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Everything posted by aman

  1. What about elders that know the way to the food sources during the changes of seasons and where the water is from past successful forrays. Before 10,000 years ago we were pretty much nomads. There were dangerous places to avoid and difficult but great far away places to go. Skills needed to be remembered and taught to a constant flow of new children. I thought the life span was pretty short in the early days so anyone in the group who survived and knew things was valuable. I think the weak and intelligent were supported and the weak and stupid were either left to die or kicked out. Just aman
  2. I'm old and I'm crabby, Humor me.:cool2: :cool2: You'll soon get to tear my ideas apart when I feel well enough and clear enough to toss something original out. Do I sound like Zarkov yet? Just aman
  3. That blames the behavior on a gene and disrupted neurotransmitters. It might be a clue to one of many reasons for human homosexuality also. Fascinating. Just aman
  4. Yoops. I forgot about him, and so quickly. I kinda miss some of his proposed ideas. To bad he couldn't accept any proofs or common sense arguments that he was wrong. He's an exeption to the post rule. Just aman
  5. It becomes advantageous to save the weak for their knowledge. Humans aren't born like animals who have most of the skills they need to survive. The more advanced the group, the more that can be lost by a single elderly member or disabled members death. Just aman
  6. I found this pretty neat. A couple moved into an old house and after a couple of months they heard strange noises and saw apparitions. They researched the house and found it had been owned by a civil war widow. Her husband went off to war and never returned. Legend has it that she sat at a table and stared out the window hoping he would return he never came back and years later she passed away in the house still grieving. They caught a photo of what they claim to be her. This one was kinda spooky once you find it, but when you do it just stands out. Like one of those optical illusions. To save you time, concentrate around the table and window. Best not to focus on one spot. Look around the table and toward the window. Ghost Just aman:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
  7. I think the more posts you have, the more intelligent you are. :owned: Just aman:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
  8. I haven't looked at my P4, 1.6Ghz chip on my motherboard. Does anyone know if they have a heat sink on them? That might help. Just aman
  9. In a Pennsylvania winter your house would be closed for months and recirculating the air inside, probably through the basement back to the upstairs. That could lead to some pretty high concentrations in the air. Did the EPA give you measurements of what they were seeing? Just aman
  10. Pity is a form of empathy. If empathy evolves then you form a society that works as a team. Social anxiety could mean you are just an intelligent nerd but you are still valuable to the society. I think all the emotions have their value if the individual is well balanced. If your a defected psychological deviant with no emotional control then the society will probably kill you. Just aman
  11. Nice to meet you grazzhoppa, I'm glad to know there are a few more successful science forums. Share some of your wisdom here. There never is too much wisdom anywhere but I find enough here to keep me coming back. See ya #100. Just aman
  12. I think there are instructions or pressure from the microcosom that forces life to evolve in any situation it can. Soon we will know Just aman
  13. I agree Epsilon. You go in without a good handle on algebra and trig. and your behind from the start. I didn't read any of the above postings about my age either. :-p Just aman
  14. Isn't a chimpanzee close enough to us to not have a rejection problem? Just aman
  15. :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :haha: Don't strain youself Fafalone. Just aman
  16. Could we change the genome at conception level to where a human could give birth to an endangered primate? It seems possible to me. Just aman
  17. aman


    I could afford that in my dreams. I'll wait until they make one that runs cooler. If I live that long. Just aman
  18. P.S. Scotty may be a mutt like most of us. A mixture of peoples. God bless the USA but he still may have that extra tolerance gene. Just aman
  19. aman


    We used to get prototype samples from AMD back in the late '80s. I stuck monster heat sinks on the chips and found what they promised still was a long ways off. Some of the first 32 bit chips were a real mess. I imagine it is a lot worse now. I still remember burning the crap out of one of my fingers when I touched a heat sink. God, those things ate power then. And it took an extra six months after their promise before we had chips we could use. Back in the dark ages at Rockwell. Just aman
  20. I dated her mother I think. At least by 2AM she was beautiful. Don't be messing with one of my maybe daughters. Just aman
  21. We can be a little eccentric when we get old. I just don't like needless pain. Medicine has a long way to go. It's still in the dark ages. Just aman
  22. My schooling was way pre computer. I learned with slide rules. As Mac's came on the market I used the basic I knew until I figured out their books and wrote the easier way but I don't remeber what they called it either. God it was slow. I even worked at Rockwell back in the days of the Commodore. We got some of the first ones. Just aman
  23. That's cus a mind is a terrible thing to waste.:flame: Just aman
  24. I took a year of basic in college. It worked real well on the early Apples. A couple of days and you had some pretty decent custom software for the times. There really wasn't a whole lot of stuff to buy then. That was fun. Just aman
  25. I looked over there and found some intelligent people but the key to getting somebody interested in you opinion is to try to keep it succinct. It would take me all day to catch up on one topic. I like that people here can express their thoughts and get the point across pretty directly. It makes learning fun. Just aman:D :D
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