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Everything posted by aman

  1. I was in the Canal Zone during the early 70's. At that time drugs were coming up through South America to Panama to the U.S. and The Canal Zone treaty was coming up for renewal with the U.S. The General Omar Torreos of Panama used his military to put all his competition out of business with plenty of arrests. Meanwhile he still moved tons of "Panama Red" (yeah, that was his) to the states and tons of cocaine. Then he called U.N. inspectors down and showed them all the arrests and how he had cleaned up his country and petitioned to get the Canal Zone back from the U.S. I was there when Kissinger flew in and signed it over. What was reported in the papers in the states didn't resemble what we knew in Panama. P.S. Later Torreos's plane was shot down and Manuel Noriega took over. As far as what really goes on in the world, ya gotta be there. Just aman
  2. I'd like to believe we aren't the United States we were twenty years ago, or ten years ago, or the day before 9/11/01, or the U.S. of yesterday but we're better every day. We had slavery, women couldn't vote, and we outgrew these and countless other shameful practices. That's because we are the U.S. and Americans won't tolerate injustice in the long run. It's easy to focus on on the mistakes we made learning to be a great nation and forget that we are responsible for a lot of other nations being free to try to attain greatness themselves. This is not Viet Nam. This is common sense. Just aman
  3. Positrons and Anti-protons seem to indicate behaving the same as our matter so far in these tests by CERN Here They are anxious to test anti-hydrogen. The program is called ATRAP. Their figures of certainty can still be improved upon. Just aman
  4. A lot depends on where you are and who you know. If you have friends in the field with connections, then that can be a big help with your future. Even if your a cretin. It sometimes is a blessing having a parent in a field that interests you. Just aman
  5. I hope we aren't stupid enough to just blast away. We will be asking a lot of our special forces to cut away the bad without haring the good. On another front, if N Korea launches a missle at us, I hope our defense sysem we've been testing out over the Pacific is ready for at least an attempt at intercept. This months Pop. Sci. says we're still a couple years from shooting em down with lasers. Just aman
  6. Einstein in a letter to a pacifist, 1941 "If all the young people in America were to act as you intend to act, the country would be defenseless and easily delivered into slavery." These are good words for France today. Also I heard an Iraqi on a TV discussion ask "How do you expect us to be your friends if your going to bomb us?" I wish somebody would have said that when you kick the shit out of a child molester, your pretty certain to get the grattitude of the kids he's molesting. They just don't seem to get it but they will see it soon. Just aman
  7. A lot of F students still filter all the way up to the top somehow. Good luck trying to knock some sense in their heads. Just aman
  8. Make sure you get plenty of English. What you know is handicapped if you can't communicate it properly. It seems to make understanding all the other subjects easier also and helps when you are looking for the high dollar jobs. Just aman
  9. I don't hear a lot of desire to go into teaching here. Just aman
  10. "The last time France waited for conclusive proof, it drove through Paris with a German flag." (David Letterman) Just aman
  11. Thats so right, knowledge in one avenue opens up applications down so many other hidden roads. It just takes some good minds. Just aman
  12. aman

    Rofl ++

    Somebodies been messing around with seed genetics and must have mixed up some of the test tubes. Just aman
  13. If we keep expanding forever then I wonder if matter will actually decay first, or just get so cold due to expansion that it loses its structure. Whatever it's going to be real cold. Just aman
  14. Me too! Well said Blike. I can't believe everything I know is wrong without a little proof to back it up. I keep an open mind but a drunk once told me light can't travel in a vacuum. He still left believing it even after I pointed to a light bulb. Oh well. Just aman
  15. Good question, I gotta do some research myself cus I'm old and I forget. Just aman
  16. Thanks RAB, now I've got some ideas on what is the nature of the energy that maintains a space-time void but I have to start a new thread in psuedoscience to propose any thoughts. Soon. Just aman
  17. Your right Faf, I checked and CERN is cooling the anti-hydrogen to 4K and captured the atoms by their magnetic moment in a magnetic trap. They mentioned the atoms were all spin polarized so i need to do a little reading to figure out exactly wht they are talking about. But at ultra low temperatures they can store neutral atoms although it still takes a lot of energy. I still favor a metal element. Just aman
  18. Remember that without absolute proof things can still be good science with "scientific consensus" There are many things we take for valid at the moment that are backed by good argument and indicators. Especially in the science of the mind. Evolution and black holes were psuedoscience until "scientific consensus". Thats why I like this forum, even though some bonehead is thinking Gods talking to him through his toaster and this is where he'll share that revelation. The good with the bad. Just aman P.S. unplug the toaster:-p
  19. Still the anti-hydrogen is not really contained for any real length of time and all self destructs shortly after the measurement maximum is reached. Anti-protons take a great deal of energy to contain and I'm not sure of any idea for containing ionized anti-elements so I still think the best solution is a magnetic metallic element like anti-iron. If we ever have the energy to make anti-matter abundant, than why not iron since this will be a little ways in the future. Also for nsx, the high energy protons are shot at a nickle plate and anti-protons pop out the other side after collisions. I gotta go check on just how that happens. Just aman
  20. Have you ever seen what a fat woman buys in a grocery store. A lot depends on what you eat. I think women tend to have more of a sweet tooth than men. Just aman
  21. The science of controversy and fun discussion. And quacks, gurus, knuckleheads, and a couple intelligent people. Just aman
  22. A silkworm spins a round thread so I would hope the direction of the sound would not be an insurmountable problem. But another direction I'm looking is metal and radio waves. In those rare instances of tooth fillings becoming receivers, does the metal vibrate in a mechanical reaction or is it an electrical reaction that makes it work? Just in case I can come up with some natural examples. Just aman
  23. It should still allow neutrinos to pass through. The experiment would not be practical in our relative space. Too much crap. I guess my ideal device would be outside our universe in the void. One cylinder would be sealed and the piston drawn back to create a perfect vacuum. The energy required would be measured. An identical cylinder except for a small hole in the top open to the void would have its piston pulled back to the same point and have the energy required to do this measured. Subtract one from the other and the energy left should be how much energy it takes to create a volume of empty space. I'm betting that it is greater than zero. Just aman
  24. If we just clone the body without the brain and put AI in then it wouldn't make mistakes. Just aman
  25. When I went to school long ago the establishment was just getting the idea of schooling where the exceptional students were separated out for special attention just like the slow kids. It meant more and better teachers but at Walt Disney School in Anaheim in the late 50's they had plenty of money. Average kids had average school. It worked pretty good. As far as prejudice you will still see it in an all white school as the strong prey on the week, the pretty prey on the funny looking, and worst of all is the fat kid. We have a lot more than color prejudice to deal with in the future. It's all fixable with effort and a lot of resources. We just have to do it. Just aman
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