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Posts posted by aman

  1. You are right Zarkov about the facts of lots of threats to the enviroment. Somebody needs to ring a loud bell.

    :uhh: :uhh: :uhh: :uhh: :uhh:

    I just personally don't see the threat of microscopic oil layers as you describe them.

    Just aman

  2. The forces of nature we count on are all knit together except in the cosoms where there may be a singular explanation.

    We are learning a lot through experimation and observation and the forces follow rules in our relative existance. I agree that gravity may be a combination or effect of other microcosom forces but it seems to always exhibit the property of attraction.

    Just aman

  3. Hasn't this stuff been going on for ages somewhere in the world but since we are in the information age and communist countries are being a little more open that we hear about it all at once?

    Somebody has floods and somebody has droughts.

    We do need to clean up a lotta crap in the world though.

    Just aman

  4. There is evidence of a pushing force in nature. I read of an experiment near the White Cliffs of Dover. A reasearch team on a ship calculated the gravitational pull of this enormous mass on one side of them and it stayed constant as they approached but when they reached a certain threshold the pull decreased by a measurable level.

    They theorized they were seeing evidence of Einsteins lambda force which repels as masses reach a certain limit of proximity. It keeps everything from collapsing into black holes

    So we see masses pulling with gravity and repelling with lambda force up close.

    Just my two bits.

    Just aman

  5. Back in '83 at Rockwell I had a 32 lead logic analyzer for diagnosing bad boards. It had a resolution of 5 nanoseconds.

    I could see PAL inputs and outputs and logic chips and even had clips for the microproccessors. Often trouble was just a short between two pins or a solder void on one. The tool was invaluable and it was from HP for 50 grand.

    Whats available now and what kind of resolution are you getting? Just curious.

    Just aman

  6. Put me in your will. Can I have your computer.:sucks:

    I run a little Dell and I like Windows XP cus thats the only one I've really ever known. It's still a pain in the ass cus I've tried for a month to get it to synchronize my clock but it keeps losing time.

    Right now its after 5pm and my clock says 9:53am.

    I installed d4time4.3 but it keeps giving me an error message.

    It says "error binding socket address! (0)" So my clock continues to run slow. I keep manually synchronizing it through the control panel but it doesn't last

    Any advice?

    Just aman

  7. Thanks Rad-E,

    I don't see how CO2 relates to an oil Ice age. At least there is data on CO2 but oil dissapates and there is no data to say mid ocean is covered with a film. Bacteria removes it and chemical reactions change the oil to harmless concentrations of organic compounds or clumps of tar.

    Just aman

  8. At such high energies it is hard to assume the expulsions would be more than gaseous until they lost enough energy to finally start to aggregate. At such distances it would make sense that the particles would probably disperse instead.

    Just aman

  9. Thank God our military chips are still Mil. Spec. and hardened against EM and radiation interference. I read we have a new drone plane with an EM pulse to knock out SAM sites and Com.

    If we fight saddam it will be a lot better than the Warthog bait tactics we use now. Less risk to our men.

    I hope the exploding chips are used with caution and only in Comm. circuits or classified but non lethal equipment.

    Just aman

  10. I still can't see how you can assign an operational function to something that has so many unexplored parts. We only know where two of the vents lead out of four. We haven't done any real scientific deep scans of the interior.

    Maybe it's just a whistle when it's closed.

    Tweeeeeeet.:slaphead: Shoulda seen that long ago.

    Just aman

  11. Hey Fafalone. This is just to keep you and some other courageous individuals from turning into pencil necks.

    I ain't doubting anybodys qualifications as long as your breathing.

    But ya can't be alergic to wasp stings cus you get stung plenty or else you have to buy your own anti-shock kit.

    I guess it'd be nice having a pre-MDDO along.

    Damn the plannings just getting started.

    I bought a lottery ticket so when I win I'll be able to charter a jet, maybe.:scratch:

    just aman

  12. Fafalone. You need a vacation. Go to New Orleans like in Easy Rider. I used to bounce there in some fun places and if there not closed down you'll have a good time.

    Wish I could come to but I'm saving my energy for Egypt.

    When you come back I'll have 2001 posts.:P

    Just aman

  13. I hope responsible people are a silent majority and the irresponsible ones are like squeeky wheels. We only notice them because of the trouble they cause. If everybody was responsible there would be no problems.

    A few knuckleheads are spoiling things for everyone.:toilet:

    It pisses me off too.:flame:

    Free choice should be absolute but some damn assholes go kill people and hurt people and cut drugs with trash and steal to buy drugs and that screws up the whole equation.

    Pisses me off.:flame: :flame:

    Just aman

  14. I've always advocated moderation in all our excesses. I don't see any reason to take any recreational self medication in any way other than natural strengths. Anybody who wants mescaline, psylocybin, coke, or opium, go travel and see the culture around where it's grown and used.

    Like Bill Cosby says "Some people say they take drugs so they can ampify their personality. But what if your an asshole?"

    I worry about which personalities are being amplified.:flame:

    Just aman

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