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Everything posted by aman

  1. I've seen the pictures and had scraps of data about strange changes in the chemistry. Too bad no night vision pictures while they were being formed. Maybe our space surveilence will get complete enough and small enough resolution to see what is going on out in the open. The Gov't. just needs to review some past tapes for a clue. Just aman
  2. Since the construction of womens and mens brains are being proved so different as far as activity and response to the same enviroments, what is the perfect compromise? Can any couple be absolutely happy biologicaly and emotionally? Can they be constructed by mathematic and biologic equations to work out that way if our science advances far enough? I want to see some happy eternal couples.:bravo: :bravo: :bravo: Just aman
  3. If a race of ETs was far enough away, they might try to communicate with robotics which would be programmed not to disrupt life by just showing up but to subtly leave clues in search of intelligence. I still suggest these ETs evolved maybe as birdlike and so by bird reasoning use corn and grain as a blackboard and flying as the way to read the messages. Think like a bird, fly over and decipher the messages. I think I'll go eat some worms. Just aman
  4. I found the perfect Windows. You just have to remember these two keys Alt-F4 and it's great to play on somebody. Check it out. It's safe. http://www.deanliou.com/winrg/ Have fun Just aman
  5. Try http://adwoff.com/ubb/graemlins/ On your profile you just need to add at the end. Try it, you'll like it. It will look like this with those two forms of [img and/img bracketing it http://adwoff.com/ubb/graemlins/calvinhobbes.gif Just aman
  6. If ET flies and eats corn like big crows, then the patterns are perfect for communication. We just need a crow to translate them for us Just aman
  7. Sounds like you got a lot to contribute. Welcome:cool2: :cool2: Just aman
  8. aman


    I can look up a post on impact glass and also asteroidal elements that spread on impact. I suggest you start with questions on what evidence there is on asteroidal impacts and that you do not believe they happened. It's nice to meet you Michael77 and your questions are welcome because answers or directions to clues to answers are here. I'll try to get you some info but I'm about ready for bed God bless America 9/11 Just aman
  9. I think back in college me and a couple of buddies could of done it depending on what our girlfriends said was in it for us. The purpose of crop circles might be motivation. Artistic women and horny young men. Women ever demand more and men follow their ****. Just aman
  10. Anybody new that might want to check in? :cool2: :cool2: It's a lot easier to answer when we're all family. Just aman:)
  11. I think if they land on gravel they just land but if they land on living stuff they have to say thanks. They might be artistic, I just wish they would move some boulders overnight or turn the pyramids 45 degrees. That would be pretty hard to argue about. Just aman PS Thanks Blike for all the trouble. It's fascinating.
  12. aman


    Since asteroid impacts leave signs like impact glass I have the opinion that over time they are our worst threat since their impact and geological dating corresponde to our worst devastations. Our Mother Earth is gentle with us over all by comparison. Just aman
  13. I love innovation and discussion and mainly the willingness to bend the innovation if logic and science point it that way. A compromise can be arrived at by lgical arguments from the opposite direction. Then new innovations arise. It's a piece of work. Just aman
  14. A big chunk of the islands out by Hawaii is supposed to be on the verge of dropping off. It might be pretty bad in the future when it happens. Just aman
  15. I still have trouble with dimensions. I know the example of the point dimension that couldn't understand the line dimension that couldn't understand the plane dimension that couldn,t understand the cube dimension. I can see the four dimensions wee experience. I can see the smaller dimension and faster dimension and larger dimension than we can experience. The past, present, and future could be three dimensions instead of the one, just time. I can't imagine 26? Just aman
  16. Since neutrinos are so small but do actually collide with our smallest particles at times, to be able to observe them in the future we are going to need some fascinating engineering. Our limits today are we can only observe in collisions the effects of the smaller particles we need as tools. We observed the efects of electrons in the past and then isolated them and now we photograph using controlled beams of them them. We see a neutrino because it collides with something we know which will explode in an observable way. The best way to actually abserve them in my opinion is to generate one of the smallest parts created out of the explosion and try to aim them in a concentrated beam. We might see the neutrino. We might see also effects from things even smaller. Science is full of more and more mystery and no end answer so far. Just aman
  17. When I first became country and moved to Nebraska, I walked through a big cornfield and saw bare circles about 20ft diam. and asked my wife if UFO's might have landed there. The circles had mutant stunted corn on the boundries. She said it was where lightning had struck and for a few years the ground would not produce. Made sense to me. I questioned until I got an answer that made sense, but I still think ET loves Nebraska. Crop circles are OK but I might be more convined if there were boulders moved or Nazca Lines overnight. Give me a pickup and 2 hours and I could flatten a field. If they're that advanced they should be able to be convincing. Just aman
  18. I haven't read the Hawking book but I imagine the energy has to go somewhere. Lack of moleculare or subatomic movement is our definition of lack of temperature. Since we also have the law of conservation of energy the energy had to go somewhere. Maybe it leaks into a brane? Just aman
  19. We have a neutrino dimension that exists all around us but just barely interacts with our existance. This is because of unmeasurability. Are branes proposed as just on the edge of our measurability or are they synchronous to our existance with masses equal but out of phase? I can understand propositions of the former. There can be an infinite number of four dimensions of things too small to measure or too big at the same time. Could you clarify? Thanks. Just aman
  20. I was filming a documentary in a rebel area during martial law. I was arrested by the military. As far as the charges they gave me a blank piece of paper and said sign it and they would fill in my confession later. I refused because I broke no laws. That was why I was tortured and moved around prisons and finally escaped to Florida. God bless America. Just aman
  21. aman

    Logic analyzers.

    What kind of voltage protocols are you working with? We had three main ones since we developed interfaces between military and PC or larger systems. We had 0 volts to +5, 0 to +10, -5 to 0, and -15 to 0, with the higher voltage being binary 1. All the systems were basically similiar with only different voltages but the -15 to 0 of one of the Mil. systems was less affected by noise and the most dependable. Do you get to assemble cables? I hated that. Boring. I like R&D. Just aman.
  22. I read an article that gave a figure of 10^80 for the number of subatomic particles in the universe. There point was about geting a computer vast and fast enough to follow the coordinates and energies of each individual particle in near real time. It would have a good idea of the tiny slice of existance we experience. Not to bring religion into it, but it would hardly be "a pimple on Gods butt" compared to all there truely is. What I am getting at is with a limited amount of information and energy it is possible to replicate this reality. There are plenty of ways this can be theoretically done. If I put all these tiny little pieces together just so, and incrementally change their positions, then I produce reality. I can imagine how to do this. When we get Quark beam microscopes and can finally manipulate neutrinos we will only open a door. Do you think we will get to the point soon where we will be able to map ourselves down to each quark? Just aman
  23. My ex-wife was the Queen of absolute zero. I think it had something to do with her eyes. I volunteer her to be on a ship going to an asteroid as a test. If it's a male asteroid she'll shrivel it to a peanut and then it's gone. Besides that are you telling me that theory says that absolute zero Kelvin is impossible? Bwhaaaa haa haa haa. Nothing is impossible. That's why we keep having kids so you can show us how it's done. Just aman
  24. Thank you Sayonara. Scientific ideas are supposed to be flexible arguments backed by logic and math and hopefully by repeatable experimental results. We are not discussing religion which is "I feel" or "it was written long ago" or "your going to hell if you don't accept this". Even psuedoscience is a forum for questions and answers. Since were in the psuedoscience section, my own view of Darwin is he got it correct to the point similiar to a man discovering fire spreads. We still need to discover the mechanism of the fire. Previously not knowing fire spreads makes this discovery a great advancement towards future discoveries. Just aman
  25. aman

    Logic analyzers.

    I also had to hardwire a BUS to be able to plug the boards into so it could talk to our IBM PC. The protocals were fun and I don't imagine they changed much but it was fun. Building our own boards and talking to them on screen and with a keyboard is a great experience. I worked with good people except I have no idea how it happened but our group got a manager transfer and the guy had his masters in agriculture. I ordered a new power supply for my HP analyzer when the original bit the dust, (3 grand) and it arrived rush delivery so I set it on my desk and planned on installing it early the next morning before the engineers arrived. My AGRi manager stayed late, put it in himself and almost burned up the whole 50 grand machine. I was a little upset the next morning. I hope you work with great people but mainly good bosses. Just aman
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