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Everything posted by aman

  1. I imagine they calibrate for the solar system phenomena but if there are moving black holes and dark matter concentrations they might be drifting out of calibration slowly all the time. It will be interesting to see what they are up against. Just aman
  2. Yoops, I meant that as mass approaches the speed of light to my understanding it becomes flatter to the point where all its mass is one dimensional at the speed of light. Isn't this correct? Just aman
  3. Solutions: None easy, I'm old and I've seen it and I try to figure out how to fix it. I saw protesters that say don't and when you ask then what else should we do they don't know and act like dummies. I like people with ideas on "DO". Too bad we don't have any Venezuelans on the forum. I don't want to see a civil war break out. Military rule sucks. I lived in Venezuela a short time and it is as corrupt as anywhere else down there. When I escaped I swore they could ride their little portion of the world to hell, but I was kinda upset at the time. So anybody got any ideas on what can be done? Just aman
  4. Since when we approach the speed of light, we flatten. Is it supposed that we become one dimensional until we slow down again and re-expand after we have passed the speed of light? Now we find ourselves in the past. I understand the physics up to the speed of light since that is observable and testable but past that is speculation. I think if a human being or craft could survive one dimensionality then that opens up a big can of worms as far as other life in the universe and the significance of magnificent us. Just aman
  5. Blix said last week the missiles were in violation of the UN resolution. It's been a week and he's gotten as far as suggesting they might have to be destroyed? Next week he will go to the UN and tell them he has made his request and he is encouraged and pleased to report that they are promising to think about it. Just aman
  6. I had a friend in Belize. He started a company making fiberglass water tanks for on top of houses and was an instant success. The Gov't demanded partnership and when he refused he was jailed and finally escaped. The Gov't confiscated his business. Also Colombia printed new 500 peso notes and had about 20 million US worth in circulation. The rebels robbed a train of 25 million US worth of the 500 peso notes so the Gov't just said, from now on they are worthless. The people got screwed. If you don't live in the US, don't expect it to be fair. Just aman
  7. One of Saddams top defected generals was interviewed and said their isn't a general around Saddam that he hasn't hurt, abused, and bullied. He definitely isn't surrounded by loyalty due to admiration. Anybody involved in his overthrow has the only bright future available to them. The defector says he knows the generals and he's pretty confident it will happen. Just aman
  8. The minute I left the US anytime in the past my first responsibility was to be a good representative of my country. Second was to learn the different cultures as an eager student. Nicaragua and El Salvador of the 70's taught me personnaly what is worth fighting and dieing for. The threat of force is necessary sometimes and I hope that is all that is required. Maybe some general will shoot Saddam and be a Hero. Just aman
  9. Thanks for letting me in on the joke. I was almost convinced the world was really flat. Boy do I feel dumb. Just aman
  10. Thanks for letting me in on the joke. I was almost convinced. Just aman
  11. The sperm they freeze now they use liquid N shortly after collection. It's very fragile. It would be a very rare set of circumstances that might make this naturally possible in the arctic but I wouldn't count on it. Just aman
  12. Since water in biology is usually full of ions, I would imagine it would be hard to find spaces for all the flowing electrons. The problem with air would be temperature and molecular movement. I'd imagine a structure like a real cold diamond might be best for having stable voids between the molecules. Metals pass electrons between the molecules and warm molecules bump. I don't know if it has been calculated yet the amount of neutrinos per square amount of molecular space there are around us. Since diamonds are so dense there should be a great deal of neutrino collision debris inside a diamond. It seems pretty difficult to sustain a void space or ideal vacuum between molecules for very long. Just aman
  13. aman

    Hater of Ignorance

    A guy I knew in high school wanted to help on my 2 1/2 ton M36 truck I was taking to South America. He spent 2 hours putting a quart of oil down the dipstick tube. He spent 1 hour wrenching out a 12 inch rusty bolt and cussed under the truck with a bunch of banging. I looked under and said "turn around and you'll get a better grip" cus a pipe was in the way and he only had about 1 inch to go. I came back an hour later and he'd wrenched it all the way back in. I told him to run wire I hooked up under the dash back under the truck to the tail lights. I hooked up the tailights, hit the brakes and smoked the fuse. He loosened bolts under the truck, wrapped the wire around them, and tightened them back up shredding the insulation. I told him to sand the front of the truck smooth to be painted later. He used a disk sander and sanded the heads off all the bolts holding everything inside the engine compartment. He kept hearing stuff drop but just continued. He paid $1,000 to come along but I kicked him off in Mexico with $2 and a backpack. Also I had 60 companies behind the expedition and got an interview on an LA morning TV show. I was telling the host about the truck and my partner blurted out "Our truck is so tuff, it can climb hills up to 360 degrees." I wanted to choke him. Thats a lot of stupid for 2 people in a short time. Just aman
  14. aman


    That's Spock. The album was The Two Sides of Leonard Nimoy/Spock and his Spock side of the album was a little better. Just aman
  15. On brain-mind relation. Since I have all my senses, I close my eyes and my mind feels behind my eyes, between my ears, and behind and above my nose and mouth. If I were blind and deaf from birth and communicated by touch, do you think my mind would be in my hands since that is where my main sense would be situated? Just aman
  16. As far as civilians dieing, I think the main threat is the human sheilds including those asses from the US that flew there. One hope for them is the new EM pulse weapons that might disable tanks without killing the shields and hopefully Iraquis will surrender without armor. Remember the Iraquis wanted to counter attack Saudi Arabia in '91 with US GI's tied to their tanks but they didn't capture any. Just aman
  17. aman

    Hater of Ignorance

    Did you ever see an expert on television get asked a question and in front of a national audience and see him/her answer with a Adam/zarkov answer? My dog can drool an answer better than some of these knuckleheads. Some have no concept of recent history, much less the context of the times of past history they think they know. I just listened to a spokesperson for the peace demonstrations and got another dose of how were going to slaughter thousands of women and babies again. Ignorance!!!!! Just aman
  18. Who else is going to recognize the atrocities and who else has the power to address them? Remember that Syria and Libya were elected, by a landslide, by the UN to chair the Human Rights Commission over objections by a few sane countries including the US. No help from the UN then. I don't like it but we are stuck with the job. We kept the USSR in check. We kept China contained. We left Viet Nam and saw the South Vietnamese killed, imprisoned, and used as slave labor and then a couple years later millions were dead in Cambodia. I'm not saying we should have been there, I'm just saying look what happened when we weren't. Look at the difference between South Korea where we are and North Korea where we aren't. We were in France and we left. We were in Italy and we left. We have bases for NATO and SEATO but we do not interfere militarily with the Govt's. Remember that Jimmy Carter let the hostages rot in Iran for almost 200 days and Reagans first day in office he told Iran we were going to use force to get them. They were released that week. I just pray the threat is enough. Just aman
  19. aman

    i hate xp

    I got Win XP and Norton helps me maintain it but it's the biggest pain in the ass. It's always full of surprises and none are good. Good luck Just aman
  20. That's the biggest student killer in college. High schoolers aren't prepared for the workload. I saw my first year classes thin out pretty quick as students couldn't keep up. Having study partners helps even if they aren't quite as smart. Sometimes you learn it better by showing somebody else how to do something. Just aman
  21. The best thing we as citizens can do is just use common sense. Expect that there will be disruption for a couple of days and be prepared for it ahead of time. Then stay alert and go about your business. Make a will and put me in your life insurance. Just aman
  22. aman


    Looks great and since you may have an interest in starfleet I don't know if you have this in your archives. I actually bought the album back in the 60's. Bilbo Just aman
  23. Thanks Sayonara for your synopsis and sorry to see that nasty response. I just wanted to make a couple comments. I would hope we don't actually have to go to war but the threat of war is the only reason all this progress that everybody is says is happening is being made. Iraq lost the war and the terms of its cease fire was to get rid of WMD. In 1991 we stopped destroying his red guard because it was the humanitarian thing to do and let two battalions escape to Basra. They later murdered thousands of men, women and children. Not one peace demonstrator held a sign saying "Saddam disarm and obey the UN." They say we should take the pressure off. When Reagan stood up to the Soviet Union there were 500,000 peace protestors in Italy telling him to back down. He said "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall." I'm glad he didn't listen to the protestors. Sometimes we have to stand firm. Just aman
  24. A million Bosnian women and children didn't get bombed by us when we stopped that carnage. A million Iraqui civilians didn't die in the last war except for the thousands that Saddam himself killed. A million Afgan civilians didn't die and in fact returned from being refugees and are slowly getting their country back. The League of Nations turned their back. We can't do that again. Also I can't see condoning dividing up the spoils of Iraq so France gets it big favorable contracts before the war even starts. There are not supposed to be any spoils. Iraq belongs to Iraq and France is just going to have to kiss it's one sided Saddam contracts goodbye. Just aman
  25. Your only as good as your lab equipment. Some of the abused crap like touchy scales or thermometers or bad chemicals only need to be off the slightest bit to screw you up. A's weren't easy at my cheap school. Just aman
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