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Everything posted by aman

  1. To put it in a nutshell it seems the string theory says the presence of the string creates the image to us of mass and its vibration or musical "notes" causes the appearance of the forces of nature. It is a wonderful conjecture. To me it seems so confused in in well thought out assumptions. It seems more valid to me than spin gravity from the weight of the arguments. Having to picture ten dimensions to make it work in a realm where we know so little in my opinion is just good conjecture. It might spark some good ideas though and the truth is out there. Just aman.
  2. On time travel we can travel into the future easily just by moving. A bicyclist ages slower than a jogger by a very tiny quantum amount because he goes faster. He wen't into the future while he rode and when they both stopped the jogger met the bicyclist after he had jumped a little into the future and stopped. The faster you go, the farther you jump in the future. Time travel backwards has a lot of arguments against it. Especially if it is no longer there. This is a big can of worms:shrug: :scratch: Just aman
  3. Another aspect is intelligent people should procreate. I know a guy with 200 IQ that can't talk to a woman without wanting to teach her something. The only date I've seen him on, he gave her guitar lessons. The same goes for some of the Engineers I knew at Rockwell. They were called Nerds. Horny Nerds. How are we going to reap the benefits of the knowledge down the line if they don't have social skills to marry and have kids? They braved the negative reinforcement in being smartest in school but it affects social skills in being an oddball. In some schools it sucks to be smart. Nerds suck, Jocks rule. That whole attitude has to change. Just aman
  4. Can you suggest a way to fix the pyramid so it works again? I'd love to see the water flowing. Just don't get any near the sphinx cus it crumbles when its wet.:flame: Just aman
  5. There seems to be something microcosmic in the spaces between matter we call vacuum. I even have my own conjectures as to what it is. It seems to be able to carry the propogation of magnetic and gravitational fields. In a magnet we know the magnetic material has an abundance of electrons at one end and majority of protons at the other in any period of time. You can't force and electron to touch a proton at normal energies. Very basic.:zzz: In my opinion the mass causes the field and it is carried in the "ether". A negative poles strength is determined by the amount of the electrons majority in the material. If I wrap a goiled wire around the material and add a current I can drive more electrons to the end and increase the magnetic field. It seems the mass is causing the field and not the ether and you may have it backwards Zarkov. Just aman
  6. I hope winkler doesn't have kids. He just proved what I was saying. It's hard to develop good social skills when everybody else is an idiot. If he truly believes he is above everybody then I hope he realizes it's awful lonely at the top. It was interesting to hear his opinion. I hope he sticks around cus I thought it was funny. Just aman
  7. An electromagnetic field reaches out to mathematicaly calculatable distances. A gravity field reaches out in the same way. The side of an effected mass closest to a gravity field is being effected more than the side farthest away. Meters or miles it doesn't matter. A lesser force can't push against a larger force of equal nature. The mass is being pulled by a proven force and not pushed by a lesser force in the same direction. Just aman.
  8. aman


    Anybody here know John Travolta? He's got a jet. I just can't see fafalone going into something so serious for the rest of his life without "The big adventure" We might get killed or thrown in a foreign prison but so what? It'll be fun. The whole idea is to dig up the tomb and learn the secret. If we get captured then the idea is to escape and get back to the U.S. Then a very skinny fafalone can go back to school and be a totally different and better DO or MD. Maybe he could even write a book. It's just the best advice I can give you. It's gonna take a little planning. My first expedition took two years to get together. Just to keep you thinking:scratch: Just aman:cool2:
  9. What quantities of water are you talking about? People in our history have licked condensate off of leaves through our history. They drink water from the interior of vines. Tombs get dank and wet. It sounds to me if a small bucketfull of water is collected it's a natural phenomena. When you say more is collected then I'd like to see a mathematical model of humidities and temperature. A model of why the engineering works the way you say it does. Thanks Just aman
  10. The pyramids were built by labor and engineering and for religious reasons. Not some advanced technological device. If it was, it's broke. Build a model and prove it was something else. Just aman
  11. I believe in the theme of your little parable if I get it right that life has a harmony of ordered interactions. With the presence of sentience there becomes a balence of a new kind. A balence of order and disorder we are responsible for and the purpose is to be greater than we are. (A lot of definitions of greater) It's just my opinion after 50 years of life and it is a subjective supposition. Maybe when we break the microcosmic barrier, the information about us being planned or an accident might be there. Just aman
  12. Before I got married my now ex-wife used a diaphragm and got pregnant. Then with her third husband she was on the pill and got pregnant. It happens so be careful. I still have two great step-sons from the accidents. I decided on getting a vasectomy as safest. It hurts but is still just as fun and messy just in case you ever consider it. They give you a sperm count test before and weeks after the surgery. I thought I had a low sperm count but I peeked in the door of the lab and saw the nurse was only spitting half my sample into the test tube. Good luck you all. Just aman:banme:
  13. Sorry Zarkov but your description of the weather sounds like normal rain and normal droughts. They,ve happened throughout history and lots worse have been caused by Earth phenomena in the past. Since we have so much world information available now instantaneous, people think the world is really screwing up. It went on years ago when we didn't know about it. Some of us just slept better. It seems any advance in technology has someone using it to say we're catching this problem just in time and need to fix it right away. :uhh: :rant: :rant:AAAH We're all gonna die! :flame: Just aman
  14. Is it Doctor of Osteopathy? Just aman
  15. Everything in nature is an energy illusion. Mass is mostly space with an amount of energy inherent in it to maintain the spins and paths of the subatomic particles. The electrmagnetic fields maintain the form. On top of these stable fields we add an extra electrical component to animate the mass which is us. Kirlien photography seems to be able to give us a clue as to what the fields are that we add. It might be a tool to help discover life in the future. Maybe?
  16. When we pass through the tail of a comet or a dense cloud of past dust the Earth gets covered by an increased layer of crap. Maybe It soaks up the oil. I think the investigators in the arctic see a lot more space dust on the ground than they do oil. Oil is organc compounds and bacteria just loves that stuff. Just aman
  17. Thanks, it helps a lot ot have visual aids when your try to explain some of these difficult concepts. Just aman
  18. Just marry a rich babe and forget about us little people.:cool2: :bravo:Go party.:bravo: Just aman:D
  19. Is the only true advantage to this code the fact that the receiver will know it has been tapped into? I'll admit it has a compicated key but anything will be able to be decripted someday and maybe soon. Maybe by a large mass of cloned brain tissue. Just aman
  20. The United States is covered by thousands of vapor trails from aircraft, all day every day. Discover magazine had an article that investigated the time period after 9/11 when all aircraft was grounded for several days. The results compiled showed an increase of 3 degrees average over the U.S during this period and the temperatures went back to normal after the planes went back in the air. I thought that was interesting. Just aman
  21. Get well rounded Chris. Take lots of Biology, Chemistry, and whole lots of English and engineering courses. 19 units a semester. Then after three years decide on a major. You've got plenty of time. Take advantage of it. Piece of cake. Go to Mexico during summers and learn Spanish. You don't need much money to live in Mexico.:cool2: Live like a king down there and it's relatively safe compared to some places I've been. builds character.:cool2: Just aman
  22. aman


    If the scientists clone body parts I think the brain should be off limits. Anything else is just meat. I wouldn't mind having a spare heart and knees sitting in a jar. They could wait until I needed them. If I had a spare brain I'd probably have to raise it like a handicapped child. Just aman
  23. With all the meth and other illegal chemicals being produced by idiots, even illiterate assholes, the ability is out there. It's sad but true. Just aman
  24. I would'nt call it stoic. I'd call it conjecture. Each of your propositions are good subjects for discussion. Thanks Zarkov but I don't agree with a few of your propositions. I say let me be exposed and survive toxic substances so I and my progeny will be stronger. This includes viruses and bacteria. I don't want me or my kids to be bubble babys. Conscience is not my jail. I don't even call it conscience. It's just the naturally right thing to do. Conscience is when you have done "evil" and have to deal with it. The goal of life is to be more than the last generation. To stand on shoulders and see farther. I guess I don't agree with you on these points but it's just my opinion. Just aman
  25. We've never had so much cheap crappy food available in the history of the world. Maybe women are finally expressing the genes that were favored over time to store fat in times of plenty. It would be a survival advantage in evolution. Too bad. Just aman
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