up to 2 and a half weeks, but a big thing that gets me through everyone of them is the love and support of my family.