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Everything posted by aman

  1. Howdy Katie, The people here are great for talking to on any level since we all started born into the world ignorant but common sense is greatly appreciated. Most are very patient people and you'll have a lot of fun. See ya on the forum. Just aman
  2. Glad to have you with us and I'm looking forward to your new ways of looking at things Drop in whenever you can cus it's always changing. See you on the forum. Just aman
  3. We don't need to draft cannon fodder anymore. The military needs skills and degrees. There should be enough labor support available and the troops now are being trained with this new concept of casualties are unacceptable so unless your a specialist, the military probably won't need you. Just aman
  4. Intelligence and risk is difficult, it's often calculating unknowns but for some reason some people are very good at it. In a South American airport I was being transferred to an island prison. I had been tortured and starved and had only the clothes on my back. I waited with my guards on a bench and they gave me 200 Pesos exit tax I had to pay to leave the mainland. I told them I needed to use the restroom and they let me go but I snuck upstairs and sat at the diner and had a steak and beer and bought a few candy bars which I hid in my shirt. The guards came up and beat the crap out of me and had to come up with another 200 pesos to put me on the plane. This way when I entered the prison I had candy bars to buy a weapon and get a secure group of cellmates. I could have just waited for my flight but I took a risk. Just aman P.S. I later escaped but that's another story.
  5. A Dysan sphere has an artificial sun in the center and is a lot larger for the most efficiency. I say let's mine the moon and build a bunch. Just aman
  6. I would love to see it just for the fact that when women royaly screw it up I could say to my wife. "See it ain't just men" Just aman
  7. A storage of sperm is stagnant. Mens sperm evolves and changes as men are exposed to the changing enviroment. The soley female society would be missing out on an important half of the evolutionary process. In the far future this could be detrimental Just aman
  8. Thanks Radical E. It's hard to do much reading on a football weekend but maybe tonight. I'm feeling masochistic and love watching my ears smoke. Just aman
  9. I didn't see a clear cut win earlier up there. Still room for discussion although a switch to my life was a lot more interesting at the moment. Just aman
  10. Prokaryotes have free floating DNA inside the cell wall. Thanks, a little too advanced to answer the question. I'll keep working on it. Just aman
  11. Thanks, Faf, I put it on the pile for reading tonight after supper. Just aman
  12. Jeez, Fafalone, your blowing me away with all the great sites and good questions. My heads smoking. I'm going back to investigate the thermophiles again and look into the chemistry of their reproduction with enzymes but no nucleus or mitochondia. I'll get back but that's the route I'm taking. Anybody else? Just aman
  13. Thanks I took my copy. Just aman
  14. It sound exciting. Thanks Fafalone for sharing it. I could use it and I can't get out much lately. Just aman
  15. The Thermophiles have protein enzymes similiar to those in plant life for reproduction, but I don't know how the hyperthermophiles reproduce. If they have a different process then they are even farther from us as a life form and may be independant. Just aman
  16. I read a little on the hyperthermophiles and they developed as chemoautotrophs which make their ATP directly from the chemicals and energy of the black smokers. It seems they jumped quiet a few steps of evolution. Just aman
  17. aman

    What is it?

    It would be fun to have a test tube of the babies blood. That should answer how it happened and I'm surprised the article didn't address the little ones chromosomes. Just aman
  18. Back in '70 a buddy and I bought a M36C army truck, put a new engine, trans, transfer case, differentials, winch, wheels and had it underwater equipped with engine snorkles. 6 wheel drive, scuba tanks, compressor, chain saws, and blast away stereo system. We got a good photographer, cameras, crew, and left through Mexico in '72 with maps of the jungles from the pentagon. We filmed out in the jungles down to Panama, Trained at Allbrook Air Force base as civilians. Then headed from Colombia out into the Amazon from the Colombian side through Venezuela. I got back in '75 a lot thinner with a lot of cool stories but that's it in a quick version. We wanted to go all the way to Argentina but ran into some shit and that's another story Just aman
  19. I think ugly women evolved due to the bottleneck effect. If you raise enough bottlenecks to your mouth in a dark room you might take one home and procreate. Faf described a bunch of approaches at explaining evolution and until we find a real different life form it will be hard to argue against them or for them. ET has DNA? Just aman
  20. Sorry about the OD thing, I guess I was thinking about that nodding off in class thread where I counseled cut back on the Heroin. Thanks for the DO info and they get my respect, especially if they are Republicans. Just aman
  21. If ya got black hair ya can't handle your liqour. Just aman
  22. Intelligence tests are written by the "intelligent" to judge others. Andre Boccelli, Tiger Woods, Barry Bonds,are they judged cretens if they don't score well on a test but are good people. I think the tests are not all inclusive enough. Which one asks you to pick up a musical instrument and play it? Which asks you to sing? Or to pick up a baseball and throw a fastball, slider? Or anticipate everyones move on a football field and make the tackle? Intelligence is relative to the need. Just aman
  23. I've got to admit that when our expedition encountered tribes in the jungles they did appreciate the modern medicines and treatments we brought. I was essentially a psuedo MD since I had been trained in EMT and jungle medicine in Panama and I don't think an OD would have been a lot of use without a lot of supplies. I worked out of a footlocker. Do OD's put in stitches and set bones? Just curious. Just aman
  24. I keep telling you Fafalone. A Mexican prison will do it but just wait till the Egypt expedition, You'll get really skinny in an Egyption prison. I figure about two years and you'll come back a hunk. I don't recommend it to you, Greg for at least another two years so you can bulk up. Don't make an effort on anything else but vitamins and kicken butt. Take some martial arts. A good teacher will point you in the right direction, but get a good teacher. Just aman
  25. Another isolated island. In isolated areas the evolution may have been arrested by an abundance of energy and separation but maybe the world was covered by marsupials before regular mammals evolved. There really isn't any way to tell from fossils, is there? Just aman
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