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Everything posted by aman

  1. Greenhouse gases make it cooler during the day and warmer at night. Realatively the same average temperature but with less of a difference between night and day. It might mess up climates a bit but it won't fry us or freeze us directly. Just aman
  2. God likes me best.:cool2: Just aman
  3. aman


    That's 3 1/2 of us ready to go. But it will have to be cheap. I sold my cans and got $7 and bought a six pack. I was weak. First thing will be training, cheap. If you've got some cliffs nearby, climb to the top and take a 50 foot rope and a pint of whiskey. Drink the whisky and see if you can get down.:flame: Let me know if you passed. Next training is go out to the nearest manhole and open it. Climb in with a 1 hour candle and one pack of matches, not waterproof. Travel as far as you can with the candle and somehow make it out, even if rescue has to break some concrete thats OK. If you traveled at least a mile then your ready. C'mon guys we only got two years to put this together or else someones gonna do it first and faf's just gonna be a nerdy doctor. Just aman
  4. It sounds like we get really slack in our abilities when life gets to easy.:zzz: Tblue, you need some excitement in your life. Not stress, but challenges you can deal with and feel good about. Put some levis in a backpack and go hop a train. Just aman
  5. El nino is coming. Now we'll get floods. Just aman
  6. Sounds like it has a lot of military potential if they can boost the range. I'd like to see a rat shit in saddams coffee. Who'd notice an extra rat in Bahgdad.:uhh: :uhh: The humanitaian potential is great for disasters I hope we never have. Just aman
  7. Do it. CelticSkyhawk knows what's best for ya. :cool: Just aman :cool2:
  8. In that site in a nutshell it says that shock is any condition that seriously decreases the blood flow.:flame: That kind of shock may have occured with Blikes brother, but I think there is also a psychological shock that gives the brain time to reorganize. To realize the signifigance of what happened. Then you kick butt. :mad: Just aman
  9. Since we are all exposed to the same enviroment in general, don't you think that the problem of absorbtion of excess metal is a genetec problem of regulation of absortion and not just a problem of exposure. We are all exposed in our foods and need to be to regulate our bodies. It seems some people just absorb to much. If people have a problem of water retention, you can't say we're all in danger being exposed to too much water. Just aman
  10. You mean like Jehovas Witnesses?:cool2: I just tell them, "No thanks, I know the truth." Just aman
  11. Howdy Blike, I don't know if you've seen some of these smilies. http://skzdalimit.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=903607233&f=210604083&m=614602227 You and faf might want to put them in your personal stash. When you get to the site you have to scroll down a couple pages to see them. Always trying to help. Just aman
  12. About once a week?:zzz: If you volunteer for the Peace Corps and go overseas you will wake when you want to exactly, see things more clearly and intensely, and start to get a glimpse of the human capability. I'm just using the Peace Corps as an example but any new, strange, and dangerous habitat will do. Subjectivly from my experience we do have a clock, a very accurate clock, and much more inside us.:cool2: Just aman
  13. I've got another question. If the turbulence keeps oxygenating the oceans water then turbulance should also solve the evaporation problem. Also I don't see how a micro-layer of oil could contain the vapor pressure of water even in a still pond. Just aman
  14. It's August now and they changed their minds. The local newspaper says it's not going to hit us after all. And I spent all that money stocking the celler with the two most important necessities of life during a crisis. Jack Daniels and toilet paper. Maybe if everybody took all the toilet paper out of their bomb shelters and piled it where the asteroid was gonna hit it would get a soft landing. Maybe. Just aman C'mon, You youngsters are gonna have to save the world some day while I'm in a nursing home drooling on my keyboard. I'm counting on ya.:bravo: :bravo:
  15. That's the same crap as religious dogma. I don't think being fat is on that little piece of X chromosome we're missing. In fact we have a lot of men in our society that are natural born men with double XX chromosomes. They don't know it until they're tested. It might be you. Any chemical difference can be overridden by circumstance or discipline. It just makes sense to me that if there is a chemical difference and we still see a lot of fat men then were bound to see a few more fat women. Moderation in all your excesses.:cool2: Just aman
  16. The people at Skyz seem to talk high of Linux in some of there tech threads. It might even have been John over there. If it was, thanks for your help over here. Listen to da man, Deep.:cool2: Just aman
  17. Sounds like the life of a DO is adventure and poverty while the life of an MD just sucks but ya got money. MD's get crappy goldigging spouses while DO's get caring partners. I've watched enough TV to know these things. Besides I'm an old fart so I'm just chock full of wisdom.:cool2: :worship: DO:cool2: :cool2: :toilet: MD:flame: Just aman
  18. aman


    That's very logical John. I agree. You could make a good ambassador to Vulcan.:cool2: People just have to keep a handle on the ethics. Never harm. Live long and prosper. Just aman
  19. I got to work on a biological survey ship out of Newport Harbor in Ca. I was fortunate enough to be recommended by my college to manage the surveys. We dredged, pulled core samples, took water samples from surface to bottom and recorded temperatures and currents. We were very thorough. I am sure now 30yrs later that the equipment is much more sophisticated and tests much more precise. Is anybody else aware of this oil phenomena? Just aman :cool2: :cool2: Yes I did go to college.
  20. I don't know where little rikky came from. I noticed zarkov that the engineers who were brought to Giza in '93 were supposed to check the ventilation in the shafts. The final solution to the dampness problem was to move air with fans and dry the passages out. Moving air dries. Just aman
  21. So the only real character building excitement your going for is on the golf course. At least practice in a small town so you can stop and smell the roses. Just aman
  22. You know your sharp when you always wake up five minutes before your alarm goes off, shut it off early and get up. Meditation helps a lot, but do it right. Discipline. It builds character.:cool2: :cool2: :cool2: Just aman
  23. Learn C first. It'l be around forever and you've got time. Just aman
  24. If You register with Seti@home you'll get hit with a bunch of e-mails trying to recruit you. Skzdalimit is the best. I'll be right back with the site. It's http://www.skzdalimit.com/seti/ Just aman
  25. Howdy Hogslayer. Check out crankin WUs for Seti and join Skyzdalimit team. Friendly people can answer the toughest computer questions. A couple are NERD Squared, or cubed. I've got to tell all those people about this place. We could use some technical cubed here, no offense to our resident geniouses:worship: :worship: Just aman
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