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Everything posted by aman

  1. I busted my neck in '89 and had c4-c6 fusion. When I can't feel my hands I turn my head and hear a pop and feel my hands instantly again. That is just to let you know that there is definately a movement and relaxation in your neck when it pops. It frees up a compression in my case that effects me but might not be as restrictive in other cases. I never would force a pop but only offer this as a case study observation. A healthy neck should be able to absorb a few relaxing pops in my opinion. Just aman
  2. Howdy ES, I have a perfectly formed white quartz head with eyes, nose and mouth and black granite beard about the size of a marble. If you spend a few hours in creek beds looking at thousands of rocks you find stuff that will blow you away. Ask any rock hound to show you his/her oddities. I'm trying to invest in a special camera to document some of my finds from the last 15 years. Don't doubt my credibility since I offered you the proof with the tiniest bit of effort on your part or just call a rockhound and ask. I didn't say a natural hollow skull of rock, I was commenting on the rock formation on Mars I thought was the subject of your discussion. Are you saying it's hollow? Just aman
  3. I love to search riverbeds here in Nebraska for artifacts and constantly find stones that look like perfect human faces and heads naturally formed. I even have a bald quartz round head with eyes and nose and a perfect granite beard. I wish I had a digital microscope to show you pictures of some micro-grains that could only be natural that are scary skulls. It would be great to say they were carved but there are just too many of them. Go to a creek and see for youself. You'll find a dozen skulls and heads and profiles in an hour in any creek bed. Just aman
  4. Black holes can suck in the atoms of whole stars that pass, so they are accumulations of atoms but the small ones created in the near future in our labratories will be the mass and energies of many atoms for a short period of time until they destabilize. I don't know how a black hole could exist with the mass of a single atom unless it was a super heavy element which we don't have a clue exists yet. The largest planet would probably be a lithium planet with a hydrogen atmosphere somewhere in the universe. Just my opinion. Just aman
  5. If aliens evolved more mental than physical and had less need for technology for advancment, I think they would be horrified by the brutal nasty portion of all our existances. Still this tempers our growth and makes us an extremely resiliant and interesting lifeform. I can't imagine better circumstances than ours to make a very tough lifeform. If others evolve we will have to be pretty patient to judge them and spend a great effort understanding them. Just aman
  6. To reach absolute 0, would the neutrinos passing through also have to be stopped? Is this one of the limiting factors? Just aman
  7. If you have a bellows with its end plugged floating in the vacuum of space, couldn't you expand itand stretch the space inside it using virtually no force. The same should apply to a sealed syringe in space. It should take virtually no effort to pull the syringe back since the vacuum inside would equal the zero pressure outside.. Just a couple intuitive exercises. Just aman
  8. When we build an instrument to detect sentience at a distance, even simple like in marine mammals, then we will be able to do a SETI type survey of the sky and look for more of us. I would imagine sentience would have an elecromagnetic signature although very weak. Maybe a detector on the far side of the moon. As far as life in very simple forms I think it will be soon evident in many areas of our universe. With the latest detection of excess methane in the Mars atmosphere we should be finding some little critters making it soon. Just aman
  9. I'm trying to visualize what happens when all these different speed ships are connected by super conductive wire on spools. Is it recorded as a doppler effect? What are we seeing as the spool reels out or back in at near C? Just aman
  10. I liked the transition to STNG though it started off like putting your toes into cold water before ya jump in. The physics presented wasn't unbelievable and they didn't stray too far from potential reality but mainly they adhered to the prime directive which I think is awesome important. In fact I have to limit my post to this because of the prime directive, foolish mortals. Just aman
  11. aman


  12. I carried mail for 2 years in a Jeep with a black box in CA. Perfect driving record but we had 4 accidents from hires that didn't speak English making left turns. The Gov't sent out a memo that we were no longer allowed to make left turns. That's only one of the reasons I quit. Another time an inspector came out with me to check the black box and when he jiggled the cover a joint fell out. The guy who last used it got in trouble but that was the only time I ever saw a black box do something useful. Just aman
  13. Hey Faf, When you say Neurotoxicity of pot, is it permanent like dead cells in your brain or just inhibited like novacaine on a nerve trunk? Novacaine also can be toxic but at levels it just is a temporary effect. Just aman
  14. There are Beta blockers now being given to people during traumatic hospital stays to reduce short term memory. People don't remember having been intubated. I don't think this is induced brain damage but pot seems to do the same thing I think, I don't know, I forget. Maybe it's not actual brain damage but just being unplugged from reality for a while. Just aman
  15. Don't the simplest plasmas just strip electrons off inert gases causing photons to be released. This can be done with electrical potentials and low temperatures. The plasma most people think about in Sci-fi or stars is at higher temperatures and electrical fields to ionize down to elementary particles. A plasma should search for a stable configuration as soon as exernal forces are stopped as they need energy added constantly to exist. Just aman
  16. You never want a anti-theft device that might go off when your driving it legitimate if that's what your saying. Back when I rode bikes I woulda put a 12 guage shell under the seat to discourage stealin except I don't think I coulda enjoyed riding with that under me. Lo-jack rules for the time being. Just aman
  17. No braille. I'm gonna try bustin up this junk TV and and using the gun and phosphorescense. If I put a string in it with a coating of the crap on the inside of the tube, is that a filament? I wonder how much light I'll get. Kobayashe-maru cheating Just aman
  18. In a weightless enviroment the acceleration induced would glue the clothes to the drum. Because of gravity it falls at dryer speed across the center which is most efficient for drying. The only way to have the clothes stay in the center would be to have no gravity and no acceleration. Just aman
  19. With the evidence that shows there may have been an atmosphere and water on Mars for maybe milennia, this at a minimum might be enough time for life to show itself. If life was seeded from space debris with the right components to save time then life could form. I don't think it would be around long enough to become more than very simple forms. It seems to take on the order of millions of years for life to advance to mobile and aware judging from what we know of Earth and it's hard to imagine a scenario that makes this possible on Mars. Just aman
  20. Looking back again at a black hole by itself in empty space, would the space around it be effected by having a higher potential for having those bits of matter pop out of empty space? It would seem intuitive that space compressed or warped by gravity would have a higher than zero energy stored in it. Just aman
  21. Imagine a wormhole that goes to a planet 2 million light years away. On Earth we see it as it was 2 million years ago. You step in the wormhole and you are there. 2 million years have passed for you in an instant and you see it as it is now relative to Earth. You look back at Earth and you see it as it was 2 million years before. You jump in another wormhole and your back on Earth in the present. You travelled faster than the speed of light 4 million light years in minutes and yet only minutes have passed on Earth. Intuitively faster than the speed of light has no effect relative to your departure point but sub-light does, or am I wrong. Just aman
  22. Trying to see it intuitivly has smoked my brain a little but my opinion comes from the resulting charcoal bits in my head. I imagine that the future might exist in a different phase so if you went back in the past you would exist like a ghost and put a ghost letter into the box that nobody could see. Then back in the future/present that you came from, the ghost letter would come back into phase in the box at the moment you left for the past. This way the instant you take the letter into the past it appears in the box. The rest of the time earlier it is a phantom letter in the box. With entropy the energy levels of space-time should be getting weaker so the levels of our existance are different and only compatible with other matter existing in our present. Maybe. Just aman
  23. You can make batteries with nails, pennies and limes and tequila. The tequila is so the limes don't go to waste. I wonder if you could hook enough up to fry a criminal in a chair and later toast the departed. PS dont eat lithium batteries. Just aman
  24. Since it seems that matter actually forms in space intermittently, sub-atomic parts popping in and out of existence, intuitivly it looks like patterns of light in a wave tray. Where waves come together in interference patterns, shadows of density of photons are seen in the tray. Imagining neutrinos and photons of all wavelengths constantly travelling through our existance it makes sense that occaisional interference energies at a point could create a particle as the sum of many individually insignifigant energies at that point. Do you think we will someday get a recipe to create an interference pattern of micro waves and other high energy waves at an area of neutrino concentration to get a particle to pop out? Are these expressions of matter, little big bangs? Just aman
  25. Like binary star systems it would take a balanced stable spin of the two black holes around each other to have a fun gravity lab to play with in the middle. I'm just using intuitive logic which often sounds good but is often wrong. Still it seems logical that absolute space or vacuum would seem to be effected by extreme gravity. A proof might be to see if light rays bent by gravity effects and travelling over a greater than direct distance arrived with a delay. That would show space was stretched since the speed of light is constant. Just aman
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