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Posts posted by aman

  1. Radical Edward said in post #59 :


    just hope that the war isn't over in the few months/years it takes to get the rockets there and back. A better solution would be constructing a solar powered mass driver on the moon. you could launch big lumps of rock into space with a relatively low energy cost (zero effectively, since it is all free solar anergy anyway) and hace a more or less continual supply.


    A moon launch would still take days to hit the Earth. Situations change and we need quick response. I don't think there are any massive bodies orbiting this planet other than the moon, at least one that I know of. Probably a defense secret. Does anybody know what the most massive object is we have orbiting Earth and whether it might be considered a quick weapon?

    The hardes part as earlier stated is getting the mass up first. We have the guidence tech.

    Just aman

  2. The idea was sparked by a wild hair that said we have very historic things that need to be available to the public viewing but not be inside a giant bullet proof container now that terrorism has threatened the things that would give people sufffering at their loss.

    We don't have force fields yet, that I know of, but I envisioned a few blades on a loop of chains over a top and bottom drum gear and maybe they could use a speaker system with anti-noise to deaden any sound. A synchronized strobe would give a clear view of the object yet it would be perfecly safe.

    Just aman

  3. mam"MATT"us said in post #12 :

    future weapon - negatively charged strange quark clump. Not sure if it's possible though.


    I read that one of those clumps was recently detected by looking at seismic recordings and isolating a single hits effect on a large area of Earth. Thank God they're rare in space since one can shake a lot of ground and you cant even see it.


    Just aman

  4. I took a Stanines test back in '69. I scored 9's but saw on my computer printout somebody scratched off one 9 in pencil and put 8.9. I said screw the system and went out on my own.

    The world is a great school if you don't care about money but want substance. I went back to school later. Money is not so bad to have either. Life needs balance.

    My advice is take the test again, drink lots of coffee, and concentrate for a good score.

    Just aman

  5. The best approach is to be born with a balanced sensory system and a mind that can process information efficiently. An open mind and ability to adapt are also very useful. With those it seems that millions of people born and raised in very different circumstances still reach a consensus about certain things which we call truths.

    The specific things each of us are exposed to makes it a real fun place to learn from as individuals with our unique tastes. The main point though is the consensus of things we agree on and work for together.

    I personally like pickles, cheese, and Sponge Bob. But I grew up with my experiences and I agree they made me what my personality expresses.

    Just aman

  6. elfin vampire said in post,

    What makes you think any subatomic particles are chargeless. GR extripolates that matter is derived from electricity and gravitation provided by a dynamic of space-time.


    If you combine matter and anti-matter you get energy which should have no charge. Chargeless energy should still be able to make chargeless matter.


    Because they are not however, physical matter itself. [/b]


    What is your definition of physical matter? Electrons bounce off atoms and give us pictures. Photons bounce off matter on our scale and give us an immpression of reality. Why can't photons bounce off atoms and show us a fuzzy immpression of what's there but clearer than an electron picture?


    Just aman

  7. We're only able to detect speed of light effects and some particles like neutrons are hardly detectable. There is an idea about faster than light effects like tacheyons and maybe the faster than light quanta built the space ahead of the expanding universe. If you went outside the edge of the matter universe you might need a really ultra sensitive instrument to see something else.

    Just aman

  8. I'll agree that all of existance is observation of effects, but the tangible limit of effects so far goes down to the atomic structure. I wasn't talking about bouncing photons off of quarks at our quantum limits. Photons can be deflected by electrons in their path or protons or neutrons. That should show us structure.

    Just aman

  9. What about the vampire and werewolf conspiracy to rid the population of silver in the 60's. Back then a slingshot and a dime kept you safe. Now when they make their move we will be defenseless. Or seriously.

    I think an asteroid is our greatest threat at any time.

    Just aman

  10. Sparks and comets or streaks are symptoms of retinal seperation also. An opthomolagist will look at your retina and ask you to look in different directions to diagnose it. If he sees tugging on the retina then he'll recommend you get regular checkups and report any serious changes right away. If you get a fold it needs to be treated ASAP cus ignoring it will decrease the chances of repair. I'd go get the simple test.

    Just aman

  11. What made me wonder about the stability being effected by electrons was the fact scientists will ionize krypton to make it less stable in Cyclotrons so it will free its protons and nuetrons easier.

    I am just suggesting the reverse might be true and a U238 salt might have a half-life of 2000+ years because the electrons might have an effect on the protons which might then effect the neutron configurations. I couldn't find any data.

    Maybe cooling it to 1deg K might have an effect on decay.

    I wish I had a lab. Thanks for all your help.

    Just aman

  12. I sometimes as many of you must have, listen to music and compose in incredible depth just in the quite mind. It is too bad the neural pathway to the area that composes is one way or we would be able to attach electrodes to our ear drums and broadcast symphonies. It makes you wonder what the deaf person from birth uses those areas of the brain for which we compose music.

    Just aman

  13. Quantum Mechanics deals with quanta. This means there is a limit to each piece of reality to a certain size, a quanta. It is dividing reality into the smallest measurable quantities of energy.

    This amount of energy that has this effect is a quark, electron, photon, etc. Anything less we cannot measure but that which we can measure has predictable effects. That is Quantum Mechanics as I have learned it.

    Just aman

  14. Another out of the box approach. If we took pure Uranium and put it into orbit around neutron star at an incredible speed, would we reduce it's decay relative to us and later knocked it out of orbit with another load, would it seem to have been stabailized for the period of time it orbited?

    Just aman

  15. Has anybody ever researched the true damage done by suicidal people compared to the expectations of these individuals. I expect there is not a lot of argument for murder/suicides, but people who deprive us of there presence when they care so much are only hurting the society.

    Maybe if there was a logical presentation that showed it was such a waste, many might change their minds. Is there any kind of coordinated effort to approach the problem as a whole.

    Just aman

  16. I don't know the bond strenth of the molecules in steel alloy but I would imagine the explosion would generate heat and pressure that might fracture some of the bonds and force the cube to be a little larger towards the center of each side with a larger volume void in the center of the cube.

    Just aman

  17. I am trying to understand the theory behind "slingshotting" around planets or suns. I can see the benefit of aiming towards Jupiter and missing it to reach Saturn. Let the gravitational pull of Jupiter add to your acceleration and detract a bit once you are past it so you wind up with a net profit in avg. velocity. Is there a circumstance where it will actually give you a net increase in end velocity.

    Just aman

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