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Everything posted by aman

  1. My college required physics started with over 100 students. It finished with about 40. It was simple if you knew how to calculate with differential equations. The professor taught like you already knew what he was talking about. It was rough. Don't get behind. Some of the 40 flunked. My biology class started with 60+ students and finished with 8. The teacher flunked the whole class on the first test. I saw straight A students cry. Be prepared to do more, concentrate harder, and be tough. I hope your IQ is enough to help you get through. Just aman
  2. At the same time dolphins and sharks were evolving there were countless other organisms filling every other niche of energy availability and using it to build more of itself or better. The key is energy availability and enviromental stability. Faf pointed out that there are differences in organisms abilities to capture light, one small way of capturing and using available energy. Our niche is to eat everything we want and break it down for energy useful to us. It seems at least for some reason here on Earth that if life can evolve and energy is available, life will evolve. Just aman
  3. There are parts of each religion that are very useful, The Ten Commandments, the meditations, the times for prayer, the love of nature. Then there is the dogma associated with each of these that says you have to believe in the same "I Am" but under different names, practicings, and timetables. I've met Indians in the jungles of many countries and they did'nt believe in any recognized religion but were good people. I've had subjective experience of many miracles, some which saved my life. The key is to experience a great deal of thing, believe that there is more than this around us, and live life as wonderful as you can. These are my own subjective observations. To get a mantra and meditate it is best to get a teacher to show you how. There are quite a few religions that can do this and show you it's not bullshit that you do go and come back better. Maybe search the net because I do not advocate any "one" but I advocate going in, learn how, and then get out so your relationship inside is one on one with no intermediarys or dogma. Be one and all inside yourself. I'm making this too long but that's just the beginning. Just aman
  4. aman


    Thanks Faf. I probably graduated so easily because they didn't know all this when I was a pup and they could put the whole cycle on a blackboard in about six steps. I had no idea so many enzymes were involved. Sounds like we should take our vitamins to keep the processes working. If we're short on one element then the whole chain goes down the tubes. Just aman
  5. Make sure you understand the concept of differential equations. That's where all the logic and solid math turns into a game in your mind. From then on it is a conceptual reasoning and no longer 2+2. You'll have to understand or you'll be left behind. Just aman
  6. The science of women proves their truely is randomness in the universe because the are totally unpredictable at the most crucial times, They're like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get. Just aman Nice to meet you Dudels.
  7. Anybody with the discipline to operate a computer and ask intelligent questions should find it to be just another challenge that is easy once your through it. Just go in with the attitude your gonna kick butt. Just aman
  8. aman


    Relative to me there is only one universe but I thought about what Faf said, "Computer isn't random at all" and I have to agree with him now. On a microcosmic level an intelligence of what is going on totally way up to the quark level, could change things by interacting before matter either forms or effects us on our level of perception. The laws may be made or changed in the microcosm. I feel the laws on this level are fluid. Because we have sentience we can change effect on the microcosmic level. Maybe not just by what we move around or not but but by what we think. Just aman
  9. To bad Hitler was such a turd. If he had been human being he could have continued to push Germany into the future as a decent but incredibly progresive country but he turned it into a pile of shit. For some reason he had the most brilliant minds all in one country, Jewish and other faiths and he threw all that away. If he hadn't been such an ass we might be floating around in traffic instead of rolling. Just aman
  10. Yah, thanks Sayonara. I've been exploring there too. Just aman
  11. Geez P_Rog, You've only traveled in civilized places. I meant go to the third world. Duck some bullets and kill a couple rebel kidnappers, (but never admit that it happened). You need some heavy duty adrenaline to clear your head enough to make important future decisions. Maybe come along with me and Faf to dig up the tomb underneath the Sphinx right under the worlds nose. It's a secret so only the people on the internet know about it plus you. So the gist of what I'm saying is, Try to think of something that scares you and go kick its butt. Then your choice of major will be easy. Just aman
  12. That means you'll probably be a doctor. Keep your courses general until you make up your mind for sure. Also go see as much of the world as you can during summers. It's a big world your going to fit into. Just aman
  13. You haven't said anything about a major yet. There's quite a few major specific scholarships available also. If you research on your PC you might be able to go for free. Set your goal and go for it. I always wanted to be a derelict. I achieved that long ago and aimed even higher. It's nice to know that no matter how things turn out in the future I have something to fall back on. Dont put derelict as a major on your apps. though. Auburn has a lot of local scholarships available too. Check into that. Good luck Just aman
  14. So when are some of these future Nobel prize winners here gonna post something that really knocks my socks off. I see a lot of potential and I think even Hawking might have some fun here. I'll just sit back and watch it grow. Just aman:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
  15. Halloween seems to focus a lot of minds on one event. Do you think if the entire world population focused their attention on one thing with all their concentration, that we would have any effect at all? The power of a living soul should have more than a dead one and dead souls are said to move stuff around. I was just curious? Plus I miss Zarkov. Maybe just a little bit.:loser: Just aman
  16. It's just that we've had a lot of really great tech. questions and I have to admit I can't answer without research and you come up and hit the nail on the head. I'm learning along as it goes since I'm disabled and got tons of time and with my age I'm growing a little wiser. That is fun to share. Just aman
  17. But you miss out on all the really great crap bugging youall the time Just aman:rolleyes:
  18. I thought the background radiation came from a hydrogen ion cloud expanding at the edge of our universe. The ions still have the heat of existance and a temperature that keeps them from collapsing into singularities. Is the other side a cold singularity or does it have energy to maintain the 4 dimensions? Just aman
  19. If sleep is needed to reset the brain after long periods of use you would think that the most intelligent people should need the most sleep. As you mentioned Faf that our enviroment does tend to eliminate the sleepy people. That would not be a positive pressure in our evolution. Just aman
  20. Since a singularity can effect space/time around it, it is hard to measure what speed it really is travelling. I imagine it would create interesting waves in our existance we might not be able to detect. Just aman
  21. Ya got me Faf. It's just we've had so many intelligent posts lately and you just handle them so well. I'll still jump in but I don't think I'll catch you now. #2 ain't bad. Just aman
  22. Would an empty universe have a temperature? Wouldn't it need some energy to maintian its dimensions? I think it would have to be just above 0 kelvin. Just aman
  23. Howdy neighbor. Haven't seen you for a while. I don't know how it's set up now but for me I was told to take senior algebra in high school and when I got to college I found out I should have taken algebra +trig. Wasted a whole class taking it over in College. Nebraska is good for a lot of scholarships. Go for em. Also take as much English as you can. What you know is useless if you can't communicate it . You'd be suprised how many degreed people can't write worth a diddly. Just aman
  24. I'm lucky. I get 2AM to 10AM but I'm old and I get cranky without enough sleep. Just aman
  25. This is fun to watch from large to small. I enjoyed it. tele-microscope Just aman
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